#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Cross-arch docker publish helper script # Needs docker in version >18.02 due to usage of manifests # # Copyright: SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # # Author : Pavlos Emm. Katsoulakis (paul@netdata.cloud) set -e if [ "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" -lt "4" ]; then echo "This mechanism currently can only run on BASH version 4 and above" exit 1 fi WORKDIR="$(mktemp -d)" # Temporary folder, removed after script is done VERSION="$1" declare -A ARCH_MAP ARCH_MAP=(["i386"]="386" ["amd64"]="amd64" ["armhf"]="arm" ["aarch64"]="arm64") DEVEL_ARCHS=(amd64) ARCHS="${!ARCH_MAP[@]}" DOCKER_CMD="docker --config ${WORKDIR}" GIT_MAIL=${GIT_MAIL:-"bot@netdata.cloud"} GIT_USER=${GIT_USER:-"netdatabot"} if [ -z ${REPOSITORY} ]; then REPOSITORY="${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}" if [ -z ${REPOSITORY} ]; then echo "REPOSITORY not set, publish cannot proceed" exit 1 else echo "REPOSITORY was not detected, attempted to use TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG setting: ${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}" fi fi # When development mode is set, build on DEVEL_ARCHS if [ ! -z ${DEVEL+x} ]; then declare -a ARCHS=(${DEVEL_ARCHS[@]}) fi # Ensure there is a version, the most appropriate one if [ "${VERSION}" == "" ]; then VERSION=$(git tag --points-at) if [ "${VERSION}" == "" ]; then VERSION="latest" fi fi MANIFEST_LIST="${REPOSITORY}:${VERSION}" # There is no reason to continue if we cannot log in to docker hub if [ -z ${DOCKER_USERNAME+x} ] || [ -z ${DOCKER_PWD+x} ]; then echo "No docker hub username or password found, aborting without publishing" exit 1 fi # If we are not in netdata git repo, at the top level directory, fail TOP_LEVEL=$(basename "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)") CWD=$(git rev-parse --show-cdup) if [ ! -z $CWD ] || [ ! "${TOP_LEVEL}" == "netdata" ]; then echo "Run as ./packaging/docker/$(basename "$0") from top level directory of netdata git repository" echo "Docker build process aborted" exit 1 fi echo "Docker image publishing in progress.." echo "Version : ${VERSION}" echo "Repository : ${REPOSITORY}" echo "Architectures : ${ARCHS[*]}" echo "Manifest list : ${MANIFEST_LIST}" # Create temporary docker CLI config with experimental features enabled (manifests v2 need it) echo '{"experimental":"enabled"}' > "${WORKDIR}"/config.json # Login to docker hub to allow futher operations echo "$DOCKER_PWD" | $DOCKER_CMD login -u "$DOCKER_USERNAME" --password-stdin # Push images to registry for ARCH in ${ARCHS[@]}; do TAG="${MANIFEST_LIST}-${ARCH}" echo "Publishing image ${TAG}.." $DOCKER_CMD push "${TAG}" & echo "Image ${TAG} published succesfully!" done echo "Waiting for images publishing to complete" wait # Recreate docker manifest list echo "Creating manifest list.." $DOCKER_CMD manifest create --amend "${MANIFEST_LIST}" \ "${MANIFEST_LIST}-i386" \ "${MANIFEST_LIST}-armhf" \ "${MANIFEST_LIST}-aarch64" \ "${MANIFEST_LIST}-amd64" # Annotate manifest with CPU architecture information echo "Executing manifest annotate.." for ARCH in ${ARCHS[@]}; do TAG="${MANIFEST_LIST}-${ARCH}" echo "Annotating manifest for $ARCH, with TAG: ${TAG} (Manifest list: ${MANIFEST_LIST})" $DOCKER_CMD manifest annotate "${MANIFEST_LIST}" "${TAG}" --os linux --arch "${ARCH_MAP[$ARCH]}" done # Push manifest to docker hub echo "Pushing manifest list to docker.." $DOCKER_CMD manifest push -p "${MANIFEST_LIST}" # Show current manifest (debugging purpose only) echo "Evaluating manifest list entry" $DOCKER_CMD manifest inspect "${MANIFEST_LIST}" # Cleanup rm -r "${WORKDIR}" echo "Docker publishing process completed!"