// Copyright (C) 2013 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #undef DLIB_CROSS_VALIDATE_SEQUENCE_sEGMENTER_ABSTRACT_Hh_ #ifdef DLIB_CROSS_VALIDATE_SEQUENCE_sEGMENTER_ABSTRACT_Hh_ #include "sequence_segmenter_abstract.h" #include "../matrix.h" namespace dlib { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename sequence_segmenter_type, typename sequence_type > const matrix test_sequence_segmenter ( const sequence_segmenter_type& segmenter, const std::vector& samples, const std::vector > >& segments ); /*! requires - is_sequence_segmentation_problem(samples, segments) == true - sequence_segmenter_type == dlib::sequence_segmenter or an object with a compatible interface. ensures - Tests segmenter against the given samples and truth segments and returns the precision, recall, and F1-score obtained by the segmenter. That is, the goal of the segmenter should be to predict segments[i] given samples[i] as input. The test_sequence_segmenter() routine therefore measures how well the segmenter is able to perform this task. - Returns a row matrix M with the following properties: - M(0) == The precision of the segmenter measured against the task of detecting the segments of each sample. This is a number in the range 0 to 1 and represents the fraction of segments output by the segmenter which correspond to true segments for each sample. - M(1) == The recall of the segmenter measured against the task of detecting the segments of each sample. This is a number in the range 0 to 1 and represents the fraction of the true segments found by the segmenter. - M(2) == The F1-score for the segmenter. This is the harmonic mean of M(0) and M(1). !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename trainer_type, typename sequence_type > const matrix cross_validate_sequence_segmenter ( const trainer_type& trainer, const std::vector& samples, const std::vector > >& segments, const long folds ); /*! requires - is_sequence_segmentation_problem(samples, segments) == true - 1 < folds <= samples.size() - trainer_type == dlib::structural_sequence_segmentation_trainer or an object with a compatible interface. ensures - Performs k-fold cross validation by using the given trainer to solve the given sequence segmentation problem for the given number of folds. Each fold is tested using the output of the trainer and the results from all folds are summarized and returned. - This function returns the precision, recall, and F1-score for the trainer. In particular, the output is the same as the output from the test_sequence_segmenter() routine defined above. !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_CROSS_VALIDATE_SEQUENCE_sEGMENTER_ABSTRACT_Hh_