// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_SERVER_KERNEL_CPp_ #define DLIB_SERVER_KERNEL_CPp_ #include "server_kernel.h" #include "../string.h" namespace dlib { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- server:: server ( ) : listening_port(0), running(false), shutting_down(false), running_signaler(running_mutex), thread_count(0), thread_count_signaler(thread_count_mutex), max_connections(1000), thread_count_zero(thread_count_mutex), graceful_close_timeout(500) { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- server:: ~server ( ) { clear(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned long server:: get_graceful_close_timeout ( ) const { auto_mutex lock(max_connections_mutex); return graceful_close_timeout; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void server:: set_graceful_close_timeout ( unsigned long timeout ) { auto_mutex lock(max_connections_mutex); graceful_close_timeout = timeout; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int server:: get_max_connections ( ) const { max_connections_mutex.lock(); int temp = max_connections; max_connections_mutex.unlock(); return temp; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void server:: set_max_connections ( int max ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_CASSERT( max >= 0 , "\tvoid server::set_max_connections" << "\n\tmax == " << max << "\n\tthis: " << this ); max_connections_mutex.lock(); max_connections = max; max_connections_mutex.unlock(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void server:: clear ( ) { // signal that we are shutting down shutting_down_mutex.lock(); shutting_down = true; shutting_down_mutex.unlock(); max_connections_mutex.lock(); listening_port_mutex.lock(); listening_ip_mutex.lock(); listening_ip = ""; listening_port = 0; max_connections = 1000; graceful_close_timeout = 500; listening_port_mutex.unlock(); listening_ip_mutex.unlock(); max_connections_mutex.unlock(); // tell all the connections to shut down cons_mutex.lock(); connection* temp; while (cons.size() > 0) { cons.remove_any(temp); temp->shutdown(); } cons_mutex.unlock(); // wait for all the connections to shut down thread_count_mutex.lock(); while (thread_count > 0) { thread_count_zero.wait(); } thread_count_mutex.unlock(); // wait for the listener to close running_mutex.lock(); while (running == true) { running_signaler.wait(); } running_mutex.unlock(); // signal that the shutdown is complete shutting_down_mutex.lock(); shutting_down = false; shutting_down_mutex.unlock(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void server:: start_async_helper ( ) { try { start_accepting_connections(); } catch (std::exception& e) { sdlog << LERROR << e.what(); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void server:: start_async ( ) { auto_mutex lock(running_mutex); if (running) return; // Any exceptions likely to be thrown by the server are going to be // thrown when trying to bind the port. So calling this here rather // than in the thread we are about to make will cause start_async() // to report errors back to the user in a very straight forward way. open_listening_socket(); async_start_thread.reset(new thread_function(make_mfp(*this,&server::start_async_helper))); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void server:: open_listening_socket ( ) { if (!sock) { int status = create_listener(sock,listening_port,listening_ip); const int port_used = listening_port; // if there was an error then clear this object if (status < 0) { max_connections_mutex.lock(); listening_port_mutex.lock(); listening_ip_mutex.lock(); listening_ip = ""; listening_port = 0; max_connections = 1000; graceful_close_timeout = 500; listening_port_mutex.unlock(); listening_ip_mutex.unlock(); max_connections_mutex.unlock(); } // throw an exception for the error if (status == PORTINUSE) { throw dlib::socket_error( EPORT_IN_USE, "error occurred in server::start()\nport " + cast_to_string(port_used) + " already in use" ); } else if (status == OTHER_ERROR) { throw dlib::socket_error( "error occurred in server::start()\nunable to create listener" ); } } running_mutex.lock(); running = true; running_mutex.unlock(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void server:: start ( ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_CASSERT( this->is_running() == false, "\tvoid server::start" << "\n\tis_running() == " << this->is_running() << "\n\tthis: " << this ); start_accepting_connections(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void server:: start_accepting_connections ( ) { open_listening_socket(); // determine the listening port bool port_assigned = false; listening_port_mutex.lock(); if (listening_port == 0) { port_assigned = true; listening_port = sock->get_listening_port(); } listening_port_mutex.unlock(); if (port_assigned) on_listening_port_assigned(); int status = 0; connection* client; bool exit = false; while ( true ) { // accept the next connection status = sock->accept(client,1000); // if there was an error then quit the loop if (status == OTHER_ERROR) { break; } shutting_down_mutex.lock(); // if we are shutting down then signal that we should quit the loop exit = shutting_down; shutting_down_mutex.unlock(); // if