# Default Host - Configuration # ============================ # Here the variable principals of the program are defined in respect # to the configuration of the different types of directives. [HOST] # ServerName: # ----------- # Allow you to set a host and domain name (e.g monkey.linuxchile.cl). If # you are working in a local network just set your IP address or if you # are working like localhost set your loopback address ( ServerName @MK_VH_SERVERNAME@ # DocumentRoot: # ------------- # This variable corresponds to the location of the main server directory # of the web pages, where the files of your site are located. # # Example: # DocumentRoot /home/krypton/htdocs DocumentRoot @MK_PATH_WWW@ # Redirect: # --------- # Under specific conditions, you may want the server performs a HTTP # redirect when this Virtual Host is reach. If that is the case, append # to the Redirect key the value of the address where to redirect the # HTTP client. # # Redirect http://monkey-project.com [LOGGER] # AccessLog: # ---------- # Registration file of correct request. AccessLog @MK_PATH_LOG@/access.log # ErrorLog: # --------- # Registration file of incorrect request. ErrorLog @MK_PATH_LOG@/error.log [ERROR_PAGES] 404 404.html [HANDLERS] # FastCGI # ======= # Match /.*\.php fastcgi # CGI # === # Match /cgi-bin/.*\.cgi cgi