### Understand the alert This alert indicates that your VerneMQ cluster has experienced a netsplit (split-brain) situation within the last minute. This can lead to inconsistencies in the cluster, and you need to troubleshoot the problem to maintain proper cluster operation. ### What is a netsplit? In distributed systems, a netsplit occurs when a cluster of nodes loses connectivity to one or more nodes due to a network failure, leaving the cluster to operate in a degraded state. In the context of VerneMQ, a netsplit can lead to inconsistencies in the subscription data and retained messages. ### Troubleshoot the alert - Confirm the alert issue Review the VerneMQ logs to check for any signs of network partitioning or netsplits. - Check connectivity between nodes Ensure that the network connectivity between your cluster nodes is restored. You can use tools like `ping` and `traceroute` to verify network connectivity. - Inspect node status Use the `vmq-admin cluster show` command to inspect the current status of the nodes in the VerneMQ cluster, and check for any disconnected nodes: ``` vmq-admin cluster show ``` - Reestablish connections and heal partitions If a node is disconnected, reconnect it using the `vmq-admin cluster join` command: ``` vmq-admin cluster join discovery-node=IP_ADDRESS_OF_ANOTHER_NODE ``` As soon as the partition is healed, and connectivity is reestablished, the VerneMQ nodes will replicate the latest changes made to the subscription data. - Ensure node connectivity remains active Monitor the cluster and network to maintain consistent connectivity between the nodes. Set up monitoring tools and consider using an auto-healing or auto-scaling framework to help maintain node connectivity. ### Useful resources 1. [VerneMQ Clustering Guide: Netsplits](https://docs.vernemq.com/v/master/vernemq-clustering/netsplits) 2. [VerneMQ Documentation](https://docs.vernemq.com/)