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It focuses to support new expressions like `\K`, `\R`, `(?(cond)yes|no)` and etc. which are supported in Perl 5.10+. Since Onigmo is used as the default regexp library of Ruby 2.0 or later, many patches are backported from Ruby 2.x. See also the Wiki page: https://github.com/k-takata/Onigmo/wiki License ------- BSD license. Install ------- ### Case 1: Unix and Cygwin platform 1. `./autogen.sh` (If `configure` doesn't exist.) 2. `./configure` 3. `make` 4. `make install` * test make test * uninstall make uninstall * configuration check onigmo-config --cflags onigmo-config --libs onigmo-config --prefix onigmo-config --exec-prefix ### Case 2: Windows 64/32bit platform (Visual C++) Execute `build_nmake.cmd`. `build_x64` or `build_x86` will be used as a working/output directory. onigmo_s.lib: static link library onigmo.lib: import library for dynamic link onigmo.dll: dynamic link library * test (ASCII/Shift_JIS/EUC-JP/Unicode) Execute `build_nmake.cmd test`. Python (with the same bitness of Onigmo) is needed to run the tests. ### Case 3: Windows 64/32bit platform (MinGW) Execute `mingw32-make -f win32/Makefile.mingw`. `build_x86-64`, `build_i686` and etc. will be used as a working/output directory. libonigmo.a: static link library libonigmo.dll.a: import library for dynamic link onigmo.dll: dynamic link library * test (ASCII/Shift_JIS/EUC-JP/Unicode) Execute `mingw32-make -f win32/Makefile.mingw test`. Python (with the same bitness of Onigmo) is needed to run the tests. * If you use MinGW on MSYS2, you can also use `./configure` and `make` like Unix. In this case, DLL name will have API version number. E.g.: libonigmo-6.dll Regular Expressions ------------------- See [doc/RE](doc/RE) or [doc/RE.ja](doc/RE.ja) for Japanese. Usage ----- Include onigmo.h in your program. (Onigmo API) See [doc/API](doc/API) for Onigmo API. If you want to disable `UChar` type (== `unsigned char`) definition in onigmo.h, define `ONIG_ESCAPE_UCHAR_COLLISION` and then include onigmo.h. If you want to disable `regex_t` type definition in onigmo.h, define `ONIG_ESCAPE_REGEX_T_COLLISION` and then include onigmo.h. Example of the compiling/linking command line in Unix or Cygwin, (prefix == /usr/local case) cc sample.c -L/usr/local/lib -lonigmo If you want to use static link library (onigmo_s.lib) in Win32, add option `-DONIG_EXTERN=extern` to C compiler. Sample Programs --------------- |File |Description | |:---------------------|:-----------------------------------------| |sample/simple.c |example of the minimum (Onigmo API) | |sample/names.c |example of the named group callback. | |sample/encode.c |example of some encodings. | |sample/listcap.c |example of the capture history. | |sample/posix.c |POSIX API sample. | |sample/sql.c |example of the variable meta characters. | Test Programs |File |Description | |:------------------|:--------------------------------------| |sample/syntax.c |Perl, Java and ASIS syntax test. | |sample/crnl.c |CRNL test | Source Files ------------ |File |Description | |:-------------------|:------------------------------------------------------| |onigmo.h |Onigmo API header file (public) | |onigmo-config.in |configuration check program template | |onigmo.py |Onigmo module for Python | |regenc.h |character encodings framework header file | |regint.h |internal definitions | |regparse.h |internal definitions for regparse.c and regcomp.c | |regcomp.c |compiling and optimization functions | |regenc.c |character encodings framework | |regerror.c |error message function | |regext.c |extended API functions (deluxe version API) | |regexec.c |search and match functions | |regparse.c |parsing functions. | |regsyntax.c |pattern syntax functions and built-in syntax definition| |regtrav.c |capture history tree data traverse functions | |regversion.c |version info function | |st.h |hash table functions header file | |st.c |hash table functions | |onigmognu.h |GNU regex API header file (public) | |reggnu.c |GNU regex API functions | |onigmoposix.h |POSIX API header file (public) | |regposerr.c |POSIX error message function | |regposix.c |POSIX API functions | |enc/mktable.c |character type table generator | |enc/ascii.c |ASCII-8BIT encoding | |enc/jis/ |JIS properties data | |enc/euc_jp.c |EUC-JP encoding | |enc/euc_tw.c |EUC-TW encoding | |enc/euc_kr.c |EUC-KR, EUC-CN encoding | |enc/shift_jis.c |Shift_JIS encoding | |enc/shift_jis.h |Common part of Shift_JIS and Windows-31J encoding | |enc/windows_31j.c |Windows-31J (CP932) encoding | |enc/big5.c |Big5 encoding | |enc/gb18030.c |GB18030 encoding | |enc/gbk.c |GBK encoding | |enc/koi8_r.c |KOI8-R encoding | |enc/koi8_u.c |KOI8-U encoding | |enc/iso_8859.h |common definition of ISO-8859 encoding | |enc/iso_8859_1.c |ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) | |enc/iso_8859_2.c |ISO-8859-2 (Latin-2) | |enc/iso_8859_3.c |ISO-8859-3 (Latin-3) | |enc/iso_8859_4.c |ISO-8859-4 (Latin-4) | |enc/iso_8859_5.c |ISO-8859-5 (Cyrillic) | |enc/iso_8859_6.c |ISO-8859-6 (Arabic) | |enc/iso_8859_7.c |ISO-8859-7 (Greek) | |enc/iso_8859_8.c |ISO-8859-8 (Hebrew) | |enc/iso_8859_9.c |ISO-8859-9 (Latin-5 or Turkish) | |enc/iso_8859_10.c |ISO-8859-10 (Latin-6 or Nordic) | |enc/iso_8859_11.c |ISO-8859-11 (Thai) | |enc/iso_8859_13.c |ISO-8859-13 (Latin-7 or Baltic Rim) | |enc/iso_8859_14.c |ISO-8859-14 (Latin-8 or Celtic) | |enc/iso_8859_15.c |ISO-8859-15 (Latin-9 or West European with Euro) | |enc/iso_8859_16.c |ISO-8859-16 (Latin-10) | |enc/utf_8.c |UTF-8 encoding | |enc/utf_16be.c |UTF-16BE encoding | |enc/utf_16le.c |UTF-16LE encoding | |enc/utf_32be.c |UTF-32BE encoding | |enc/utf_32le.c |UTF-32LE encoding | |enc/unicode.c |common codes of Unicode encoding | |enc/unicode/ |Unicode case folding data and properties data | |enc/windows_1250.c |Windows-1250 (CP1250) encoding (Central/Eastern Europe)| |enc/windows_1251.c |Windows-1251 (CP1251) encoding (Cyrillic) | |enc/windows_1252.c |Windows-1252 (CP1252) encoding (Latin) | |enc/windows_1253.c |Windows-1253 (CP1253) encoding (Greek) | |enc/windows_1254.c |Windows-1254 (CP1254) encoding (Turkish) | |enc/windows_1257.c |Windows-1257 (CP1257) encoding (Baltic Rim) | |enc/cp949.c |CP949 encoding (only used in Ruby) | |enc/emacs_mule.c |Emacs internal encoding (only used in Ruby) | |enc/gb2312.c |GB2312 encoding (only used in Ruby) | |enc/us_ascii.c |US-ASCII encoding (only used in Ruby) | |win32/Makefile |Makefile for Win32 (VC++) | |win32/Makefile.mingw|Makefile for Win32 (MinGW) | |win32/config.h |config.h for Win32 | |win32/onigmo.rc |resource file for Win32 |