# Overall system health: # - 0: all components are healthy. # - 1: one or more components might become overloaded soon. # - 2: one or more components in the appliance might be degraded. # - 3: one or more components might be in an unusable status and the appliance might become unresponsive soon. # - 4: no health data is available. template: vcsa_system_health_warn on: vcsa.system_health_status class: Errors type: Virtual Machine component: VMware vCenter calc: $orange units: status every: 10s warn: $this == 1 delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 1h summary: VCSA system status info: VCSA overall system status is orange. One or more components are degraded. to: sysadmin template: vcsa_system_health_crit on: vcsa.system_health_status class: Errors type: Virtual Machine component: VMware vCenter calc: $red units: status every: 10s crit: $this == 1 delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 1h summary: VCSA system status info: VCSA overall system status is red. One or more components are unavailable or will stop functioning soon. to: sysadmin # Components health: # - 0: healthy. # - 1: healthy, but may have some problems. # - 2: degraded, and may have serious problems. # - 3: unavailable, or will stop functioning soon. # - 4: no health data is available. template: vcsa_applmgmt_health_warn on: vcsa.applmgmt_health_status class: Errors type: Virtual Machine component: VMware vCenter calc: $orange units: status every: 10s warn: $this == 1 delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 1h summary: VCSA ApplMgmt service status info: VCSA ApplMgmt component status is orange. It is degraded, and may have serious problems. to: silent template: vcsa_applmgmt_health_crit on: vcsa.applmgmt_health_status class: Errors type: Virtual Machine component: VMware vCenter calc: $red units: status every: 10s warn: $this == 1 delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 1h summary: VCSA ApplMgmt service status info: VCSA ApplMgmt component status is red. It is unavailable, or will stop functioning soon. to: sysadmin template: vcsa_load_health_warn on: vcsa.load_health_status class: Errors type: Virtual Machine component: VMware vCenter calc: $orange units: status every: 10s warn: $this == 1 delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 1h summary: VCSA Load status info: VCSA Load component status is orange. It is degraded, and may have serious problems. to: silent template: vcsa_load_health_crit on: vcsa.load_health_status class: Errors type: Virtual Machine component: VMware vCenter calc: $red units: status every: 10s warn: $this == 1 delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 1h summary: VCSA Load status info: VCSA Load component status is red. It is unavailable, or will stop functioning soon. to: sysadmin template: vcsa_mem_health_warn on: vcsa.mem_health_status class: Errors type: Virtual Machine component: VMware vCenter calc: $orange units: status every: 10s warn: $this == 1 delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 1h summary: VCSA Memory status info: VCSA Memory component status is orange. It is degraded, and may have serious problems. to: silent template: vcsa_mem_health_crit on: vcsa.mem_health_status class: Errors type: Virtual Machine component: VMware vCenter calc: $red units: status every: 10s warn: $this == 1 delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 1h summary: VCSA Memory status info: VCSA Memory component status is red. It is unavailable, or will stop functioning soon. to: sysadmin template: vcsa_swap_health_warn on: vcsa.swap_health_status class: Errors type: Virtual Machine component: VMware vCenter calc: $orange units: status every: 10s warn: $this == 1 delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 1h summary: VCSA Swap status info: VCSA Swap component status is orange. It is degraded, and may have serious problems. to: silent template: vcsa_swap_health_crit on: vcsa.swap_health_status class: Errors type: Virtual Machine component: VMware vCenter calc: $red units: status every: 10s warn: $this == 1 delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 1h summary: VCSA Swap status info: VCSA Swap component status is red. It is unavailable, or will stop functioning soon. to: sysadmin template: vcsa_database_storage_health_warn on: vcsa.database_storage_health_status class: Errors type: Virtual Machine component: VMware vCenter calc: $orange units: status every: 10s warn: $this == 1 delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 1h summary: VCSA Database status info: VCSA Database Storage component status is orange. It is degraded, and may have serious problems. to: silent template: vcsa_database_storage_health_crit on: vcsa.database_storage_health_status class: Errors type: Virtual Machine component: VMware vCenter calc: $red units: status every: 10s warn: $this == 1 delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 1h summary: VCSA Database status info: VCSA Database Storage component status is red. It is unavailable, or will stop functioning soon. to: sysadmin template: vcsa_storage_health_warn on: vcsa.storage_health_status class: Errors type: Virtual Machine component: VMware vCenter calc: $orange units: status every: 10s warn: $this == 1 delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 1h summary: VCSA Storage status info: VCSA Storage component status is orange. It is degraded, and may have serious problems. to: silent template: vcsa_storage_health_crit on: vcsa.storage_health_status class: Errors type: Virtual Machine component: VMware vCenter calc: $red units: status every: 10s warn: $this == 1 delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 1h summary: VCSA Storage status info: VCSA Storage component status is red. It is unavailable, or will stop functioning soon. to: sysadmin # Software updates health: # - 0: no updates available. # - 2: non-security updates are available. # - 3: security updates are available. # - 4: an error retrieving information on software updates. template: vcsa_software_packages_health_warn on: vcsa.software_packages_health_status class: Errors type: Virtual Machine component: VMware vCenter calc: $orange units: status every: 10s warn: $this == 1 delay: down 1m multiplier 1.5 max 1h summary: VCSA software status info: VCSA software packages security updates are available. to: silent