// Copyright 2013 Stephen Vickers var ber = require ("asn1").Ber; var dgram = require ("dgram"); var events = require ("events"); var util = require ("util"); /***************************************************************************** ** Constants **/ function _expandConstantObject (object) { var keys = []; for (var key in object) keys.push (key); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) object[object[keys[i]]] = parseInt (keys[i]); } var ErrorStatus = { 0: "NoError", 1: "TooBig", 2: "NoSuchName", 3: "BadValue", 4: "ReadOnly", 5: "GeneralError", 6: "NoAccess", 7: "WrongType", 8: "WrongLength", 9: "WrongEncoding", 10: "WrongValue", 11: "NoCreation", 12: "InconsistentValue", 13: "ResourceUnavailable", 14: "CommitFailed", 15: "UndoFailed", 16: "AuthorizationError", 17: "NotWritable", 18: "InconsistentName" }; _expandConstantObject (ErrorStatus); var ObjectType = { 1: "Boolean", 2: "Integer", 4: "OctetString", 5: "Null", 6: "OID", 64: "IpAddress", 65: "Counter", 66: "Gauge", 67: "TimeTicks", 68: "Opaque", 70: "Counter64", 128: "NoSuchObject", 129: "NoSuchInstance", 130: "EndOfMibView" }; _expandConstantObject (ObjectType); ObjectType.Integer32 = ObjectType.Integer; ObjectType.Counter32 = ObjectType.Counter; ObjectType.Gauge32 = ObjectType.Gauge; ObjectType.Unsigned32 = ObjectType.Gauge32; var PduType = { 160: "GetRequest", 161: "GetNextRequest", 162: "GetResponse", 163: "SetRequest", 164: "Trap", 165: "GetBulkRequest", 166: "InformRequest", 167: "TrapV2", 168: "Report" }; _expandConstantObject (PduType); var TrapType = { 0: "ColdStart", 1: "WarmStart", 2: "LinkDown", 3: "LinkUp", 4: "AuthenticationFailure", 5: "EgpNeighborLoss", 6: "EnterpriseSpecific" }; _expandConstantObject (TrapType); var Version1 = 0; var Version2c = 1; /***************************************************************************** ** Exception class definitions **/ function ResponseInvalidError (message) { this.name = "ResponseInvalidError"; this.message = message; Error.captureStackTrace(this, ResponseInvalidError); } util.inherits (ResponseInvalidError, Error); function RequestInvalidError (message) { this.name = "RequestInvalidError"; this.message = message; Error.captureStackTrace(this, RequestInvalidError); } util.inherits (RequestInvalidError, Error); function RequestFailedError (message, status) { this.name = "RequestFailedError"; this.message = message; this.status = status; Error.captureStackTrace(this, RequestFailedError); } util.inherits (RequestFailedError, Error); function RequestTimedOutError (message) { this.name = "RequestTimedOutError"; this.message = message; Error.captureStackTrace(this, RequestTimedOutError); } util.inherits (RequestTimedOutError, Error); /***************************************************************************** ** OID and varbind helper functions **/ function isVarbindError (varbind) { return !!(varbind.type == ObjectType.NoSuchObject || varbind.type == ObjectType.NoSuchInstance || varbind.type == ObjectType.EndOfMibView); } function varbindError (varbind) { return (ObjectType[varbind.type] || "NotAnError") + ": " + varbind.oid; } function oidFollowsOid (oidString, nextString) { var oid = {str: oidString, len: oidString.length, idx: 0}; var next = {str: nextString, len: nextString.length, idx: 0}; var dotCharCode = ".".charCodeAt (0); function getNumber (item) { var n = 0; if (item.idx >= item.len) return null; while (item.idx < item.len) { var charCode = item.str.charCodeAt (item.idx++); if (charCode == dotCharCode) return n; n = (n ? (n * 10) : n) + (charCode - 48); } return n; } while (1) { var oidNumber = getNumber (oid); var nextNumber = getNumber (next); if (oidNumber !== null) { if (nextNumber !