/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* Fluent Bit * ========== * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 The Fluent Bit Authors * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Treasure Data Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "flb_tests_internal.h" static int msgpack_strncmp(char* str, size_t str_len, msgpack_object obj) { int ret = -1; if (str == NULL) { flb_error("str is NULL"); return -1; } switch (obj.type) { case MSGPACK_OBJECT_STR: if (obj.via.str.size != str_len) { return -1; } ret = strncmp(str, obj.via.str.ptr, str_len); break; case MSGPACK_OBJECT_POSITIVE_INTEGER: { unsigned long val = strtoul(str, NULL, 10); if (val == (unsigned long)obj.via.u64) { ret = 0; } } break; case MSGPACK_OBJECT_NEGATIVE_INTEGER: { long long val = strtoll(str, NULL, 10); if (val == (unsigned long)obj.via.i64) { ret = 0; } } break; case MSGPACK_OBJECT_FLOAT32: case MSGPACK_OBJECT_FLOAT64: { double val = strtod(str, NULL); if (fabs(val - obj.via.f64) < DBL_EPSILON) { ret = 0; } } break; case MSGPACK_OBJECT_BOOLEAN: if (obj.via.boolean) { if (str_len != 4 /*true*/) { return -1; } ret = strncasecmp(str, "true", 4); } else { if (str_len != 5 /*false*/) { return -1; } ret = strncasecmp(str, "false", 5); } break; default: flb_error("not supported"); } return ret; } struct str_list { size_t size; char **lists; }; static int compare_msgpack(void *msgpack_data, size_t msgpack_size, struct str_list *l) { msgpack_unpacked result; msgpack_object obj; size_t off = 0; int map_size; int i_map; int i_list; int num = 0; if (!TEST_CHECK(msgpack_data != NULL)) { TEST_MSG("msgpack_data is NULL"); return -1; } else if (!TEST_CHECK(msgpack_size > 0)) { TEST_MSG("msgpack_size is 0"); return -1; } msgpack_unpacked_init(&result); while (msgpack_unpack_next(&result, msgpack_data, msgpack_size, &off) == MSGPACK_UNPACK_SUCCESS) { obj = result.data; /* msgpack_object_print(stdout, obj); */ if (!TEST_CHECK(obj.type == MSGPACK_OBJECT_MAP)) { TEST_MSG("map error. type = %d", obj.type); continue; } map_size = obj.via.map.size; for (i_map=0; i_mapsize/2; i_list++) { if (msgpack_strncmp(l->lists[i_list*2], strlen(l->lists[i_list*2]), obj.via.map.ptr[i_map].key) == 0 && msgpack_strncmp(l->lists[i_list*2+1], strlen(l->lists[i_list*2+1]), obj.via.map.ptr[i_map].val) == 0) { num++; } } } } msgpack_unpacked_destroy(&result); if (!TEST_CHECK(num == l->size/2)) { msgpack_object_print(stdout, obj); putchar('\n'); TEST_MSG("compare failed. matched_num=%d expect=%lu", num, l->size/2); return -1; } return 0; } void test_basic() { struct flb_parser *parser = NULL; struct flb_config *config = NULL; int ret = 0; char *input = "str=\"text\" int=100 double=1.23 bool=true"; void *out_buf = NULL; size_t out_size = 0; struct flb_time out_time; char *expected_strs[] = {"str", "text", "int", "100", "double","1.23", "bool", "true"}; struct str_list expected = { .size = sizeof(expected_strs)/sizeof(char*), .lists = &expected_strs[0], }; config = flb_config_init(); if(!TEST_CHECK(config != NULL)) { TEST_MSG("flb_config_init failed"); exit(1); } parser = flb_parser_create("logfmt", "logfmt", NULL, FLB_FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, FLB_FALSE, FLB_FALSE, FLB_FALSE, NULL, 0, NULL, config); if (!TEST_CHECK(parser != NULL)) { TEST_MSG("flb_parser_create failed"); flb_config_exit(config); exit(1); } ret = flb_parser_do(parser, input, strlen(input), &out_buf, &out_size, &out_time); if (!TEST_CHECK(ret != -1)) { TEST_MSG("flb_parser_do failed"); flb_parser_destroy(parser); flb_config_exit(config); exit(1); } ret = compare_msgpack(out_buf, out_size, &expected); if (!TEST_CHECK(ret == 0)) { TEST_MSG("compare failed"); } flb_free(out_buf); flb_parser_destroy(parser); flb_config_exit(config); } void test_time_key() { struct flb_parser *parser = NULL; struct flb_config *config = NULL; int ret = 0; char *input = "str=\"text\" int=100 double=1.23 bool=true time=2022-10-31T12:00:01.123"; void *out_buf = NULL; size_t out_size = 0; struct flb_time out_time; char *expected_strs[] = {"str", "text", "int", "100", "double","1.23", "bool", "true"}; struct str_list expected = { .size = sizeof(expected_strs)/sizeof(char*), .lists = &expected_strs[0], }; out_time.tm.tv_sec = 0; out_time.tm.tv_nsec = 0; config = flb_config_init(); if(!TEST_CHECK(config != NULL)) { TEST_MSG("flb_config_init failed"); exit(1); } parser = flb_parser_create("logfmt", "logfmt", NULL, FLB_FALSE, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L", "time", NULL, FLB_FALSE, FLB_FALSE, FLB_FALSE, NULL, 