--[[ This Lua script is to do the rate limiting of logs based on some key. The Throttle filter in fluent-bit doesn't allow to do the rate limiting based on key sample configuration: [FILTER] Name lua Match kube.* script rate_limit.lua call rate_limit ]] local counter = {} local time = 0 local group_key = "docker_id" -- Used to group logs. Groups are rate limited independently. local group_bucket_period_s = 60 -- This is the period of of time in seconds over which group_bucket_limit applies. local group_bucket_limit = 6000 -- Maximum number logs allowed per groups over the period of group_bucket_period_s. -- with above values, each and every containers running on the kubernetes will have a limit of 6000 logs for every 60 seconds since contianers have unique kubernetes.docker_id value local function get_current_time(timestamp) return math.floor(timestamp / group_bucket_period_s) end function rate_limit(tag, timestamp, record) local t = os.time() local current_time = get_current_time(t) if current_time ~= time then time = current_time counter = {} -- reset the counter end local counter_key = record["kubernetes"][group_key] local logs_count = counter[counter_key] if logs_count == nil then counter[counter_key] = 1 else counter[counter_key] = logs_count + 1 if counter[counter_key] > group_bucket_limit then -- check if the number of logs is greater than group_bucket_limit return -1, 0, 0 -- drop the log end end return 0, 0, 0 -- keep the log end