#!/usr/bin/env sh # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # # Run me with: # # bash <(curl -Ss https://my-netdata.io/kickstart.sh) # # or (to install all netdata dependencies): # # bash <(curl -Ss https://my-netdata.io/kickstart.sh) all # # Other options: # --dont-wait do not prompt for user input # --non-interactive do not prompt for user input # --no-updates do not install script for daily updates # # This script will: # # 1. install all netdata compilation dependencies # using the package manager of the system # # 2. download netdata nightly package to temporary directory # # 3. install netdata # shellcheck disable=SC2039,SC2059,SC2086 # External files PACKAGES_SCRIPT="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/netdata/netdata-demo-site/master/install-required-packages.sh" NIGHTLY_PACKAGE_TARBALL="https://storage.googleapis.com/netdata-nightlies/netdata-latest.tar.gz" NIGHTLY_PACKAGE_CHECKSUM="https://storage.googleapis.com/netdata-nightlies/sha256sums.txt" # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # library functions copied from packaging/installer/functions.sh setup_terminal() { TPUT_RESET="" TPUT_YELLOW="" TPUT_WHITE="" TPUT_BGRED="" TPUT_BGGREEN="" TPUT_BOLD="" TPUT_DIM="" # Is stderr on the terminal? If not, then fail test -t 2 || return 1 if command -v tput >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ $(($(tput colors 2>/dev/null))) -ge 8 ]; then # Enable colors TPUT_RESET="$(tput sgr 0)" TPUT_YELLOW="$(tput setaf 3)" TPUT_WHITE="$(tput setaf 7)" TPUT_BGRED="$(tput setab 1)" TPUT_BGGREEN="$(tput setab 2)" TPUT_BOLD="$(tput bold)" TPUT_DIM="$(tput dim)" fi fi return 0 } progress() { echo >&2 " --- ${TPUT_DIM}${TPUT_BOLD}${*}${TPUT_RESET} --- " } escaped_print() { if printf "%q " test >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf "%q " "${@}" else printf "%s" "${*}" fi return 0 } run() { local dir="${PWD}" info_console if [ "${UID}" = "0" ]; then info_console="[${TPUT_DIM}${dir}${TPUT_RESET}]# " else info_console="[${TPUT_DIM}${dir}${TPUT_RESET}]$ " fi escaped_print "${info_console}${TPUT_BOLD}${TPUT_YELLOW}" "${@}" "${TPUT_RESET}\n" >&2 "${@}" local ret=$? if [ ${ret} -ne 0 ]; then printf >&2 "${TPUT_BGRED}${TPUT_WHITE}${TPUT_BOLD} FAILED ${TPUT_RESET} ${*} \n\n" else printf >&2 "${TPUT_BGGREEN}${TPUT_WHITE}${TPUT_BOLD} OK ${TPUT_RESET} ${*} \n\n" fi return ${ret} } warning() { printf >&2 "${TPUT_BGRED}${TPUT_WHITE}${TPUT_BOLD} WARNING ${TPUT_RESET} ${*} \n\n" if [ "${INTERACTIVE}" = "0" ]; then fatal "Stopping due to non-interactive mode. Fix the issue or retry installation in an interactive mode." else read -r -p "Press ENTER to attempt netdata installation > " progress "OK, let's give it a try..." fi } fatal() { printf >&2 "${TPUT_BGRED}${TPUT_WHITE}${TPUT_BOLD} ABORTED ${TPUT_RESET} ${*} \n\n" exit 1 } download() { url="${1}" dest="${2}" if command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then run curl -L --connect-timeout 5 --retry 3 "${url}" >"${dest}" || fatal "Cannot download ${url}" elif command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1; then run wget -T 15 -O - "${url}" >"${dest}" || fatal "Cannot download ${url}" else fatal "I need curl or wget to proceed, but neither is available on this system." fi } detect_bash4() { bash="${1}" if [ -z "${BASH_VERSION}" ]; then # we don't run under bash if [ -n "${bash}" ] && [ -x "${bash}" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2016 BASH_MAJOR_VERSION=$(${bash} -c 'echo "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}"') fi else # we run under bash BASH_MAJOR_VERSION="${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" fi if [ -z "${BASH_MAJOR_VERSION}" ]; then echo >&2 "No BASH is available on this system" return 1 elif [ $((BASH_MAJOR_VERSION)) -lt 4 ]; then echo >&2 "No BASH v4+ is available on this system (installed bash is v${BASH_MAJOR_VERSION}" return 1 fi return 0 } umask 022 sudo="" [ -z "${UID}" ] && UID="$(id -u)" [ "${UID}" -ne "0" ] && sudo="sudo" export PATH="${PATH}:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin" setup_terminal || echo >/dev/null # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # try to update using autoupdater in the first place updater="" [ -x /etc/periodic/daily/netdata-updater ] && updater=/etc/periodic/daily/netdata-updater [ -x /etc/cron.daily/netdata-updater ] && updater=/etc/cron.daily/netdata-updater if [ -L "${updater}" ]; then # remove old updater (symlink) run "${sudo}" rm -f "${updater}" updater="" fi if [ -n "${updater}" ]; then # attempt to run the updater, to respect any compilation settings already in place progress "Re-installing netdata..." run "${sudo}" "${updater}" -f || fatal "Failed to forcefully update netdata" exit 0 fi # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # install required system packages INTERACTIVE=1 PACKAGES_INSTALLER_OPTIONS="netdata" NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS="" NETDATA_UPDATES="--auto-update" while [ -n "${1}" ]; do if [ "${1}" = "all" ]; then PACKAGES_INSTALLER_OPTIONS="netdata-all" shift 1 elif [ "${1}" = "--dont-wait" ] || [ "${1}" = "--non-interactive" ]; then INTERACTIVE=0 shift 1 elif [ "${1}" = "--no-updates" ]; then # echo >&2 "netdata will not auto-update" NETDATA_UPDATES= shift 1 else break fi done if [ "${INTERACTIVE}" = "0" ]; then PACKAGES_INSTALLER_OPTIONS="--dont-wait --non-interactive ${PACKAGES_INSTALLER_OPTIONS}" NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS="--dont-wait" fi # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # detect system parameters and install dependencies SYSTEM="$(uname -s)" OS="$(uname -o)" MACHINE="$(uname -m)" cat <<EOF System : ${SYSTEM} Operating System : ${OS} Machine : ${MACHINE} BASH major version: ${BASH_MAJOR_VERSION} EOF # Check if tmp is mounted as noexec if grep -Eq '^[^ ]+ /tmp [^ ]+ ([^ ]*,)?noexec[, ]' /proc/mounts; then pattern="$(pwd)/netdata-kickstart-XXXXXX" else pattern="/tmp/netdata-kickstart-XXXXXX" fi tmpdir="$(mktemp -d $pattern)" cd "${tmpdir}" || : if [ "${OS}" != "GNU/Linux" ] && [ "${SYSTEM}" != "Linux" ]; then warning "Cannot detect the packages to be installed on a ${SYSTEM} - ${OS} system." else bash="$(command -v bash 2>/dev/null)" if ! detect_bash4 "${bash}"; then warning "Cannot detect packages to be installed in this system, without BASH v4+." else progress "Downloading script to detect required packages..." download "${PACKAGES_SCRIPT}" "${tmpdir}/install-required-packages.sh" if [ ! -s "${tmpdir}/install-required-packages.sh" ]; then warning "Downloaded dependency installation script is empty." else progress "Running downloaded script to detect required packages..." run ${sudo} "${bash}" "${tmpdir}/install-required-packages.sh" ${PACKAGES_INSTALLER_OPTIONS} if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then warning "It failed to install all the required packages, but installation might still be possible." fi fi fi fi # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # download netdata nightly package download "${NIGHTLY_PACKAGE_CHECKSUM}" "${tmpdir}/sha256sum.txt" download "${NIGHTLY_PACKAGE_TARBALL}" "${tmpdir}/netdata-latest.tar.gz" if ! grep netdata-latest.tar.gz sha256sum.txt | sha256sum --check - >/dev/null 2>&1; then failed "Tarball checksum validation failed. Stopping netdata installation and leaving tarball in ${tmpdir}" fi run tar -xf netdata-latest.tar.gz rm -rf netdata-latest.tar.gz >/dev/null 2>&1 cd netdata-* || fatal "Cannot cd to netdata source tree" # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # install netdata from source if [ -x netdata-installer.sh ]; then progress "Installing netdata..." run ${sudo} ./netdata-installer.sh ${NETDATA_UPDATES} ${NETDATA_INSTALLER_OPTIONS} "${@}" || fatal "netdata-installer.sh exited with error" rm -rf "${tmpdir}" >/dev/null 2>&1 else fatal "Cannot install netdata from source (the source directory does not include netdata-installer.sh). Leaving all files in ${tmpdir}" fi