#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later . $(dirname "${0}")/../functions.sh "${@}" || exit 1 run cd "${NETDATA_SOURCE_PATH}" || exit 1 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # find the netdata version NOWNER="unknown" ORIGIN="$(git config --get remote.origin.url || echo "unknown")" if [[ "${ORIGIN}" =~ ^git@github.com:.*/netdata.*$ ]] then NOWNER="${ORIGIN/git@github.com:/}" NOWNER="$( echo ${NOWNER} | cut -d '/' -f 1 )" elif [[ "${ORIGIN}" =~ ^https://github.com/.*/netdata.*$ ]] then NOWNER="${ORIGIN/https:\/\/github.com\//}" NOWNER="$( echo ${NOWNER} | cut -d '/' -f 1 )" fi # make sure it does not have any slashes in it NOWNER="${NOWNER//\//_}" if [ "${NOWNER}" = "netdata" ] then NOWNER= else NOWNER="-${NOWNER}" fi VERSION="$(git describe || echo "undefined")" [ -z "${VERSION}" ] && VERSION="undefined" FILE_VERSION="${VERSION}-$(uname -m)-$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")${NOWNER}" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # copy the files needed by makeself installation run mkdir -p "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/system" run cp \ makeself/post-installer.sh \ makeself/install-or-update.sh \ installer/functions.sh \ configs.signatures \ system/netdata-init-d \ system/netdata-lsb \ system/netdata-openrc \ system/netdata.logrotate \ system/netdata.service \ "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/system/" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create a wrapper to start our netdata with a modified path run mkdir -p "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/srv" run mv "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/netdata" \ "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/srv/netdata" || exit 1 cat >"${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/netdata" <"${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/makeself.lsm.tmp" run "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/makeself.sh" \ --gzip \ --complevel 9 \ --notemp \ --needroot \ --target "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}" \ --header "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/makeself-header.sh" \ --lsm "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/makeself.lsm.tmp" \ --license "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/makeself-license.txt" \ --help-header "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/makeself-help-header.txt" \ "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}" \ "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}.gz.run" \ "netdata, the real-time performance and health monitoring system" \ ./system/post-installer.sh \ ${NULL} run rm "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/makeself.lsm.tmp" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # copy it to the netdata build dir FILE="netdata-${FILE_VERSION}.gz.run" run cp "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}.gz.run" "${FILE}" echo >&2 "Self-extracting installer copied to '${FILE}'" [ -f netdata-latest.gz.run ] && rm netdata-latest.gz.run run ln -s "${FILE}" netdata-latest.gz.run echo >&2 "Self-extracting installer linked to 'netdata-latest.gz.run'"