MPack v1.1 ---------- New Features: - Maps and arrays can now be built dynamically without specifying their size up front. See `mpack_build_map()` and `mpack_build_array()`. New Platforms: - Compiling as gnu89 is now supported. (See #68, #69) - Compiling in the Linux kernel is now possible using a [standalone configuration file]( (See #80) - Compiling for AVR (e.g. Arduino) and other microcontrollers is now supported. MPack now compiles cleanly on platforms with 16-bit `int` and `size_t`. (See #74, #79) - `float` and/or `double` can now be disabled individually on platforms with limited floating point support. If `float` is supported but not `double`, MessagePack doubles can be converted to `float`. (See #74, #79) - MPack now builds cleanly under /W4 with Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 build tools. Bug Fixes and Other Changes: - An `mpack-defaults.h` sample configuration is no longer provided. - Replaced SCons unit test buildsystem and XCode/VS projects with Python+Ninja. - Fixed an issue where write overloads could be erroneously defined in C++ without `MPACK_WRITER` (#66). - Fixed some minor portability issues. MPack v1.0 ---------- A number of breaking API changes have been made for the 1.0 release. Please take note of these changes when upgrading. Breaking Changes: - The Node API now separates tree initialization from parsing. After calling one of the `mpack_tree_init()` functions, you must explicitly call `mpack_tree_parse()` before accessing any nodes. - The configuration file `mpack-config.h` is now optional, and requires `MPACK_HAS_CONFIG` in order to be included. This means you must define `MPACK_HAS_CONFIG` when upgrading or your config file will be ignored! - Extension types are now disabled by default. You must define `MPACK_EXTENSIONS` to use them. - `mpack_tag_t` is now considered an opaque type to prevent future breakage when changing its layout. Compatibility is maintained for this release, but this may change in future releases. New Features: - The Node API can now parse multiple messages from a data source. `mpack_tree_parse()` can be called repeatedly to parse each message. - The Node API can now parse messages indefinitely from a continuous stream. A tree can be initialized with `mpack_tree_init_stream()` to receive a callback for more data. - The Node API can now parse messages incrementally from a non-blocking stream. Call `mpack_tree_try_parse()` with a non-blocking read function to start and resume parsing. It will return true when a complete message has become available. - The stdio helpers now allow reading from a `FILE*`. `_init_file()` functions have been renamed to `_init_filename()`. (The old names will continue to work for a few more versions.) - The Node API now returns a node of "missing" type instead of "nil" type for optional map lookups. This allows the caller to tell the difference between a key having value nil and a missing key. - The writer now supports a v4 compatibility mode. Call `mpack_writer_set_version(writer, mpack_version_v4);` to encode without using the `raw8`, `bin` and `ext` types. (This requires `MPACK_COMPATIBILITY`.) - The timestamp type has been implemented. A timestamp is a signed number of nanoseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z). (This requires `MPACK_EXTENSIONS`.) Bug Fixes and Other Changes: - Fixed an allocation bug when closing a growable writer without having written anything (#58). - The reader's skip function is no longer ignored under `MPACK_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE`. MPack v0.8.2 ------------ Changes: - Fixed incorrect element tracking in `mpack_write_tag()` - Added type-generic writer functions `mpack_write()` and `mpack_write_kv()` - Added `mpack_write_object_bytes()` to insert pre-encoded MessagePack into a larger message - Enabled strings in all builds by default - Fixed unit test errors under `-ffast-math` - Fixed some compiler warnings MPack v0.8.1 ------------ Changes: - Fixed some compiler warnings - Added various performance improvements - Improved documentation MPack v0.8 ---------- Changes: - Added `mpack_peek_tag()` - Added reader helper functions to [expect re-ordered map keys]( - [Improved documentation]( and added [Pages]( - Made node key lookups check for duplicate keys - Added various UTF-8 checking functions for reader and nodes - Added support for compiling as C in recent versions of Visual Studio - Removed `mpack_expect_str_alloc()` and `mpack_expect_utf8_alloc()` - Fixed miscellaneous bugs and improved performance MPack v0.7.1 ------------ Changes: - Removed `mpack_reader_destroy_cancel()` and `mpack_writer_destroy_cancel()`. You must now flag an error (such as `mpack_error_data`) in order to cancel reading. - Added many code size optimizations. `MPACK_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE` is no longer experimental. - Improved and reorganized [Writer documentation]( - Made writer flag `mpack_error_too_big` instead of `mpack_error_io` if writing too much data without a flush callback - Added optional `skip` callback and optimized `mpack_discard()` - Fixed various compiler and code analysis warnings - Optimized speed and memory usage MPack v0.7 ---------- Changes: - Fixed various bugs in UTF-8 checking, error handler callbacks, out-of-memory and I/O errors, debug print functions and more - Added many missing Tag and Expect functions such as `mpack_tag_ext()`, `mpack_expect_int_range()` and `mpack_expect_utf8()` - Added extensive unit tests MPack v0.6 ---------- Changes: - `setjmp`/`longjmp` support has been replaced by error callbacks. You can safely `longjmp` or throw C++ exceptions out of error callbacks. Be aware of local variable invalidation rules regarding `setjmp` if you use it. See the [documentation for `mpack_reader_error_t`]( and issue #19 for more details. - All `inline` functions in the MPack API are no longer `static`. A single non-`inline` definition of each `inline` function is emitted, so they behave like normal functions with external linkage. - Configuration options can now be pre-defined before including `mpack-config.h`, so you can customize MPack by defining these in your build system rather than editing the configuration file. MPack v0.5.1 ------------ Changes: - Fixed compile errors in debug print function - Fixed C++11 warnings MPack v0.5 ---------- Changes: - `mpack_node_t` is now a handle, so it should be passed by value, not by pointer. Porting to the new version should be as simple as replacing `mpack_node_t*` with `mpack_node_t` in your code. - Various other minor API changes have been made. - Major performance improvements were made across all aspects of MPack. MPack v0.4 ---------- Changes - Added `mpack_writer_init_growable()` to write to a growable buffer - Converted tree parser to support node pool and pages. The Node API no longer requires an allocator. - Added Xcode unit test project, included projects in release package - Fixed various bugs MPack v0.3 ---------- Changes: - Changed default config and test suite to use `DEBUG` and `_DEBUG` (instead of `NDEBUG`) - Added Visual Studio project for running unit tests - Fixed various bugs MPack v0.2 ---------- Changes: - Added teardown callbacks to reader, writer and tree - Simplified API for working with files (`mpack_file_tree_t` is now internal) MPack v0.1 ---------- Initial release.