title: "Install Netdata on a Kubernetes cluster"
description: "Use Netdata's Helm chart to bootstrap a Netdata monitoring and troubleshooting toolkit on your Kubernetes (k8s) cluster."
custom_edit_url: https://github.com/netdata/netdata/edit/master/packaging/installer/methods/kubernetes.md

# Install Netdata on a Kubernetes cluster

This document details how to install Netdata on an existing Kubernetes (k8s) cluster. By following these directions, you
will use Netdata's [Helm chart](https://github.com/netdata/helmchart) to bootstrap a Netdata deployment on your cluster.
The Helm chart installs one parent pod for storing metrics and managing alarm notifications plus an additional child pod
for every node in the cluster.

Each child pod will collect metrics from the node it runs on, in addition to [compatible
applications](https://github.com/netdata/helmchart#service-discovery-and-supported-services), plus any endpoints covered
by our [generic Prometheus collector](https://learn.netdata.cloud/docs/agent/collectors/go.d.plugin/modules/prometheus),
via [service discovery](https://github.com/netdata/agent-service-discovery/). Each child pod will also collect
[Kubelet](https://learn.netdata.cloud/docs/agent/collectors/go.d.plugin/modules/k8s_kubelet), and
[kube-proxy](https://learn.netdata.cloud/docs/agent/collectors/go.d.plugin/modules/k8s_kubeproxy) metrics from its node.

To install Netdata on a Kubernetes cluster, you need:

-   A working cluster running Kubernetes v1.9 or newer.
-   The [kubectl](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/overview/) command line tool, within [one minor version
    difference](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/#before-you-begin) of your cluster, on an
    administrative system.
-   The [Helm package manager](https://helm.sh/) v3.0.0 or newer on the same administrative system.

The default configuration creates one `parent` pod, installed on one of your cluster's nodes, and a DaemonSet for
additional `child` pods. This DaemonSet ensures that every node in your k8s cluster also runs a `child` pod, including
the node that also runs `parent`. The `child` pods collect metrics and stream the information to the `parent` pod, which
uses two persistent volumes to store metrics and alarms. The `parent` pod also handles alarm notifications and enables
the Netdata dashboard using an ingress controller.

## Install the Netdata Helm chart

We recommend you install the Helm chart using our Helm repository. In the `helm install` command, replace `netdata` with
the release name of your choice.

helm repo add netdata https://netdata.github.io/helmchart/
helm install netdata netdata/netdata

> You can also install the Netdata Helm chart by cloning the
> [repository](https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/netdata/netdata#install-by-cloning-the-repository) and manually
> running Helm against the included chart.

### Post-installation

Run `kubectl get services` and `kubectl get pods` to confirm that your cluster now runs a `netdata` service, one
`parent` pod, and three `child` pods.

You've now installed Netdata on your Kubernetes cluster. See how to [access the Netdata
dashboard](#access-the-netdata-dashboard) to confirm it's working as expected, or see the next section to [configure the
Helm chart](#configure-the-netdata-helm-chart) to suit your cluster's particular setup.

## Configure the Netdata Helm chart

Read up on the various configuration options in the [Helm chart
documentation](https://github.com/netdata/helmchart#configuration) to see if you need to change any of the options based
on your cluster's setup.

To change a setting, use the `--set` or `--values` arguments with `helm install`, for the initial deployment, or `helm upgrade` to upgrade an existing deployment. 

helm install --set a.b.c=xyz netdata netdata/netdata
helm upgrade --set a.b.c=xyz netdata netdata/netdata

For example, to change the size of the persistent metrics volume on the parent node:

helm install --set parent.database.volumesize=4Gi netdata netdata/netdata
helm upgrade --set parent.database.volumesize=4Gi netdata netdata/netdata

### Configure service discovery

As mentioned in the introduction, Netdata has a [service discovery
plugin](https://github.com/netdata/agent-service-discovery/#service-discovery) to identify compatible pods and collect
metrics from the service they run. The Netdata Helm chart installs this service discovery plugin into your k8s cluster.

Service discovery scans your cluster for pods exposed on certain ports and with certain image names. By default, it
looks for its supported services on the ports they most commonly listen on, and using default image names. Service
discovery currently supports [popular
applications](https://github.com/netdata/helmchart#service-discovery-and-supported-services), plus any endpoints covered
by our [generic Prometheus collector](https://learn.netdata.cloud/docs/agent/collectors/go.d.plugin/modules/prometheus).

If you haven't changed listening ports, image names, or other defaults, service discovery should find your pods, create
the proper configurations based on the service that pod runs, and begin monitoring them immediately after deployment.

