#include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- using namespace std; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class test { /*! WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS This is a simple test class that doesn't do anything !*/ public: typedef int type; test (); /*! ensures - constructs a test object !*/ void print () const; /*! ensures - prints a message to the screen !*/ }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test::test() {} void test::print() const { cout << "A message!" << endl; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int add_numbers ( int a, int b ) /*! ensures - returns a + b !*/ { return a + b; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void a_function ( ) /*!P This is a function which won't show up in the output of htmlify --to-xml because of the presence of the P in the above /*!P above. !*/ { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main() { test a; a.print(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------