class ParentChildTest @@plugin_cfg = <<~HEREDOC { "test" : "true" } HEREDOC @@plugin_cfg2 = <<~HEREDOC { "asdfgh" : "asdfgh" } HEREDOC @@job_cfg = <<~HEREDOC { "i am newly created job" : "true" } HEREDOC def initialize @parent = $config[:http_endpoints][:parent] @child = $config[:http_endpoints][:child] @plugin = $config[:global][:test_plugin_name] @arry_mod = $config[:global][:test_array_module_name] @single_mod = $config[:global][:test_single_module_name] @test_job = $config[:global][:test_job_name] end def check_test_plugin_modules_list(host, child = nil) rc = DynCfgHttpClient.get_plugin_module_list(host, @plugin, child) assert_eq(rc.code, 200, "as HTTP code for get_module_list request on plugin \"#{@plugin}\"") modules = nil assert_nothing_raised do modules = JSON.parse(rc.parsed_response, symbolize_names: true) end assert_has_key?(modules, :modules) assert_eq(modules[:modules].count, 2, "as number of modules in plugin \"#{@plugin}\"") modules[:modules].each do |m| assert_has_key?(m, :name) assert_has_key?(m, :type) assert_is_one_of(m[:type], "job_array", "single") end assert_eq_str(modules[:modules][0][:name], @arry_mod, "name of first module in plugin \"#{@plugin}\"") assert_eq_str(modules[:modules][1][:name], @single_mod, "name of second module in plugin \"#{@plugin}\"") end def run TEST_SUITE("Parent/Child plugin config") TEST("parent/child/get_plugin_list", "Get child (hops:1) plugin list trough parent") plugins = DynCfgHttpClient.get_plugin_list(@parent, @child) assert_eq(plugins.code, 200, "as HTTP code for get_plugin_list request") assert_nothing_raised do plugins = JSON.parse(plugins.parsed_response, symbolize_names: true) end assert_has_key?(plugins, :configurable_plugins) assert_array_include?(plugins[:configurable_plugins], @plugin) PASS() TEST("parent/child/(set/get)plugin_config", "Set then get and compare child (hops:1) plugin config trough parent") rc = DynCfgHttpClient.set_plugin_config(@parent, @plugin, @@plugin_cfg, @child) assert_eq(rc.code, 200, "as HTTP code for set_plugin_config request") rc = DynCfgHttpClient.get_plugin_config(@parent, @plugin, @child) assert_eq(rc.code, 200, "as HTTP code for get_plugin_config request") assert_eq_str(rc.parsed_response.chomp!, @@plugin_cfg, "as plugin config") # We do this twice with different configs to ensure first config was not loaded from persistent storage (from previous tests) rc = DynCfgHttpClient.set_plugin_config(@parent, @plugin, @@plugin_cfg2, @child) assert_eq(rc.code, 200, "as HTTP code for set_plugin_config request 2") rc = DynCfgHttpClient.get_plugin_config(@parent, @plugin, @child) assert_eq(rc.code, 200, "as HTTP code for get_plugin_config request 2") assert_eq_str(rc.parsed_response.chomp!, @@plugin_cfg2, "set/get plugin config 2") PASS() TEST("child/get_plugin_config", "Get child (hops:0) plugin config and compare with what we got trough parent (set_plugin_config from previous test)") rc = DynCfgHttpClient.get_plugin_config(@child, @plugin, nil) assert_eq(rc.code, 200, "as HTTP code for get_plugin_config request") assert_eq_str(rc.parsed_response.chomp!, @@plugin_cfg2.chomp, "as plugin config") PASS() TEST("parent/child/plugin_module_list", "Get child (hops:1) plugin module list trough parent and check its contents") check_test_plugin_modules_list(@parent, @child) PASS() TEST("child/plugin_module_list", "Get child (hops:0) plugin module list directly and check its contents") check_test_plugin_modules_list(@child, nil) PASS() TEST("parent/child/module/jobs", "Get list of jobs from child (hops:1) trough parent and check its contents, check job updates") rc = DynCfgHttpClient.get_job_list(@parent, @plugin, @arry_mod, @child) assert_eq(rc.code, 200, "as HTTP code for get_jobs request") jobs = nil assert_nothing_raised do jobs = JSON.parse(rc.parsed_response, symbolize_names: true) end assert_has_key?(jobs, :jobs) new_job = jobs[:jobs].find {|i| i[:name] == @test_job} assert_not_nil(new_job) assert_has_key?(new_job, :status) assert_not_eq_str(new_job[:status], "unknown", "job status is other than unknown") assert_has_key?(new_job, :flags) assert_array_include?