  |.-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .  netdata                                        
  |   '-'   '-'   '-'   '-'   real-time performance monitoring, done right!  

  (C) Copyright 2017, Costa Tsaousis
  All rights reserved
  Released under GPL v3+

  You are about to install netdata to this system.
  netdata will be installed at:


  The following changes will be made to your system:

  User 'netdata' and group 'netdata' will be added, if not present.

  This file will be installed if logrotate is present.

   - /etc/logrotate.d/netdata

  This file will be installed if this system runs with systemd:

   - /lib/systemd/system/netdata.service

   or, for older Centos, Debian/Ubuntu or OpenRC Gentoo:

   - /etc/init.d/netdata         will be created

  This package can also update a netdata installation that has been
  created with another version of it.

  Your netdata configuration will be retained.
  After installation, netdata will be (re-)started.

  netdata re-distributes a lot of open source software components.
  Check its full license at: