# Send alert notifications to PagerDuty [PagerDuty](https://www.pagerduty.com/company/) is an enterprise incident resolution service that integrates with ITOps and DevOps monitoring stacks to improve operational reliability and agility. From enriching and aggregating events to correlating them into incidents, PagerDuty streamlines the incident management process by reducing alert noise and resolution times. ## What you need to get started - An installation of the open-source [Netdata](/docs/get-started.mdx) monitoring agent. - An installation of the [PagerDuty agent](https://www.pagerduty.com/docs/guides/agent-install-guide/) on the node running Netdata. - A PagerDuty `Generic API` service using either the `Events API v2` or `Events API v1`. ## Setup [Add a new service](https://support.pagerduty.com/docs/services-and-integrations#section-configuring-services-and-integrations) to PagerDuty. Click **Use our API directly** and select either `Events API v2` or `Events API v1`. Once you finish creating the service, click on the **Integrations** tab to find your **Integration Key**. Navigate to the [Netdata config directory](/docs/configure/nodes.md#the-netdata-config-directory) and use [`edit-config`](/docs/configure/nodes.md#use-edit-config-to-edit-configuration-files) to open `health_alarm_notify.conf`. ```bash cd /etc/netdata sudo ./edit-config health_alarm_notify.conf ``` Scroll down to the `# pagerduty.com notification options` section. Ensure `SEND_PD` is set to `YES`, then copy your Integration Key into `DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_ID`. Change `USE_PD_VERSION` to `2` if you chose `Events API v2` during service setup on PagerDuty. Minus comments, the section should look like this: ```conf SEND_PD="YES" DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_PD="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" USE_PD_VERSION="2" ``` ## Testing To test alert notifications to PagerDuty, run the following: ```bash sudo su -s /bin/bash netdata /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/alarm-notify.sh test ``` ## Configuration Aside from the three values set in `health_alarm_notify.conf`, there is no further configuration required to send alert notifications to PagerDuty. To configure individual alarms, read our [alert configuration](/docs/monitor/configure-alarms.md) doc or the [health entity reference](/health/REFERENCE.md) doc.