/* JavaScript XML Library Plus a bunch of object utility functions Usage: var XML = require('pixl-xml'); var myxmlstring = '' + 'Hello' + 'Content' + ''; var tree = XML.parse( myxmlstring, { preserveAttributes: true }); console.log( tree ); tree.Simple = "Hello2"; tree.Node._Attribs.Key = "Value2"; tree.Node._Data = "Content2"; tree.New = "I added this"; console.log( XML.stringify( tree, 'Document' ) ); Copyright (c) 2004 - 2015 Joseph Huckaby Released under the MIT License This version is for Node.JS, converted in 2012. */ var fs = require('fs'); var indent_string = "\t"; var xml_header = ''; var sort_args = null; var re_valid_tag_name = /^\w[\w\-\:]*$/; var XML = exports.XML = function XML(args) { // class constructor for XML parser class // pass in args hash or text to parse if (!args) args = ''; if (isa_hash(args)) { for (var key in args) this[key] = args[key]; } else this.text = args || ''; // stringify buffers if (this.text instanceof Buffer) { this.text = this.text.toString(); } if (!this.text.match(/^\s*]+)>/g; XML.prototype.patSpecialTag = /^\s*([\!\?])/; XML.prototype.patPITag = /^\s*\?/; XML.prototype.patCommentTag = /^\s*\!--/; XML.prototype.patDTDTag = /^\s*\!DOCTYPE/; XML.prototype.patCDATATag = /^\s*\!\s*\[\s*CDATA/; XML.prototype.patStandardTag = /^\s*(\/?)([\w\-\:\.]+)\s*(.*)$/; XML.prototype.patSelfClosing = /\/\s*$/; XML.prototype.patAttrib = new RegExp("([\\w\\-\\:\\.]+)\\s*=\\s*([\\\"\\'])([^\\2]*?)\\2", "g"); XML.prototype.patPINode = /^\s*\?\s*([\w\-\:]+)\s*(.*)$/; XML.prototype.patEndComment = /--$/; XML.prototype.patNextClose = /([^>]*?)>/g; XML.prototype.patExternalDTDNode = new RegExp("^\\s*\\!DOCTYPE\\s+([\\w\\-\\:]+)\\s+(SYSTEM|PUBLIC)\\s+\\\"([^\\\"]+)\\\""); XML.prototype.patInlineDTDNode = /^\s*\!DOCTYPE\s+([\w\-\:]+)\s+\[/; XML.prototype.patEndDTD = /\]$/; XML.prototype.patDTDNode = /^\s*\!DOCTYPE\s+([\w\-\:]+)\s+\[(.*)\]/; XML.prototype.patEndCDATA = /\]\]$/; XML.prototype.patCDATANode = /^\s*\!\s*\[\s*CDATA\s*\[([^]*)\]\]/; XML.prototype.attribsKey = '_Attribs'; XML.prototype.dataKey = '_Data'; XML.prototype.parse = function(branch, name) { // parse text into XML tree, recurse for nested nodes if (!branch) branch = this.tree; if (!name) name = null; var foundClosing = false; var matches = null; // match each tag, plus preceding text while ( matches = this.patTag.exec(this.text) ) { var before = matches[1]; var tag = matches[2]; // text leading up to tag = content of parent node if (before.match(/\S/)) { if (typeof(branch[this.dataKey]) != 'undefined') branch[this.dataKey] += ' '; else branch[this.dataKey] = ''; branch[this.dataKey] += trim(decode_entities(before)); } // parse based on tag type if (tag.match(this.patSpecialTag)) { // special tag if (tag.match(this.patPITag)) tag = this.parsePINode(tag); else if (tag.match(this.patCommentTag)) tag = this.parseCommentNode(tag); else if (tag.match(this.patDTDTag)) tag = this.parseDTDNode(tag); else if (tag.match(this.patCDATATag)) { tag = this.parseCDATANode(tag); if (typeof(branch[this.dataKey]) != 'undefined') branch[this.dataKey] += ' '; else branch[this.dataKey] = ''; branch[this.dataKey] += trim(decode_entities(tag)); } // cdata else { this.throwParseError( "Malformed special tag", tag ); break; } // error if (tag == null) break; continue; } // special tag else { // Tag is standard, so parse name and attributes (if any) var matches = tag.match(this.patStandardTag); if (!matches) { this.throwParseError( "Malformed tag", tag ); break; } var closing = matches[1]; var nodeName = this.lowerCase ? matches[2].toLowerCase() : matches[2]; var attribsRaw = matches[3]; // If this is a closing tag, make sure it matches its opening tag if (closing) { if (nodeName == (name || '')) { foundClosing = 1; break; } else { this.throwParseError( "Mismatched closing tag (expected )", tag ); break; } } // closing tag else { // Not a closing tag, so parse attributes into hash. If tag // is self-closing, no recursive parsing is needed. var selfClosing = !!attribsRaw.match(this.patSelfClosing); var leaf = {}; var attribs = leaf; // preserve attributes means they go into a sub-hash named "_Attribs" // the XML composer honors this for restoring the tree back into XML if (this.preserveAttributes) { leaf[this.attribsKey] = {}; attribs = leaf[this.attribsKey]; } // parse attributes this.patAttrib.lastIndex = 0; while ( matches = this.patAttrib.exec(attribsRaw) ) { var key = this.lowerCase ? matches[1].toLowerCase() : matches[1]; attribs[ key ] = decode_entities( matches[3] ); } // foreach attrib // if no attribs found, but we created the _Attribs subhash, clean it up now if (this.preserveAttributes && !num_keys(attribs)) { delete leaf[this.attribsKey]; } // Recurse for nested nodes if (!selfClosing) { this.parse( leaf, nodeName ); if (this.error()) break; } // Compress into simple node if text only var num_leaf_keys = num_keys(leaf); if ((typeof(leaf[this.dataKey]) != 'undefined') && (num_leaf_keys == 1)) { leaf = leaf[this.dataKey]; } else if (!num_leaf_keys) { leaf = ''; } // Add leaf to parent branch if (typeof(branch[nodeName]) != 'undefined') { if (isa_array(branch[nodeName])) { branch[nodeName].push( leaf ); } else { var temp = branch[nodeName]; branch[nodeName] = [ temp, leaf ]; } } else { branch[nodeName] = leaf; } if (this.error() || (branch == this.tree)) break; } // not closing } // standard tag } // main reg exp // Make sure we found the closing tag if (name && !foundClosing) { this.throwParseError( "Missing closing tag (expected )", name ); } // If we are the master node, finish parsing and setup our doc node if (branch == this.tree) { if (typeof(this.tree[this.dataKey]) != 'undefined') delete this.tree[this.dataKey]; if (num_keys(this.tree) > 1) { this.throwParseError( 'Only one top-level node is allowed in document', first_key(this.tree) ); return; } this.documentNodeName = first_key(this.tree); if (this.documentNodeName) { this.tree = this.tree[this.documentNodeName]; } } }; XML.prototype.throwParseError = function(key, tag) { // log error and locate current line number in source XML document var parsedSource = this.text.substring(0, this.patTag.lastIndex); var eolMatch = parsedSource.match(/\n/g); var lineNum = (eolMatch ? eolMatch.length : 0) + 1; lineNum -= tag.match(/\n/) ? tag.match(/\n/g).length : 0; this.errors.push({ type: 'Parse', key: key, text: '<' + tag + '>', line: lineNum }); // Throw actual error (must wrap parse in try/catch) throw new Error( this.getLastError() ); }; XML.prototype.error = function() { // return number of errors return this.errors.length; }; XML.prototype.getError = function(error) { // get formatted error var text = ''; if (!error) return ''; text = (error.type || 'General') + ' Error'; if (error.code) text += ' ' + error.code; text += ': ' + error.key; if (error.line) text += ' on line ' + error.line; if (error.text) text += ': ' + error.text; return text; }; XML.prototype.getLastError = function() { // Get most recently thrown error in plain text format if (!this.error()) return ''; return this.getError( this.errors[this.errors.length - 1] ); }; XML.prototype.parsePINode = function(tag) { // Parse Processor Instruction Node, e.g. if (!tag.match(this.patPINode)) { this.throwParseError( "Malformed processor instruction", tag ); return null; } this.piNodeList.push( tag ); return tag; }; XML.prototype.parseCommentNode = function(tag) { // Parse Comment Node, e.g. var matches = null; this.patNextClose.lastIndex = this.patTag.lastIndex; while (!tag.match(this.patEndComment)) { if (matches = this.patNextClose.exec(this.text)) { tag += '>' + matches[1]; } else { this.throwParseError( "Unclosed comment tag", tag ); return null; } } this.patTag.lastIndex = this.patNextClose.lastIndex; return tag; }; XML.prototype.parseDTDNode = function(tag) { // Parse Document Type Descriptor Node, e.g. var matches = null; if (tag.match(this.patExternalDTDNode)) { // tag is external, and thus self-closing this.dtdNodeList.push( tag ); } else if (tag.match(this.patInlineDTDNode)) { // Tag is inline, so check for nested nodes. this.patNextClose.lastIndex = this.patTag.lastIndex; while (!tag.match(this.patEndDTD)) { if (matches = this.patNextClose.exec(this.text)) { tag += '>' + matches[1]; } else { this.throwParseError( "Unclosed DTD tag", tag ); return null; } } this.patTag.lastIndex = this.patNextClose.lastIndex; // Make sure complete tag is well-formed, and push onto DTD stack. if (tag.match(this.patDTDNode)) { this.dtdNodeList.push( tag ); } else { this.throwParseError( "Malformed DTD tag", tag ); return null; } } else { this.throwParseError( "Malformed DTD tag", tag ); return null; } return tag; }; XML.prototype.parseCDATANode = function(tag) { // Parse CDATA Node, e.g. var matches = null; this.patNextClose.lastIndex = this.patTag.lastIndex; while (!tag.match(this.patEndCDATA)) { if (matches = this.patNextClose.exec(this.text)) { tag += '>' + matches[1]; } else { this.throwParseError( "Unclosed CDATA tag", tag ); return null; } } this.patTag.lastIndex = this.patNextClose.lastIndex; if (matches = tag.match(this.patCDATANode)) { return matches[1]; } else { this.throwParseError( "Malformed CDATA tag", tag ); return null; } }; XML.prototype.getTree = function() { // get reference to parsed XML tree return this.tree; }; XML.prototype.compose = function() { // compose tree back into XML var raw = compose_xml( this.tree, this.documentNodeName ); var body = raw.substring( raw.indexOf("\n") + 1, raw.length ); var xml = ''; if (this.piNodeList.length) { for (var idx = 0, len = this.piNodeList.length; idx < len; idx++) { xml += '<' + this.piNodeList[idx] + '>' + "\n"; } } else { xml += xml_header + "\n"; } if (this.dtdNodeList.length) { for (var idx = 0, len = this.dtdNodeList.length; idx < len; idx++) { xml += '<' + this.dtdNodeList[idx] + '>' + "\n"; } } xml += body; return xml; }; // // Static Utility Functions: // var parse_xml = exports.parse = function parse_xml(text, opts) { // turn text into XML tree quickly if (!opts) opts = {}; opts.text = text; var parser = new XML(opts); return parser.error() ? parser.getLastError() : parser.getTree(); }; var trim = exports.trim = function trim(text) { // strip whitespace from beginning and end of string if (text == null) return ''; if (text && text.replace) { text = text.replace(/^\s+/, ""); text = text.replace(/\s+$/, ""); } return text; }; var encode_entities = exports.encodeEntities = function encode_entities(text) { // Simple entitize exports.for = function for composing XML if (text == null) return ''; if (text && text.replace) { text = text.replace(/\&/g, "&"); // MUST BE FIRST text = text.replace(//g, ">"); } return text; }; var encode_attrib_entities = exports.encodeAttribEntities = function encode_attrib_entities(text) { // Simple entitize exports.for = function for composing XML attributes if (text == null) return ''; if (text && text.replace) { text = text.replace(/\&/g, "&"); // MUST BE FIRST text = text.replace(//g, ">"); text = text.replace(/\"/g, """); text = text.replace(/\'/g, "'"); } return text; }; var decode_entities = exports.decodeEntities = function decode_entities(text) { // Decode XML entities into raw ASCII if (text == null) return ''; if (text && text.replace && text.match(/\&/)) { text = text.replace(/\<\;/g, "<"); text = text.replace(/\>\;/g, ">"); text = text.replace(/\"\;/g, '"'); text = text.replace(/\&apos\;/g, "'"); text = text.replace(/\&\;/g, "&"); // MUST BE LAST } return text; }; var compose_xml = exports.stringify = function compose_xml(node, name, indent) { // Compose node into XML including attributes // Recurse for child nodes var xml = ""; // If this is the root node, set the indent to 0 // and setup the XML header (PI node) if (!indent) { indent = 0; xml = xml_header + "\n"; if (!name) { // no name provided, assume content is wrapped in it name = first_key(node); node = node[name]; } } // Setup the indent text var indent_text = ""; for (var k = 0; k < indent; k++) indent_text += indent_string; if ((typeof(node) == 'object') && (node != null)) { // node is object -- now see if it is an array or hash if (!node.length) { // what about zero-length array? // node is hash xml += indent_text + "<" + name; var num_keys = 0; var has_attribs = 0; for (var key in node) num_keys++; // there must be a better way... if (node["_Attribs"]) { has_attribs = 1; var sorted_keys = hash_keys_to_array(node["_Attribs"]).sort(); for (var idx = 0, len = sorted_keys.length; idx < len; idx++) { var key = sorted_keys[idx]; xml += " " + key + "=\"" + encode_attrib_entities(node["_Attribs"][key]) + "\""; } } // has attribs if (num_keys > has_attribs) { // has child elements xml += ">"; if (node["_Data"]) { // simple text child node xml += encode_entities(node["_Data"]) + "\n"; } // just text else { xml += "\n"; var sorted_keys = hash_keys_to_array(node).sort(); for (var idx = 0, len = sorted_keys.length; idx < len; idx++) { var key = sorted_keys[idx]; if ((key != "_Attribs") && key.match(re_valid_tag_name)) { // recurse for node, with incremented indent value xml += compose_xml( node[key], key, indent + 1 ); } // not _Attribs key } // foreach key xml += indent_text + "\n"; } // real children } else { // no child elements, so self-close xml += "/>\n"; } } // standard node else { // node is array for (var idx = 0; idx < node.length; idx++) { // recurse for node in array with same indent xml += compose_xml( node[idx], name, indent ); } } // array of nodes } // complex node else { // node is simple string xml += indent_text + "<" + name + ">" + encode_entities(node) + "\n"; } // simple text node return xml; }; var always_array = exports.alwaysArray = function always_array(obj, key) { // if object is not array, return array containing object // if key is passed, work like XMLalwaysarray() instead if (key) { if ((typeof(obj[key]) != 'object') || (typeof(obj[key].length) == 'undefined')) { var temp = obj[key]; delete obj[key]; obj[key] = new Array(); obj[key][0] = temp; } return null; } else { if ((typeof(obj) != 'object') || (typeof(obj.length) == 'undefined')) { return [ obj ]; } else return obj; } }; var hash_keys_to_array = exports.hashKeysToArray = function hash_keys_to_array(hash) { // convert hash keys to array (discard values) var array = []; for (var key in hash) array.push(key); return array; }; var isa_hash = exports.isaHash = function isa_hash(arg) { // determine if arg is a hash return( !!arg && (typeof(arg) == 'object') && (typeof(arg.length) == 'undefined') ); }; var isa_array = exports.isaArray = function isa_array(arg) { // determine if arg is an array or is array-like if (typeof(arg) == 'array') return true; return( !!arg && (typeof(arg) == 'object') && (typeof(arg.length) != 'undefined') ); }; var first_key = exports.firstKey = function first_key(hash) { // return first key from hash (unordered) for (var key in hash) return key; return null; // no keys in hash }; var num_keys = exports.numKeys = function num_keys(hash) { // count the number of keys in a hash var count = 0; for (var a in hash) count++; return count; };