# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Description: apache netdata python.d module # Author: Pawel Krupa (paulfantom) from base import UrlService # default module values (can be overridden per job in `config`) # update_every = 2 priority = 60000 retries = 60 # default job configuration (overridden by python.d.plugin) # config = {'local': { # 'update_every': update_every, # 'retries': retries, # 'priority': priority, # 'url': 'http://www.apache.org/server-status?auto' # }} # charts order (can be overridden if you want less charts, or different order) ORDER = ['requests', 'connections', 'conns_async', 'net', 'workers', 'reqpersec', 'bytespersec', 'bytesperreq'] CHARTS = { 'bytesperreq': { 'options': [None, 'apache Lifetime Avg. Response Size', 'bytes/request', 'statistics', 'apache.bytesperreq', 'area'], 'lines': [ ["size_req"] ]}, 'workers': { 'options': [None, 'apache Workers', 'workers', 'workers', 'apache.workers', 'stacked'], 'lines': [ ["idle"], ["idle_servers", 'idle'], ["busy"], ["busy_servers", 'busy'] ]}, 'reqpersec': { 'options': [None, 'apache Lifetime Avg. Requests/s', 'requests/s', 'statistics', 'apache.reqpersec', 'area'], 'lines': [ ["requests_sec"] ]}, 'bytespersec': { 'options': [None, 'apache Lifetime Avg. Bandwidth/s', 'kilobytes/s', 'statistics', 'apache.bytesperreq', 'area'], 'lines': [ ["size_sec", None, 'absolute', 1, 1000] ]}, 'requests': { 'options': [None, 'apache Requests', 'requests/s', 'requests', 'apache.requests', 'line'], 'lines': [ ["requests", None, 'incremental'] ]}, 'net': { 'options': [None, 'apache Bandwidth', 'kilobytes/s', 'bandwidth', 'apache.net', 'area'], 'lines': [ ["sent", None, 'incremental'] ]}, 'connections': { 'options': [None, 'apache Connections', 'connections', 'connections', 'apache.connections', 'line'], 'lines': [ ["connections"] ]}, 'conns_async': { 'options': [None, 'apache Async Connections', 'connections', 'connections', 'apache.conns_async', 'stacked'], 'lines': [ ["keepalive"], ["closing"], ["writing"] ]} } ASSIGNMENT = {"BytesPerReq": 'size_req', "IdleWorkers": 'idle', "IdleServers": 'idle_servers', "BusyWorkers": 'busy', "BusyServers": 'busy_servers', "ReqPerSec": 'requests_sec', "BytesPerSec": 'size_sec', "Total Accesses": 'requests', "Total kBytes": 'sent', "ConnsTotal": 'connections', "ConnsAsyncKeepAlive": 'keepalive', "ConnsAsyncClosing": 'closing', "ConnsAsyncWriting": 'writing'} class Service(UrlService): def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None): UrlService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name) self.order = ORDER self.definitions = CHARTS self.url = self.configuration.get('url', 'http://localhost/server-status?auto') def check(self): if UrlService.check(self): if 'idle_servers' in self._data_from_check: self.__module__ = 'lighttpd' for chart in self.definitions: opts = self.definitions[chart]['options'] opts[1] = opts[1].replace('apache', 'lighttpd') opts[4] = opts[4].replace('apache', 'lighttpd') return True return False def _get_data(self): """ Format data received from http request :return: dict """ raw_data = self._get_raw_data() if not raw_data: return None data = dict() for row in raw_data.split('\n'): tmp = row.split(":") if tmp[0] in ASSIGNMENT: try: data[ASSIGNMENT[tmp[0]]] = int(float(tmp[1])) except (IndexError, ValueError): continue return data or None