# yamllint disable rule:line-length --- - id: 'notify-slack' meta: name: 'Slack' link: 'https://slack.com/' categories: - notify.agent icon_filename: 'slack.png' keywords: - Slack overview: notification_description: | Send notifications to a Slack workspace using Netdata's Agent alert notification feature, which supports dozens of endpoints, user roles, and more. notification_limitations: '' setup: prerequisites: list: - title: '' description: | - Slack app along with an incoming webhook, read Slack's guide on the topic [here](https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooks). - One or more channels to post the messages to - Access to the terminal where Netdata Agent is running configuration: file: name: 'health_alarm_notify.conf' options: description: 'The following options can be defined for this notification' folding: title: 'Config Options' enabled: true list: - name: 'SEND_SLACK' default_value: 'YES' description: "Set `SEND_SLACK` to YES" required: true - name: 'SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL' default_value: '' description: "set `SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL` to your Slack app's webhook URL." required: true - name: 'DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_SLACK' default_value: '' description: "Set `DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_SLACK` to the Slack channel your Slack app is set to send messages to. The syntax for channels is `#channel` or `channel`." required: true examples: folding: enabled: true title: '' list: - name: 'Basic Configuration' folding: enabled: false description: '' config: | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # slack (slack.com) global notification options SEND_SLACK="YES" SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL="https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_SLACK="#alarms" troubleshooting: problems: list: []