Monkey HTTP Server - Install ============================ For optimum performance, I recommend that Monkey be compiled with GCC >= 2.95.3 and be running on a Linux OS with kernel >= 2.6.32 (minimum) and Kernel >= 3.9 preferred.. Like every source program we must run 'configure' script and later 'make': #./configure # make Optionally, you have the option of 'make install', which will copy the main directory of monkey where it has been specified in the configure script. CONFIGURATION =============== monkey.conf is generated by ./configure (see above) and saved in conf/monkey.conf. In this configuration file you can set the default port, and settings such as workers, timeouts, default user directions, etc. Running Monkey ============== bin/monkey or bin/monkey -D (to run monkey in background mode) Optionally, you can specify the directory where the configuration files are found, this can be done the following way: bin/monkey -D -c conf/ This argument (conf/) was thought of for those wishing to have Monkey running for various users, in distinctive Ports and it's own configuration files. For more information see 'conf/monkey.conf'. For more info try -h option. Testing Monkey ============== To see that Monkey is running, make a request from a browser, like lynx or netscape: # lynx Note: In this example the '2001' corresponds to the connection port assigned on 'conf/monkey.conf'.