### Understand the alert The `riakkv_1h_kv_put_mean_latency` alert calculates the average time (in milliseconds) between the reception of client `PUT` requests and the subsequent responses to the clients over the last hour in a Riak KV database. If you receive this alert, it means that your Riak KV database is experiencing higher than normal latency in processing `PUT` requests. ### What is Riak KV? Riak KV is a distributed NoSQL key-value data store designed to provide high availability, fault tolerance, operational simplicity, and scalability. The primary access method is through `PUT`, `GET`, `DELETE`, and `LIST` operations on keys. ### What does `PUT` latency mean? `PUT` latency refers to the time it takes for the system to process a `PUT` request - from the moment the server receives the request until it sends a response back to the client. High `PUT` latency can impact the performance and responsiveness of applications relying on the Riak KV database. ### Troubleshoot the alert - Check the Riak KV cluster health Use the `riak-admin cluster status` command to get an overview of the Riak KV cluster's health. Make sure there are no unreachable or down nodes in the cluster. - Verify the Riak KV node performance Use the `riak-admin status` command to display various statistics of the Riak KV nodes. Pay attention to the `node_put_fsm_time_mean` and `node_put_fsm_time_95` metrics, as they are related to `PUT` latency. - Inspect network conditions Use networking tools (e.g., `ping`, `traceroute`, `mtr`, `iftop`) to check for potential network latency issues between clients and the Riak KV servers. - Evaluate the workload If the client application is heavily write-intensive, consider optimizing it to reduce the number of write operations or increase the capacity of the Riak KV cluster to handle the load. - Review Riak KV logs Examine the Riak KV logs (`/var/log/riak/riak_kv.log` by default) for any error messages or unusual patterns that might be related to the increased `PUT` latency. ### Useful resources 1. [Riak KV Official Documentation](https://riak.com/docs/)