# Slack.com notifications This is what you will get: ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2662304/18407116/bbd0fee6-7710-11e6-81cf-58c0defaee2b.png) You need: 1. The **incoming webhook URL** as given by slack.com. You can use the same on all your netdata servers (or you can have multiple if you like - your decision). 2. One or more channels to post the messages to. Get them here: https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks Set them in `/etc/netdata/health_alarm_notify.conf` (to edit it on your system run `/etc/netdata/edit-config health_alarm_notify.conf`), like this: ``` ############################################################################### # sending slack notifications # note: multiple recipients can be given like this: # "CHANNEL1 CHANNEL2 ..." # enable/disable sending pushover notifications SEND_SLACK="YES" # Login to slack.com and create an incoming webhook. # You need only one for all your netdata servers. # Without it, netdata cannot send slack notifications. SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL="https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" # if a role recipient is not configured, a notification will be send to # this slack channel: DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_SLACK="alarms" ``` You can define multiple channels like this: `alarms systems`. You can give different channels per **role** using these (at the same file): ``` role_recipients_slack[sysadmin]="systems" role_recipients_slack[dba]="databases systems" role_recipients_slack[webmaster]="marketing development" ``` The keywords `systems`, `databases`, `marketing`, `development` are slack.com channels (they should already exist in slack).