(new_job[:flags], "JOB_FLG_STREAMING_PUSHED") PASS() TEST("child/module/jobs", "Get list of jobs direct from child (hops:0) and check its contents, check job updates") rc = DynCfgHttpClient.get_job_list(@child, @plugin, @arry_mod, nil) assert_eq(rc.code, 200, "as HTTP code for get_jobs request") jobs = nil assert_nothing_raised do jobs = JSON.parse(rc.parsed_response, symbolize_names: true) end assert_has_key?(jobs, :jobs) new_job = jobs[:jobs].find {|i| i[:name] == @test_job} assert_not_nil(new_job) assert_has_key?(new_job, :status) assert_not_eq_str(new_job[:status], "unknown", "job status is other than unknown") assert_has_key?(new_job, :flags) assert_array_not_include?(new_job[:flags], "JOB_FLG_STREAMING_PUSHED") # this is plugin directly at child so it should not show this flag PASS() TEST("parent/child/single_module/jobs", "Attempt getting list of jobs from child (hops:1) trough parent on single module. Check it fails properly") rc = DynCfgHttpClient.get_job_list(@parent, @plugin, @single_mod, @child) assert_eq(rc.code, 400, "as HTTP code for get_jobs request") assert_eq_str(rc.parsed_response, '400 - this module is not array type', "as HTTP code for get_jobs request on single module") PASS() created_job = SecureRandom.uuid TEST("parent/child/module/cr_del_job", "Create and delete job on child (hops:1) trough parent") # create new job rc = DynCfgHttpClient.create_job(@parent, @plugin, @arry_mod, created_job, @@job_cfg, @child) assert_eq_http_code(rc, 200, "as HTTP code for create_job request") # check this job is in job list @parent rc = DynCfgHttpClient.get_job_list(@parent, @plugin, @arry_mod, @child) assert_eq(rc.code, 200, "as HTTP code for get_jobs request") jobs = nil assert_nothing_raised do jobs = JSON.parse(rc.parsed_response, symbolize_names: true) end assert_has_key?(jobs, :jobs) new_job = jobs[:jobs].find {|i| i[:name] == created_job} assert_not_nil(new_job) # check this job is in job list @child rc = DynCfgHttpClient.get_job_list(@child, @plugin, @arry_mod, nil) assert_eq(rc.code, 200, "as HTTP code for get_jobs request") jobs = nil assert_nothing_raised do jobs = JSON.parse(rc.parsed_response, symbolize_names: true) end assert_has_key?(jobs, :jobs) new_job = jobs[:jobs].find {|i| i[:name] == created_job} assert_not_nil(new_job) # check we can get job config back rc = DynCfgHttpClient.get_job_config(@parent, @plugin, @arry_mod, created_job, @child) assert_eq(rc.code, 200, "as HTTP code for get_job_config request") assert_eq_str(rc.parsed_response.chomp!, @@job_cfg, "as job config") # delete job rc = DynCfgHttpClient.delete_job(@parent, @plugin, @arry_mod, created_job, @child) assert_eq(rc.code, 200, "as HTTP code for delete_job request") # Check it is not in parents job list anymore rc = DynCfgHttpClient.get_job_list(@parent, @plugin, @arry_mod, @child) assert_eq(rc.code, 200, "as HTTP code for get_jobs request") jobs = nil assert_nothing_raised do jobs = JSON.parse(rc.parsed_response, symbolize_names: true) end assert_has_key?(jobs, :jobs) new_job = jobs[:jobs].find {|i| i[:name] == created_job} assert_nil(new_job) # Check it is not in childs job list anymore rc = DynCfgHttpClient.get_job_list(@child, @plugin, @arry_mod, nil) assert_eq(rc.code, 200, "as HTTP code for get_jobs request") jobs = nil assert_nothing_raised do jobs = JSON.parse(rc.parsed_response, symbolize_names: true) end assert_has_key?(jobs, :jobs) new_job = jobs[:jobs].find {|i| i[:name] == created_job} assert_nil(new_job) PASS() TEST("parent/child/module/del_undeletable_job", "Try delete job on child (child rejects), check failure case works (hops:1)") # test if plugin rejects job deletion the job still remains in list as it should rc = DynCfgHttpClient.delete_job(@parent, @plugin, @arry_mod, @test_job, @child) assert_eq(rc.code, 500, "as HTTP code for delete_job request") rc = DynCfgHttpClient.get_job_list(@parent, @plugin, @arry_mod, @child) assert_eq(rc.code, 200, "as HTTP code for get_jobs request") jobs = nil assert_nothing_raised do jobs = JSON.parse(rc.parsed_response, symbolize_names: true) end assert_has_key?(jobs, :jobs) job = jobs[:jobs].find {|i| i[:name] == @test_job} assert_not_nil(job) PASS() end end