template: httpcheck_last_collected_secs
families: *
      on: httpcheck.status
    calc: $now - $last_collected_t
   every: 10s
   units: seconds ago
    warn: $this > (($status >= $WARNING)  ? ($update_every) : ( 5 * $update_every))
    crit: $this > (($status == $CRITICAL) ? ($update_every) : (60 * $update_every))
   delay: down 5m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
    info: number of seconds since the last successful data collection
      to: sysadmin

# This is a fast-reacting no-notification alarm ideal for custom dashboards or badges
template: web_service_up
families: *
      on: httpcheck.status
  lookup: average -1m unaligned percentage of success
    calc: ($this < 75) ? (0) : ($this)
   every: 5s
   units: up/down
    info: at least 75% verified responses during last 60 seconds, ideal for badges
      to: silent

template: web_service_bad_content
families: *
      on: httpcheck.status
  lookup: average -5m unaligned percentage of bad_content
   every: 10s
   units: %
    warn: $this >= 10 AND $this < 40
    crit: $this >= 40
   delay: down 5m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
    info: average of unexpected http response content during the last 5 minutes
 options: no-clear-notification
      to: webmaster

template: web_service_bad_status
families: *
      on: httpcheck.status
  lookup: average -5m unaligned percentage of bad_status
   every: 10s
   units: %
    warn: $this >= 10 AND $this < 40
    crit: $this >= 40
   delay: down 5m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
    info: average of unexpected http status during the last 5 minutes
 options: no-clear-notification
      to: webmaster

template: web_service_timeouts
families: *
      on: httpcheck.status
  lookup: average -5m unaligned percentage of timeout
   every: 10s
   units: %
    info: average of timeouts during the last 5 minutes

template: no_web_service_connections
families: *
      on: httpcheck.status
  lookup: average -5m unaligned percentage of no_connection
   every: 10s
   units: %
    info: average of failed requests during the last 5 minutes

# combined timeout & no connection alarm
template: web_service_unreachable
families: *
      on: httpcheck.status
    calc: ($no_web_service_connections >= $web_service_timeouts) ? ($no_web_service_connections) : ($web_service_timeouts)
   units: %
   every: 10s
    warn: ($no_web_service_connections >= 10 OR $web_service_timeouts >= 10) AND ($no_web_service_connections < 40 OR $web_service_timeouts < 40)
    crit: $no_web_service_connections >= 40 OR $web_service_timeouts >= 40
   delay: down 5m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
    info: average of failed requests either due to timeouts or no connection during the last 5 minutes
 options: no-clear-notification
      to: webmaster

template: 1h_web_service_response_time
families: *
      on: httpcheck.responsetime
  lookup: average -1h unaligned of time
   every: 30s
   units: ms
    info: average response time over the last hour

template: web_service_slow
families: *
      on: httpcheck.responsetime
  lookup: average -3m unaligned of time
   units: ms
   every: 10s
    warn: ($this > ($1h_web_service_response_time * 2) )
    crit: ($this > ($1h_web_service_response_time * 3) )
    info: average response time over the last 3 minutes, compared to the average over the last hour
   delay: down 5m multiplier 1.5 max 1h
 options: no-clear-notification
      to: webmaster