### Understand the alert This alert indicates that the Pi-hole blocklist (Gravity) file hasn't been updated for an extended period of time. The blocklist file contains domains that have been processed by Pi-hole to filter ads and malicious content. An outdated blocklist may leave your system more vulnerable to unwanted content and threats. ### Troubleshoot the alert 1. **Check the current blocklist update status** To see how long it has been since the last update, you can use the following command: ``` root@netdata~ # pihole -q -adlist ``` This will display the timestamp of the last update. 2. **Rebuild the blocklist** If the alert indicates that your blocklist file is outdated, it's essential to update it by running: ``` root@netdata~ # pihole -g ``` This command will download the necessary files and rebuild the blocklist. 3. **Check for errors during the update** If you encounter any issues during the update, check the `/var/log/pihole.log` file for errors. You can also check the `/var/log/pihole-FTL.log` file for more detailed information on the update process. 4. **Verify the blocklist update interval** To ensure that your blocklist file is updated regularly, make sure you configure a regular update interval. You can do this by editing the `cron` job for Pi-hole: ``` root@netdata~ # crontab -e ``` This will open an editor. Look for the line containing the `pihole -g` command and adjust the schedule accordingly. For example, to update the blocklist daily, add the following line: ``` 0 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/pihole -g ``` Save the file and exit the editor to apply the changes. 5. **Monitor the blocklist update status** After performing the necessary troubleshooting steps, keep an eye on the `pihole_blocklist_last_update` alert to ensure that your blocklist file is updated as expected. ### Useful resources 1. [Pi-hole Blocklists](https://docs.pi-hole.net/database/gravity/) 2. [Rebuilding the Blocklist](https://docs.pi-hole.net/ftldns/blockingmode/) 3. [Pi-hole Documentation](https://docs.pi-hole.net/)