### Understand the alert This alert is triggered when there is a significant increase in the number of received packets within a 10-second interval. It indicates a potential packet storm, which may cause network congestion, dropped packets, and reduced performance. ### Troubleshoot the alert 1. **Check network utilization**: Monitor network utilization on the affected interface to identify potential bottlenecks, high bandwidth usage, or network saturation. 2. **Identify the source**: Determine the source of the increased packet rate. This may be caused by a misconfigured application, a faulty network device, or a Denial of Service (DoS) attack. 3. **Inspect network devices**: Check network devices such as routers, switches, and firewalls for potential issues, misconfigurations, or firmware updates that may resolve the problem. 4. **Verify application behavior**: Ensure that the applications running on your network are behaving as expected and not generating excessive traffic. 5. **Implement rate limiting**: If the packet storm is caused by a specific application or service, consider implementing rate limiting to control the number of packets being sent. 6. **Monitor network security**: Check for signs of a DoS attack or other security threats, and take appropriate action to mitigate the risk. ### Useful resources 1. [Wireshark User's Guide](https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsug_html_chunked/) 2. [Tcpdump Manual Page](https://www.tcpdump.org/manpages/tcpdump.1.html) 3. [Iperf - Network Bandwidth Measurement Tool](https://iperf.fr/)