To generate a copy of `integrations.js` locally, you will need: - Python 3.6 or newer (only tested on Python 3.10 currently, should work on any version of Python newer than 3.6). - The following third-party Python modules: - `jsonschema` - `referencing` - `jinja2` - `ruamel.yaml` - A local checkout of - A local checkout of The script expects this to be checked out in a directory called `go.d.plugin` in the root directory of the agent repo, though a symlink with that name pointing at the actual location of the repo will work as well. The first two parts can be easily covered in a Linux environment, such as a VM or Docker container: - On Debian or Ubuntu: `apt-get install python3-jsonschema python3-referencing python3-jinja2 python3-ruamel.yaml` - On Alpine: `apk add py3-jsonschema py3-referencing py3-jinja2 py3-ruamel.yaml` - On Fedora or RHEL (EPEL is required on RHEL systems): `dnf install python3-jsonschema python3-referencing python3-jinja2 python3-ruamel-yaml` Once the environment is set up, simply run `integrations/` from the agent repo. Note that the script must be run _from this specific location_, as it uses it’s own path to figure out where all the files it needs are.