== null) { if (nextNumber > oidNumber) { return true; } else if (nextNumber < oidNumber) { return false; } } else { return true; } } else { return true; } } } function oidInSubtree (oidString, nextString) { var oid = oidString.split ("."); var next = nextString.split ("."); if (oid.length > next.length) return false; for (var i = 0; i < oid.length; i++) { if (next[i] != oid[i]) return false; } return true; } /** ** Some SNMP agents produce integers on the wire such as 00 ff ff ff ff. ** The ASN.1 BER parser we use throws an error when parsing this, which we ** believe is correct. So, we decided not to bother the "asn1" developer(s) ** with this, instead opting to work around it here. ** ** If an integer is 5 bytes in length we check if the first byte is 0, and if so ** simply drop it and parse it like it was a 4 byte integer, otherwise throw ** an error since the integer is too large. **/ function readInt (buffer) { return readUint (buffer, true); } function readUint (buffer, isSigned) { buffer.readByte (); var length = buffer.readByte (); var value = 0; var signedBitSet = false; if (length > 5) { throw new RangeError ("Integer too long '" + length + "'"); } else if (length == 5) { if (buffer.readByte () !== 0) throw new RangeError ("Integer too long '" + length + "'"); length = 4; } for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { value *= 256; value += buffer.readByte (); if (isSigned && i <= 0) { if ((value & 0x80) == 0x80) signedBitSet = true; } } if (signedBitSet) value -= (1 << (i * 8)); return value; } function readUint64 (buffer) { var value = buffer.readString (ObjectType.Counter64, true); return value; } function readVarbinds (buffer, varbinds) { buffer.readSequence (); while (1) { buffer.readSequence (); var oid = buffer.readOID (); var type = buffer.peek (); if (type == null) break; var value; if (type == ObjectType.Boolean) { value = buffer.readBoolean (); } else if (type == ObjectType.Integer) { value = readInt (buffer); } else if (type == ObjectType.OctetString) { value = buffer.readString (null, true); } else if (type == ObjectType.Null) { buffer.readByte (); buffer.readByte (); value = null; } else if (type == ObjectType.OID) { value = buffer.readOID (); } else if (type == ObjectType.IpAddress) { var bytes = buffer.readString (ObjectType.IpAddress, true); if (bytes.length != 4) throw new ResponseInvalidError ("Length '" + bytes.length + "' of IP address '" + bytes.toString ("hex") + "' is not 4"); value = bytes[0] + "." + bytes[1] + "." + bytes[2] + "." + bytes[3]; } else if (type == ObjectType.Counter) { value = readUint (buffer); } else if (type == ObjectType.Gauge) { value = readUint (buffer); } else if (type == ObjectType.TimeTicks) { value = readUint (buffer); } else if (type == ObjectType.Opaque) { value = buffer.readString (ObjectType.Opaque, true); } else if (type == ObjectType.Counter64) { value = readUint64 (buffer); } else if (type == ObjectType.NoSuchObject) { buffer.readByte (); buffer.readByte (); value = null; } else if (type == ObjectType.NoSuchInstance) { buffer.readByte (); buffer.readByte (); value = null; } else if (type == ObjectType.EndOfMibView) { buffer.readByte (); buffer.readByte (); value = null; } else { throw new ResponseInvalidError ("Unknown type '" + type + "' in response"); } varbinds.push ({ oid: oid, type: type, value: value }); } } function writeUint (buffer, type, value) { var b = new Buffer (4); b.writeUInt32BE (value, 0); buffer.writeBuffer (b, type); } function writeUint64 (buffer, value) { buffer.writeBuffer (value, ObjectType.Counter64); } function writeVarbinds (buffer, varbinds) { buffer.startSequence (); for (var i = 0; i < varbinds.length; i++) { buffer.startSequence (); buffer.writeOID (varbinds[i].oid); if (varbinds[i].type && varbinds[i].hasOwnProperty("value")) { var type = varbinds[i].type; var value = varbinds[i].value; if (type == ObjectType.Boolean) { buffer.writeBoolean (value ? true : false); } else if (type == ObjectType.Integer) { // also Integer32 buffer.writeInt (value); } else if (type == ObjectType.OctetString) { if (typeof value == "string") buffer.writeString (value); else buffer.writeBuffer (value, ObjectType.OctetString); } else if (type == ObjectType.Null) { buffer.writeNull (); } else if (type == ObjectType.OID) { buffer.writeOID (value); } else if (type == ObjectType.IpAddress) { var bytes = value.split ("."); if (bytes.length != 4) throw new RequestInvalidError ("Invalid IP address '" + value + "'"); buffer.writeBuffer (new Buffer (bytes), 64); } else if (type == ObjectType.Counter) { // also Counter32 writeUint (buffer, ObjectType.Counter, value); } else if (type == ObjectType.Gauge) { // also Gauge32 & Unsigned32 writeUint (buffer, ObjectType.Gauge, value); } else if (type == ObjectType.TimeTicks) { writeUint (buffer, ObjectType.TimeTicks, value); } else if (type == ObjectType.Opaque) { buffer.writeBuffer (value, ObjectType.Opaque); } else if (type == ObjectType.Counter64) { writeUint64 (buffer, value); } else { throw new RequestInvalidError ("Unknown type '" + type + "' in request"); } } else { buffer.writeNull (); } buffer.endSequence (); } buffer.endSequence (); } /***************************************************************************** ** PDU class definitions **/ var SimplePdu = function (id, varbinds, options) { this.id = id; this.varbinds = varbinds; this.options = options || {}; }; SimplePdu.prototype.toBuffer = function (buffer) { buffer.startSequence (this.type); buffer.writeInt (this.id); buffer.writeInt ((this.type == PduType.GetBulkRequest) ? (this.options.nonRepeaters || 0) : 0); buffer.writeInt ((this.type == PduType.GetBulkRequest) ? (this.options.maxRepetitions || 0) : 0); writeVarbinds (buffer, this.varbinds); buffer.endSequence (); }; var GetBulkRequestPdu = function () { this.type = PduType.GetBulkRequest; GetBulkRequestPdu.super_.apply (this, arguments); }; util.inherits (GetBulkRequestPdu, SimplePdu); var GetNextRequestPdu = function () { this.type = PduType.GetNextRequest; GetNextRequestPdu.super_.apply (this, arguments); }; util.inherits (GetNextRequestPdu, SimplePdu); var GetResponsePdu = function (buffer) { this.type = PduType.GetResponse; buffer.readSequence (this.type); this.id = buffer.readInt (); this.errorStatus = buffer.readInt (); this.errorIndex = buffer.readInt (); this.varbinds = []; readVarbinds (buffer, this.varbinds); }; var GetRequestPdu = function () { this.type = PduType.GetRequest; GetRequestPdu.super_.apply (this, arguments); }; util.inherits (GetRequestPdu, SimplePdu); var InformRequestPdu = function () { this.type = PduType.InformRequest; InformRequestPdu.super_.apply (this, arguments); }; util.inherits (InformRequestPdu, SimplePdu); var SetRequestPdu = function () { this.type = PduType.SetRequest; SetRequestPdu.super_.apply (this, arguments); }; util.inherits (SetRequestPdu, SimplePdu); var TrapPdu = function (typeOrOid, varbinds, options) { this.type = PduType.Trap; this.agentAddr = options.agentAddr || ""; this.upTime = options.upTime; if (typeof typeOrOid == "string") { this.generic = TrapType.EnterpriseSpecific; this.specific = parseInt (typeOrOid.match (/\.(\d+)$/)[1]); this.enterprise = typeOrOid.replace (/\.(\d+)$/, ""); } else { this.generic = typeOrOid; this.specific = 0; this.enterprise = ""; } this.varbinds = varbinds; }; TrapPdu.prototype.toBuffer = function (buffer) { buffer.startSequence (this.type); buffer.writeOID (this.enterprise); buffer.writeBuffer (new Buffer (this.agentAddr.split (".")), ObjectType.IpAddress); buffer.writeInt (this.generic); buffer.writeInt (this.specific); writeUint (buffer, ObjectType.TimeTicks, this.upTime || Math.floor (process.uptime () * 100)); writeVarbinds (buffer, this.varbinds); buffer.endSequence (); }; var TrapV2Pdu = function () { this.type = PduType.TrapV2; TrapV2Pdu.super_.apply (this, arguments); }; util.inherits (TrapV2Pdu, SimplePdu); /***************************************************************************** ** Message class definitions **/ var RequestMessage = function (version, community, pdu) { this.version = version; this.community = community; this.pdu = pdu; }; RequestMessage.prototype.toBuffer = function () { if (this.buffer) return this.buffer; var writer = new ber.Writer (); writer.startSequence (); writer.writeInt (this.version); writer.writeString (this.community); this.pdu.toBuffer (writer); writer.endSequence (); this.buffer = writer.buffer; return this.buffer; }; var ResponseMessage = function (buffer) { var reader = new ber.Reader (buffer); reader.readSequence (); this.version = reader.readInt (); this.community = reader.readString (); var type = reader.peek (); if (type == PduType.GetResponse) { this.pdu = new GetResponsePdu (reader); } else { throw new ResponseInvalidError ("Unknown PDU type '" + type + "' in response"); } }; /***************************************************************************** ** Session class definition **/ var Session = function (target, community, options) { this.target = target || ""; this.community = community || "public"; this.version = (options && options.version) ? options.version : Version1; this.transport = (options && options.transport) ? options.transport : "udp4"; this.port = (options && options.port ) ? options.port : 161; this.trapPort = (options && options.trapPort ) ? options.trapPort : 162; this.retries = (options && (options.retries || options.retries == 0)) ? options.retries : 1; this.timeout = (options && options.timeout) ? options.timeout : 5000; this.sourceAddress = (options && options.sourceAddress ) ? options.sourceAddress : undefined; this.sourcePort = (options && options.sourcePort ) ? parseInt(options.sourcePort) : undefined; this.reqs = {}; this.reqCount = 0; this.dgram = dgram.createSocket (this.transport); this.dgram.unref(); var me = this; this.dgram.on ("message", me.onMsg.bind (me)); this.dgram.on ("close", me.onClose.bind (me)); this.dgram.on ("error", me.onError.bind (me)); if (this.sourceAddress || this.sourcePort) this.dgram.bind (this.sourcePort, this.sourceAddress); }; util.inherits (Session, events.EventEmitter); Session.prototype.close = function () { this.dgram.close (); return this; }; Session.prototype.cancelRequests = function (error) { var id; for (id in this.reqs) { var req = this.reqs[id]; this.unregisterRequest (req.id); req.responseCb (error); } }; function _generateId () { return Math.floor (Math.random () + Math.random () * 10000000) } Session.prototype.get = function (oids, responseCb) { function feedCb (req, message) { var pdu = message.pdu; var varbinds = []; if (req.message.pdu.varbinds.length != pdu.varbinds.length) { req.responseCb (new ResponseInvalidError ("Requested OIDs do not " + "match response OIDs")); } else { for (var i = 0; i < req.message.pdu.varbinds.length; i++) { if (req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid != pdu.varbinds[i].oid) { req.responseCb (new ResponseInvalidError ("OID '" + req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in request at positiion '" + i + "' does not " + "match OID '" + pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in response " + "at position '" + i + "'")); return; } else { varbinds.push (pdu.varbinds[i]); } } req.responseCb (null, varbinds); } } var pduVarbinds = []; for (var i = 0; i < oids.length; i++) { var varbind = { oid: oids[i] }; pduVarbinds.push (varbind); } this.simpleGet (GetRequestPdu, feedCb, pduVarbinds, responseCb); return this; }; Session.prototype.getBulk = function () { var oids, nonRepeaters, maxRepetitions, responseCb; if (arguments.length >= 4) { oids = arguments[0]; nonRepeaters = arguments[1]; maxRepetitions = arguments[2]; responseCb = arguments[3]; } else if (arguments.length >= 3) { oids = arguments[0]; nonRepeaters = arguments[1]; maxRepetitions = 10; responseCb = arguments[2]; } else { oids = arguments[0]; nonRepeaters = 0; maxRepetitions = 10; responseCb = arguments[1]; } function feedCb (req, message) { var pdu = message.pdu; var varbinds = []; var i = 0; // first walk through and grab non-repeaters if (pdu.varbinds.length < nonRepeaters) { req.responseCb (new ResponseInvalidError ("Varbind count in " + "response '" + pdu.varbinds.length + "' is less than " + "non-repeaters '" + nonRepeaters + "' in request")); } else { for ( ; i < nonRepeaters; i++) { if (isVarbindError (pdu.varbinds[i])) { varbinds.push (pdu.varbinds[i]); } else if (! oidFollowsOid (req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid, pdu.varbinds[i].oid)) { req.responseCb (new ResponseInvalidError ("OID '" + req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in request at " + "positiion '" + i + "' does not precede " + "OID '" + pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in response " + "at position '" + i + "'")); return; } else { varbinds.push (pdu.varbinds[i]); } } } var repeaters = req.message.pdu.varbinds.length - nonRepeaters; // secondly walk through and grab repeaters if (pdu.varbinds.length % (repeaters)) { req.responseCb (new ResponseInvalidError ("Varbind count in " + "response '" + pdu.varbinds.length + "' is not a " + "multiple of repeaters '" + repeaters + "' plus non-repeaters '" + nonRepeaters + "' in request")); } else { while (i < pdu.varbinds.length) { for (var j = 0; j < repeaters; j++, i++) { var reqIndex = nonRepeaters + j; var respIndex = i; if (isVarbindError (pdu.varbinds[respIndex])) { if (! varbinds[reqIndex]) varbinds[reqIndex] = []; varbinds[reqIndex].push (pdu.varbinds[respIndex]); } else if (! oidFollowsOid ( req.message.pdu.varbinds[reqIndex].oid, pdu.varbinds[respIndex].oid)) { req.responseCb (new ResponseInvalidError ("OID '" + req.message.pdu.varbinds[reqIndex].oid + "' in request at positiion '" + (reqIndex) + "' does not precede OID '" + pdu.varbinds[respIndex].oid + "' in response at position '" + (respIndex) + "'")); return; } else { if (! varbinds[reqIndex]) varbinds[reqIndex] = []; varbinds[reqIndex].push (pdu.varbinds[respIndex]); } } } } req.responseCb (null, varbinds); } var pduVarbinds = []; for (var i = 0; i < oids.length; i++) { var varbind = { oid: oids[i] }; pduVarbinds.push (varbind); } var options = { nonRepeaters: nonRepeaters, maxRepetitions: maxRepetitions }; this.simpleGet (GetBulkRequestPdu, feedCb, pduVarbinds, responseCb, options); return this; }; Session.prototype.getNext = function (oids, responseCb) { function feedCb (req, message) { var pdu = message.pdu; var varbinds = []; if (req.message.pdu.varbinds.length != pdu.varbinds.length) { req.responseCb (new ResponseInvalidError ("Requested OIDs do not " + "match response OIDs")); } else { for (var i = 0; i < req.message.pdu.varbinds.length; i++) { if (isVarbindError (pdu.varbinds[i])) { varbinds.push (pdu.varbinds[i]); } else if (! oidFollowsOid (req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid, pdu.varbinds[i].oid)) { req.responseCb (new ResponseInvalidError ("OID '" + req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in request at " + "positiion '" + i + "' does not precede " + "OID '" + pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in response " + "at position '" + i + "'")); return; } else { varbinds.push (pdu.varbinds[i]); } } req.responseCb (null, varbinds); } } var pduVarbinds = []; for (var i = 0; i < oids.length; i++) { var varbind = { oid: oids[i] }; pduVarbinds.push (varbind); } this.simpleGet (GetNextRequestPdu, feedCb, pduVarbinds, responseCb); return this; }; Session.prototype.inform = function () { var typeOrOid = arguments[0]; var varbinds, options = {}, responseCb; /** ** Support the following signatures: ** ** typeOrOid, varbinds, options, callback ** typeOrOid, varbinds, callback ** typeOrOid, options, callback ** typeOrOid, callback **/ if (arguments.length >= 4) { varbinds = arguments[1]; options = arguments[2]; responseCb = arguments[3]; } else if (arguments.length >= 3) { if (arguments[1].constructor != Array) { varbinds = []; options = arguments[1]; responseCb = arguments[2]; } else { varbinds = arguments[1]; responseCb = arguments[2]; } } else { varbinds = []; responseCb = arguments[1]; } function feedCb (req, message) { var pdu = message.pdu; var varbinds = []; if (req.message.pdu.varbinds.length != pdu.varbinds.length) { req.responseCb (new ResponseInvalidError ("Inform OIDs do not " + "match response OIDs")); } else { for (var i = 0; i < req.message.pdu.varbinds.length; i++) { if (req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid != pdu.varbinds[i].oid) { req.responseCb (new ResponseInvalidError ("OID '" + req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in inform at positiion '" + i + "' does not " + "match OID '" + pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in response " + "at position '" + i + "'")); return; } else { varbinds.push (pdu.varbinds[i]); } } req.responseCb (null, varbinds); } } if (typeof typeOrOid != "string") typeOrOid = "" + (typeOrOid + 1); var pduVarbinds = [ { oid: "", type: ObjectType.TimeTicks, value: options.upTime || Math.floor (process.uptime () * 100) }, { oid: "", type: ObjectType.OID, value: typeOrOid } ]; for (var i = 0; i < varbinds.length; i++) { var varbind = { oid: varbinds[i].oid, type: varbinds[i].type, value: varbinds[i].value }; pduVarbinds.push (varbind); } options.port = this.trapPort; this.simpleGet (InformRequestPdu, feedCb, pduVarbinds, responseCb, options); return this; }; Session.prototype.onClose = function () { this.cancelRequests (new Error ("Socket forcibly closed")); this.emit ("close"); }; Session.prototype.onError = function (error) { this.emit (error); }; Session.prototype.onMsg = function (buffer, remote) { try { var message = new ResponseMessage (buffer); var req = this.unregisterRequest (message.pdu.id); if (! req) return; try { if (message.version != req.message.version) { req.responseCb (new ResponseInvalidError ("Version in request '" + req.message.version + "' does not match version in " + "response '" + message.version)); } else if (message.community != req.message.community) { req.responseCb (new ResponseInvalidError ("Community '" + req.message.community + "' in request does not match " + "community '" + message.community + "' in response")); } else if (message.pdu.type == PduType.GetResponse) { req.onResponse (req, message); } else { req.responseCb (new ResponseInvalidError ("Unknown PDU type '" + message.pdu.type + "' in response")); } } catch (error) { req.responseCb (error); } } catch (error) { this.emit("error", error); } }; Session.prototype.onSimpleGetResponse = function (req, message) { var pdu = message.pdu; if (pdu.errorStatus > 0) { var statusString = ErrorStatus[pdu.errorStatus] || ErrorStatus.GeneralError; var statusCode = ErrorStatus[statusString] || ErrorStatus[ErrorStatus.GeneralError]; if (pdu.errorIndex <= 0 || pdu.errorIndex > pdu.varbinds.length) { req.responseCb (new RequestFailedError (statusString, statusCode)); } else { var oid = pdu.varbinds[pdu.errorIndex - 1].oid; var error = new RequestFailedError (statusString + ": " + oid, statusCode); req.responseCb (error); } } else { req.feedCb (req, message); } }; Session.prototype.registerRequest = function (req) { if (! this.reqs[req.id]) { this.reqs[req.id] = req; if (this.reqCount <= 0) this.dgram.ref(); this.reqCount++; } var me = this; req.timer = setTimeout (function () { if (req.retries-- > 0) { me.send (req); } else { me.unregisterRequest (req.id); req.responseCb (new RequestTimedOutError ( "Request timed out")); } }, req.timeout); }; Session.prototype.send = function (req, noWait) { try { var me = this; var buffer = req.message.toBuffer (); this.dgram.send (buffer, 0, buffer.length, req.port, this.target, function (error, bytes) { if (error) { req.responseCb (error); } else { if (noWait) { req.responseCb (null); } else { me.registerRequest (req); } } }); } catch (error) { req.responseCb (error); } return this; }; Session.prototype.set = function (varbinds, responseCb) { function feedCb (req, message) { var pdu = message.pdu; var varbinds = []; if (req.message.pdu.varbinds.length != pdu.varbinds.length) { req.responseCb (new ResponseInvalidError ("Requested OIDs do not " + "match response OIDs")); } else { for (var i = 0; i < req.message.pdu.varbinds.length; i++) { if (req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid != pdu.varbinds[i].oid) { req.responseCb (new ResponseInvalidError ("OID '" + req.message.pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in request at positiion '" + i + "' does not " + "match OID '" + pdu.varbinds[i].oid + "' in response " + "at position '" + i + "'")); return; } else { varbinds.push (pdu.varbinds[i]); } } req.responseCb (null, varbinds); } } var pduVarbinds = []; for (var i = 0; i < varbinds.length; i++) { var varbind = { oid: varbinds[i].oid, type: varbinds[i].type, value: varbinds[i].value }; pduVarbinds.push (varbind); } this.simpleGet (SetRequestPdu, feedCb, pduVarbinds, responseCb); return this; }; Session.prototype.simpleGet = function (pduClass, feedCb, varbinds, responseCb, options) { var req = {}; try { var id = _generateId (); var pdu = new pduClass (id, varbinds, options); var message = new RequestMessage (this.version, this.community, pdu); req = { id: id, message: message, responseCb: responseCb, retries: this.retries, timeout: this.timeout, onResponse: this.onSimpleGetResponse, feedCb: feedCb, port: (options && options.port) ? options.port : this.port }; this.send (req); } catch (error) { if (req.responseCb) req.responseCb (error); } }; function subtreeCb (req, varbinds) { var done = 0; for (var i = varbinds.length; i > 0; i--) { if (! oidInSubtree (req.baseOid, varbinds[i - 1].oid)) { done = 1; varbinds.pop (); } } if (varbinds.length > 0) req.feedCb (varbinds); if (done) return true; } Session.prototype.subtree = function () { var me = this; var oid = arguments[0]; var maxRepetitions, feedCb, doneCb; if (arguments.length < 4) { maxRepetitions = 20; feedCb = arguments[1]; doneCb = arguments[2]; } else { maxRepetitions = arguments[1]; feedCb = arguments[2]; doneCb = arguments[3]; } var req = { feedCb: feedCb, doneCb: doneCb, maxRepetitions: maxRepetitions, baseOid: oid }; this.walk (oid, maxRepetitions, subtreeCb.bind (me, req), doneCb); return this; }; function tableColumnsResponseCb (req, error) { if (error) { req.responseCb (error); } else if (req.error) { req.responseCb (req.error); } else { if (req.columns.length > 0) { var column = req.columns.pop (); var me = this; this.subtree (req.rowOid + column, req.maxRepetitions, tableColumnsFeedCb.bind (me, req), tableColumnsResponseCb.bind (me, req)); } else { req.responseCb (null, req.table); } } } function tableColumnsFeedCb (req, varbinds) { for (var i = 0; i < varbinds.length; i++) { if (isVarbindError (varbinds[i])) { req.error = new RequestFailedError (varbindError (varbind[i])); return true; } var oid = varbinds[i].oid.replace (req.rowOid, ""); if (oid && oid != varbinds[i].oid) { var match = oid.match (/^(\d+)\.(.+)$/); if (match && match[1] > 0) { if (! req.table[match[2]]) req.table[match[2]] = {}; req.table[match[2]][match[1]] = varbinds[i].value; } } } } Session.prototype.tableColumns = function () { var me = this; var oid = arguments[0]; var columns = arguments[1]; var maxRepetitions, responseCb; if (arguments.length < 4) { responseCb = arguments[2]; maxRepetitions = 20; } else { maxRepetitions = arguments[2]; responseCb = arguments[3]; } var req = { responseCb: responseCb, maxRepetitions: maxRepetitions, baseOid: oid, rowOid: oid + ".1.", columns: columns.slice(0), table: {} }; if (req.columns.length > 0) { var column = req.columns.pop (); this.subtree (req.rowOid + column, maxRepetitions, tableColumnsFeedCb.bind (me, req), tableColumnsResponseCb.bind (me, req)); } return this; }; function tableResponseCb (req, error) { if (error) req.responseCb (error); else if (req.error) req.responseCb (req.error); else req.responseCb (null, req.table); } function tableFeedCb (req, varbinds) { for (var i = 0; i < varbinds.length; i++) { if (isVarbindError (varbinds[i])) { req.error = new RequestFailedError (varbindError (varbind[i])); return true; } var oid = varbinds[i].oid.replace (req.rowOid, ""); if (oid && oid != varbinds[i].oid) { var match = oid.match (/^(\d+)\.(.+)$/); if (match && match[1] > 0) { if (! req.table[match[2]]) req.table[match[2]] = {}; req.table[match[2]][match[1]] = varbinds[i].value; } } } } Session.prototype.table = function () { var me = this; var oid = arguments[0]; var maxRepetitions, responseCb; if (arguments.length < 3) { responseCb = arguments[1]; maxRepetitions = 20; } else { maxRepetitions = arguments[1]; responseCb = arguments[2]; } var req = { responseCb: responseCb, maxRepetitions: maxRepetitions, baseOid: oid, rowOid: oid + ".1.", table: {} }; this.subtree (oid, maxRepetitions, tableFeedCb.bind (me, req), tableResponseCb.bind (me, req)); return this; }; Session.prototype.trap = function () { var req = {}; try { var typeOrOid = arguments[0]; var varbinds, options = {}, responseCb; /** ** Support the following signatures: ** ** typeOrOid, varbinds, options, callback ** typeOrOid, varbinds, agentAddr, callback ** typeOrOid, varbinds, callback ** typeOrOid, agentAddr, callback ** typeOrOid, options, callback ** typeOrOid, callback **/ if (arguments.length >= 4) { varbinds = arguments[1]; if (typeof arguments[2] == "string") { options.agentAddr = arguments[2]; } else if (arguments[2].constructor != Array) { options = arguments[2]; } responseCb = arguments[3]; } else if (arguments.length >= 3) { if (typeof arguments[1] == "string") { varbinds = []; options.agentAddr = arguments[1]; } else if (arguments[1].constructor != Array) { varbinds = []; options = arguments[1]; } else { varbinds = arguments[1]; agentAddr = null; } responseCb = arguments[2]; } else { varbinds = []; responseCb = arguments[1]; } var pdu, pduVarbinds = []; for (var i = 0; i < varbinds.length; i++) { var varbind = { oid: varbinds[i].oid, type: varbinds[i].type, value: varbinds[i].value }; pduVarbinds.push (varbind); } var id = _generateId (); if (this.version == Version2c) { if (typeof typeOrOid != "string") typeOrOid = "" + (typeOrOid + 1); pduVarbinds.unshift ( { oid: "", type: ObjectType.TimeTicks, value: options.upTime || Math.floor (process.uptime () * 100) }, { oid: "", type: ObjectType.OID, value: typeOrOid } ); pdu = new TrapV2Pdu (id, pduVarbinds, options); } else { pdu = new TrapPdu (typeOrOid, pduVarbinds, options); } var message = new RequestMessage (this.version, this.community, pdu); req = { id: id, message: message, responseCb: responseCb, port: this.trapPort }; this.send (req, true); } catch (error) { if (req.responseCb) req.responseCb (error); } return this; }; Session.prototype.unregisterRequest = function (id) { var req = this.reqs[id]; if (req) { delete this.reqs[id]; clearTimeout (req.timer); delete req.timer; this.reqCount--; if (this.reqCount <= 0) this.dgram.unref(); return req; } else { return null; } }; function walkCb (req, error, varbinds) { var done = 0; var oid; if (error) { if (error instanceof RequestFailedError) { if (error.status != ErrorStatus.NoSuchName) { req.doneCb (error); return; } else { // signal the version 1 walk code below that it should stop done = 1; } } else { req.doneCb (error); return; } } if (this.version == Version2c) { for (var i = varbinds[0].length; i > 0; i--) { if (varbinds[0][i - 1].type == ObjectType.EndOfMibView) { varbinds[0].pop (); done = 1; } } if (req.feedCb (varbinds[0])) done = 1; if (! done) oid = varbinds[0][varbinds[0].length - 1].oid; } else { if (! done) { if (req.feedCb (varbinds)) { done = 1; } else { oid = varbinds[0].oid; } } } if (done) req.doneCb (null); else this.walk (oid, req.maxRepetitions, req.feedCb, req.doneCb, req.baseOid); } Session.prototype.walk = function () { var me = this; var oid = arguments[0]; var maxRepetitions, feedCb, doneCb, baseOid; if (arguments.length < 4) { maxRepetitions = 20; feedCb = arguments[1]; doneCb = arguments[2]; } else { maxRepetitions = arguments[1]; feedCb = arguments[2]; doneCb = arguments[3]; } var req = { maxRepetitions: maxRepetitions, feedCb: feedCb, doneCb: doneCb }; if (this.version == Version2c) this.getBulk ([oid], 0, maxRepetitions, walkCb.bind (me, req)); else this.getNext ([oid], walkCb.bind (me, req)); return this; }; /***************************************************************************** ** Exports **/ exports.Session = Session; exports.createSession = function (target, community, options) { return new Session (target, community, options); }; exports.isVarbindError = isVarbindError; exports.varbindError = varbindError; exports.Version1 = Version1; exports.Version2c = Version2c; exports.ErrorStatus = ErrorStatus; exports.TrapType = TrapType; exports.ObjectType = ObjectType; exports.ResponseInvalidError = ResponseInvalidError; exports.RequestInvalidError = RequestInvalidError; exports.RequestFailedError = RequestFailedError; exports.RequestTimedOutError = RequestTimedOutError; /** ** We've added this for testing. **/ exports.ObjectParser = { readInt: readInt, readUint: readUint };