However, if you have changed some of these defaults, you need to copy a file from the Netdata Helm chart repository,
make your edits, and pass the changed file to `helm install`/`helm upgrade`.

First, copy the file to your administrative system.

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/netdata/helmchart/master/charts/netdata/sdconfig/child.yml -o child.yml

Edit the new `child.yml` file according to your needs. See the [Helm chart
configuration](https://github.com/netdata/helmchart#configuration) and the file itself for details. 

You can then run `helm install`/`helm upgrade` with the `--set-file` argument to use your configured `child.yml` file
instead of the default, changing the path if you copied it elsewhere.

helm install --set-file sd.child.configmap.from.value=./child.yml netdata netdata/netdata
helm upgrade --set-file sd.child.configmap.from.value=./child.yml netdata netdata/netdata

Your configured service discovery is now pushed to your cluster.

## Access the Netdata dashboard

Accessing the Netdata dashboard itself depends on how you set up your k8s cluster and the Netdata Helm chart. If you
installed the Helm chart with the default `service.type=ClusterIP`, you will need to forward a port to the parent pod.

kubectl port-forward netdata-parent-0 19999:19999 

You can now access the dashboard at `http://CLUSTER:19999`, replacing `CLUSTER` with the IP address or hostname of your
k8s cluster.

If you set up the Netdata Helm chart with `service.type=LoadBalancer`, you can find the external IP for the load
balancer with `kubectl get services`, under the `EXTERNAL-IP` column.

kubectl get services
NAME                 TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)              AGE
cockroachdb          ClusterIP      None             <none>         26257/TCP,8080/TCP   46h
cockroachdb-public   ClusterIP   <none>         26257/TCP,8080/TCP   46h
kubernetes           ClusterIP       <none>         443/TCP              47h
netdata              LoadBalancer    19999:32231/TCP      74m

In the above example, access the dashboard by navigating to ``.

## Claim a Kubernetes cluster's parent pod

You can [claim](/claim/README.md) a cluster's parent Netdata pod to see its real-time metrics alongside any other nodes
you monitor using [Netdata Cloud](https://app.netdata.cloud).

> Netdata Cloud does not currently support claiming child nodes because the Helm chart does not allocate a persistent
> volume for them.

Ensure persistence is enabled on the parent pod by running the following `helm upgrade` command.

helm upgrade \
  --set parent.database.persistence=true \
  --set parent.alarms.persistence=true \
  netdata netdata/netdata

Next, find your claiming script in Netdata Cloud by clicking on your Space's dropdown, then **Manage your Space**. Click
the **Nodes** tab. Netdata Cloud shows a script similar to the following:

sudo netdata-claim.sh -token=TOKEN -rooms=ROOM1,ROOM2 -url=https://app.netdata.cloud

You will need the values of `TOKEN` and `ROOM1,ROOM2` for the command, which sets `parent.claiming.enabled`,
`parent.claiming.token`, and `parent.claiming.rooms` to complete the parent pod claiming process.

Run the following `helm upgrade` command after replacing `TOKEN` and `ROOM1,ROOM2` with the values found in the claiming
script from Netdata Cloud. The quotations are required.

helm upgrade \
  --set parent.claiming.enabled=true \
  --set parent.claiming.token="TOKEN" \
  --set parent.claiming.rooms="ROOM1,ROOM2" \
  netdata netdata/netdata

The cluster terminates the old parent pod and creates a new one with the proper claiming configuration. You can see your
parent pod in Netdata Cloud after a few moments. You can now [build new
dashboards](https://learn.netdata.cloud/docs/cloud/visualize/dashboards) using the parent pod's metrics or run [Metric
Correlations](https://learn.netdata.cloud/docs/cloud/insights/metric-correlations) to troubleshoot anomalies.

![A parent Netdata pod in Netdata

## Update/reinstall the Netdata Helm chart

If you update the Helm chart's configuration, run `helm upgrade` to redeploy your Netdata service, replacing `netdata`
with the name of the release, if you changed it upon installation:

helm upgrade netdata netdata/netdata

## What's next?

Read the [monitoring a Kubernetes cluster guide](/docs/guides/monitor/kubernetes-k8s-netdata.md) for details on the
various metrics and charts created by the Helm chart and some best practices on real-time troubleshooting using Netdata.

Check out our [infrastructure](/docs/quickstart/infrastructure.md) for details about additional k8s monitoring features,
and learn more about [configuring the Netdata Agent](/docs/configure/nodes.md) to better understand the settings you
might be interested in changing.

To further configure Netdata for your cluster, see our [Helm chart repository](https://github.com/netdata/helmchart) and
the [service discovery repository](https://github.com/netdata/agent-service-discovery/).