0, NULL, config); if (!TEST_CHECK(parser != NULL)) { TEST_MSG("flb_parser_create failed"); flb_config_exit(config); exit(1); } ret = flb_parser_do(parser, input, strlen(input), &out_buf, &out_size, &out_time); if (!TEST_CHECK(ret != -1)) { TEST_MSG("flb_parser_do failed"); flb_parser_destroy(parser); flb_config_exit(config); exit(1); } ret = compare_msgpack(out_buf, out_size, &expected); if (!TEST_CHECK(ret == 0)) { TEST_MSG("compare failed"); flb_free(out_buf); flb_parser_destroy(parser); flb_config_exit(config); exit(1); } if (!TEST_CHECK(out_time.tm.tv_sec == 1667217601 && out_time.tm.tv_nsec == 123000000)) { TEST_MSG("timestamp error. sec Got=%ld Expect=1667217601", out_time.tm.tv_sec); TEST_MSG("timestamp error. nsec Got=%ld Expect=123000000", out_time.tm.tv_nsec); } flb_free(out_buf); flb_parser_destroy(parser); flb_config_exit(config); } void test_time_keep() { struct flb_parser *parser = NULL; struct flb_config *config = NULL; int ret = 0; char *input = "str=\"text\" int=100 double=1.23 bool=true time=2022-10-31T12:00:01.123"; void *out_buf = NULL; size_t out_size = 0; struct flb_time out_time; char *expected_strs[] = {"str", "text", "int", "100", "double","1.23", "bool", "true", "time", "2022-10-31T12:00:01.123"}; struct str_list expected = { .size = sizeof(expected_strs)/sizeof(char*), .lists = &expected_strs[0], }; out_time.tm.tv_sec = 0; out_time.tm.tv_nsec = 0; config = flb_config_init(); if(!TEST_CHECK(config != NULL)) { TEST_MSG("flb_config_init failed"); exit(1); } parser = flb_parser_create("logfmt", "logfmt", NULL, FLB_FALSE, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L", "time", NULL, FLB_TRUE /*time_keep */, FLB_FALSE, FLB_FALSE, NULL, 0, NULL, config); if (!TEST_CHECK(parser != NULL)) { TEST_MSG("flb_parser_create failed"); flb_config_exit(config); exit(1); } ret = flb_parser_do(parser, input, strlen(input), &out_buf, &out_size, &out_time); if (!TEST_CHECK(ret != -1)) { TEST_MSG("flb_parser_do failed"); flb_parser_destroy(parser); flb_config_exit(config); exit(1); } ret = compare_msgpack(out_buf, out_size, &expected); if (!TEST_CHECK(ret == 0)) { TEST_MSG("compare failed"); flb_free(out_buf); flb_parser_destroy(parser); flb_config_exit(config); exit(1); } if (!TEST_CHECK(out_time.tm.tv_sec == 1667217601 && out_time.tm.tv_nsec == 123000000)) { TEST_MSG("timestamp error. sec Got=%ld Expect=1667217601", out_time.tm.tv_sec); TEST_MSG("timestamp error. nsec Got=%ld Expect=123000000", out_time.tm.tv_nsec); } flb_free(out_buf); flb_parser_destroy(parser); flb_config_exit(config); } void test_types() { struct flb_parser *parser = NULL; struct flb_config *config = NULL; int ret = 0; char *input = "str=\"text\" int=100 double=1.23 bool=true"; struct flb_parser_types *types = NULL; void *out_buf = NULL; size_t out_size = 0; struct flb_time out_time; char *expected_strs[] = {"str", "text", "int", "256" /*= 0x100 */, "double","1.23", "bool", "true"}; struct str_list expected = { .size = sizeof(expected_strs)/sizeof(char*), .lists = &expected_strs[0], }; config = flb_config_init(); if(!TEST_CHECK(config != NULL)) { TEST_MSG("flb_config_init failed"); exit(1); } /* Note: types will be released by flb_parser_destroy */ types = flb_malloc(sizeof(struct flb_parser_types)); if (!TEST_CHECK(types != NULL)) { TEST_MSG("flb_malloc failed"); flb_config_exit(config); exit(1); } types->key = flb_malloc(strlen("int")+1); if (!TEST_CHECK(types->key != NULL)) { TEST_MSG("flb_malloc failed"); flb_free(types); flb_config_exit(config); exit(1); } strcpy(types->key, "int"); types->key_len = 3; types->type = FLB_PARSER_TYPE_HEX; parser = flb_parser_create("logfmt", "logfmt", NULL, FLB_FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, FLB_FALSE, FLB_FALSE, FLB_FALSE, types, 1, NULL, config); if (!TEST_CHECK(parser != NULL)) { TEST_MSG("flb_parser_create failed"); flb_free(types->key); flb_free(types); flb_config_exit(config); exit(1); } ret = flb_parser_do(parser, input, strlen(input), &out_buf, &out_size, &out_time); if (!TEST_CHECK(ret != -1)) { TEST_MSG("flb_parser_do failed"); flb_parser_destroy(parser); flb_config_exit(config); exit(1); } ret = compare_msgpack(out_buf, out_size, &expected); if (!TEST_CHECK(ret == 0)) { TEST_MSG("compare failed"); } flb_free(out_buf); flb_parser_destroy(parser); flb_config_exit(config); } TEST_LIST = { { "basic", test_basic}, { "time_key", test_time_key}, { "time_keep", test_time_keep}, { "types", test_types}, { 0 } };