template: btrfs_allocated on: btrfs.disk class: System component: File system type: Utilization os: * hosts: * families: * calc: 100 - ($unallocated * 100 / ($unallocated + $data_used + $data_free + $meta_used + $meta_free + $sys_used + $sys_free)) units: % every: 10s warn: $this > (($status >= $WARNING) ? (90) : (95)) crit: $this > (($status == $CRITICAL) ? (95) : (98)) delay: up 1m down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h info: percentage of allocated BTRFS physical disk space to: sysadmin template: btrfs_data on: btrfs.data class: System component: File system type: Utilization os: * hosts: * families: * calc: $used * 100 / ($used + $free) units: % every: 10s warn: $this > (($status >= $WARNING) ? (90) : (95)) && $btrfs_allocated > 98 crit: $this > (($status == $CRITICAL) ? (95) : (98)) && $btrfs_allocated > 98 delay: up 1m down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h info: utilization of BTRFS data space to: sysadmin template: btrfs_metadata on: btrfs.metadata class: System component: File system type: Utilization os: * hosts: * families: * calc: ($used + $reserved) * 100 / ($used + $free + $reserved) units: % every: 10s warn: $this > (($status >= $WARNING) ? (90) : (95)) && $btrfs_allocated > 98 crit: $this > (($status == $CRITICAL) ? (95) : (98)) && $btrfs_allocated > 98 delay: up 1m down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h info: utilization of BTRFS metadata space to: sysadmin template: btrfs_system on: btrfs.system class: System component: File system type: Utilization os: * hosts: * families: * calc: $used * 100 / ($used + $free) units: % every: 10s warn: $this > (($status >= $WARNING) ? (90) : (95)) && $btrfs_allocated > 98 crit: $this > (($status == $CRITICAL) ? (95) : (98)) && $btrfs_allocated > 98 delay: up 1m down 15m multiplier 1.5 max 1h info: utilization of BTRFS system space to: sysadmin