// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #undef DLIB_STRUCTURAL_SVM_ObJECT_DETECTION_PROBLEM_ABSTRACT_Hh_ #ifdef DLIB_STRUCTURAL_SVM_ObJECT_DETECTION_PROBLEM_ABSTRACT_Hh_ #include "../matrix.h" #include "structural_svm_problem_threaded_abstract.h" #include #include "../image_processing/full_object_detection_abstract.h" #include "../image_processing/box_overlap_testing.h" namespace dlib { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename image_scanner_type, typename image_array_type > class structural_svm_object_detection_problem : public structural_svm_problem_threaded >, noncopyable { /*! REQUIREMENTS ON image_scanner_type image_scanner_type must be an implementation of dlib/image_processing/scan_fhog_pyramid_abstract.h or dlib/image_processing/scan_image_custom_abstract.h or dlib/image_processing/scan_image_pyramid_abstract.h or dlib/image_processing/scan_image_boxes_abstract.h REQUIREMENTS ON image_array_type image_array_type must be an implementation of dlib/array/array_kernel_abstract.h and it must contain objects which can be accepted by image_scanner_type::load(). WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS This object is a tool for learning the parameter vector needed to use a scan_image_pyramid, scan_fhog_pyramid, scan_image_custom, or scan_image_boxes object. It learns the parameter vector by formulating the problem as a structural SVM problem. The exact details of the method are described in the paper Max-Margin Object Detection by Davis E. King (http://arxiv.org/abs/1502.00046). !*/ public: structural_svm_object_detection_problem( const image_scanner_type& scanner, const test_box_overlap& overlap_tester, const bool auto_overlap_tester, const image_array_type& images, const std::vector >& truth_object_detections, const std::vector >& ignore, const test_box_overlap& ignore_overlap_tester, unsigned long num_threads = 2 ); /*! requires - is_learning_problem(images, truth_object_detections) - ignore.size() == images.size() - scanner.get_num_detection_templates() > 0 - scanner.load(images[0]) must be a valid expression. - for all valid i, j: - truth_object_detections[i][j].num_parts() == scanner.get_num_movable_components_per_detection_template() - all_parts_in_rect(truth_object_detections[i][j]) == true ensures - This object attempts to learn a mapping from the given images to the object locations given in truth_object_detections. In particular, it attempts to learn to predict truth_object_detections[i] based on images[i]. Or in other words, this object can be used to learn a parameter vector, w, such that an object_detector declared as: object_detector detector(scanner,get_overlap_tester(),w) results in a detector object which attempts to compute the locations of all the objects in truth_object_detections. So if you called detector(images[i]) you would hopefully get a list of rectangles back that had truth_object_detections[i].size() elements and contained exactly the rectangles indicated by truth_object_detections[i]. - if (auto_overlap_tester == true) then - #get_overlap_tester() == a test_box_overlap object that is configured using the find_tight_overlap_tester() routine and the contents of truth_object_detections. - else - #get_overlap_tester() == overlap_tester - #get_match_eps() == 0.5 - This object will use num_threads threads during the optimization procedure. You should set this parameter equal to the number of available processing cores on your machine. - #get_loss_per_missed_target() == 1 - #get_loss_per_false_alarm() == 1 - for all valid i: - Within images[i] any detections that match against a rectangle in ignore[i], according to ignore_overlap_tester, are ignored. That is, the optimizer doesn't care if the detector outputs a detection that matches any of the ignore rectangles or if it fails to output a detection for an ignore rectangle. Therefore, if there are objects in your dataset that you are unsure you want to detect or otherwise don't care if the detector gets or doesn't then you can mark them with ignore rectangles and the optimizer will simply ignore them. !*/ test_box_overlap get_overlap_tester ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the overlap tester used by this object. !*/ void set_match_eps ( double eps ); /*! requires - 0 < eps < 1 ensures - #get_match_eps() == eps !*/ double get_match_eps ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the amount of alignment necessary for a detection to be considered as matching with a ground truth rectangle. The precise formula for determining if two rectangles match each other is the following, rectangles A and B match if and only if: A.intersect(B).area()/(A+B).area() > get_match_eps() !*/ double get_loss_per_missed_target ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the amount of loss experienced for failing to detect one of the targets. !*/ void set_loss_per_missed_target ( double loss ); /*! requires - loss > 0 ensures - #get_loss_per_missed_target() == loss !*/ double get_loss_per_false_alarm ( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the amount of loss experienced for emitting a false alarm detection. Or in other words, the loss for generating a detection that doesn't correspond to one of the truth rectangles. !*/ void set_loss_per_false_alarm ( double loss ); /*! requires - loss > 0 ensures - #get_loss_per_false_alarm() == loss !*/ }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_STRUCTURAL_SVM_ObJECT_DETECTION_PROBLEM_ABSTRACT_Hh_