we should be shutting down if (exit) { // if a connection was opened then close it if (status == 0) delete client; break; } // if the accept timed out if (status == TIMEOUT) { continue; } // add this new connection to cons cons_mutex.lock(); connection* client_temp = client; try{cons.add(client_temp);} catch(...) { sock.reset(); delete client; cons_mutex.unlock(); // signal that we are not running start() anymore running_mutex.lock(); running = false; running_signaler.broadcast(); running_mutex.unlock(); clear(); throw; } cons_mutex.unlock(); // make a param structure param* temp = 0; try{ temp = new param ( *this, *client, get_graceful_close_timeout() ); } catch (...) { sock.reset(); delete client; running_mutex.lock(); running = false; running_signaler.broadcast(); running_mutex.unlock(); clear(); throw; } // if create_new_thread failed if (!create_new_thread(service_connection,temp)) { delete temp; // close the listening socket sock.reset(); // close the new connection and remove it from cons cons_mutex.lock(); connection* ctemp; if (cons.is_member(client)) { cons.remove(client,ctemp); } delete client; cons_mutex.unlock(); // signal that the listener has closed running_mutex.lock(); running = false; running_signaler.broadcast(); running_mutex.unlock(); // make sure the object is cleared clear(); // throw the exception throw dlib::thread_error( ECREATE_THREAD, "error occurred in server::start()\nunable to start thread" ); } // if we made the new thread then update thread_count else { // increment the thread count thread_count_mutex.lock(); ++thread_count; if (thread_count == 0) thread_count_zero.broadcast(); thread_count_mutex.unlock(); } // check if we have hit the maximum allowed number of connections max_connections_mutex.lock(); // if max_connections is zero or the loop is ending then skip this if (max_connections != 0) { // wait for thread_count to be less than max_connections thread_count_mutex.lock(); while (thread_count >= max_connections) { max_connections_mutex.unlock(); thread_count_signaler.wait(); max_connections_mutex.lock(); // if we are shutting down the quit the loop shutting_down_mutex.lock(); exit = shutting_down; shutting_down_mutex.unlock(); if (exit) break; } thread_count_mutex.unlock(); } max_connections_mutex.unlock(); if (exit) { break; } } //while ( true ) // close the socket sock.reset(); // signal that the listener has closed running_mutex.lock(); running = false; running_signaler.broadcast(); running_mutex.unlock(); // if there was an error with accept then throw an exception if (status == OTHER_ERROR) { // make sure the object is cleared clear(); // throw the exception throw dlib::socket_error( "error occurred in server::start()\nlistening socket returned error" ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool server:: is_running ( ) const { running_mutex.lock(); bool temp = running; running_mutex.unlock(); return temp; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::string server:: get_listening_ip ( ) const { listening_ip_mutex.lock(); std::string ip(listening_ip); listening_ip_mutex.unlock(); return ip; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int server:: get_listening_port ( ) const { listening_port_mutex.lock(); int port = listening_port; listening_port_mutex.unlock(); return port; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void server:: set_listening_port ( int port ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_CASSERT( ( port >= 0 && this->is_running() == false ), "\tvoid server::set_listening_port" << "\n\tport == " << port << "\n\tis_running() == " << this->is_running() << "\n\tthis: " << this ); listening_port_mutex.lock(); listening_port = port; listening_port_mutex.unlock(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void server:: set_listening_ip ( const std::string& ip ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_CASSERT( ( ( is_ip_address(ip) || ip == "" ) && this->is_running() == false ), "\tvoid server::set_listening_ip" << "\n\tip == " << ip << "\n\tis_running() == " << this->is_running() << "\n\tthis: " << this ); listening_ip_mutex.lock(); listening_ip = ip; listening_ip_mutex.unlock(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static member function definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const logger server::sdlog("dlib.server"); void server:: service_connection( void* item ) { param& p = *static_cast(item); p.the_server.on_connect(p.new_connection); // remove this connection from cons and close it p.the_server.cons_mutex.lock(); connection* temp; if (p.the_server.cons.is_member(&p.new_connection)) p.the_server.cons.remove(&p.new_connection,temp); p.the_server.cons_mutex.unlock(); try{ close_gracefully(&p.new_connection, p.graceful_close_timeout); } catch (...) { sdlog << LERROR << "close_gracefully() threw"; } // decrement the thread count and signal if it is now zero p.the_server.thread_count_mutex.lock(); --p.the_server.thread_count; p.the_server.thread_count_signaler.broadcast(); if (p.the_server.thread_count == 0) p.the_server.thread_count_zero.broadcast(); p.the_server.thread_count_mutex.unlock(); delete &p; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_SERVER_KERNEL_CPp_