# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Description: http check netdata python.d module # Original Author: ccremer (github.com/ccremer) import urllib3 import re try: from time import monotonic as time except ImportError: from time import time from bases.FrameworkServices.UrlService import UrlService # default module values (can be overridden per job in `config`) update_every = 3 priority = 60000 retries = 60 # Response HTTP_RESPONSE_TIME = 'time' HTTP_RESPONSE_LENGTH = 'length' # Status dimensions HTTP_SUCCESS = 'success' HTTP_BAD_CONTENT = 'bad_content' HTTP_BAD_STATUS = 'bad_status' HTTP_TIMEOUT = 'timeout' HTTP_NO_CONNECTION = 'no_connection' ORDER = ['response_time', 'response_length', 'status'] CHARTS = { 'response_time': { 'options': [None, 'HTTP response time', 'ms', 'response', 'httpcheck.responsetime', 'line'], 'lines': [ [HTTP_RESPONSE_TIME, 'time', 'absolute', 100, 1000] ]}, 'response_length': { 'options': [None, 'HTTP response body length', 'characters', 'response', 'httpcheck.responselength', 'line'], 'lines': [ [HTTP_RESPONSE_LENGTH, 'length', 'absolute'] ]}, 'status': { 'options': [None, 'HTTP status', 'boolean', 'status', 'httpcheck.status', 'line'], 'lines': [ [HTTP_SUCCESS, 'success', 'absolute'], [HTTP_BAD_CONTENT, 'bad content', 'absolute'], [HTTP_BAD_STATUS, 'bad status', 'absolute'], [HTTP_TIMEOUT, 'timeout', 'absolute'], [HTTP_NO_CONNECTION, 'no connection', 'absolute'] ]} } class Service(UrlService): def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None): UrlService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name) pattern = self.configuration.get('regex') self.regex = re.compile(pattern) if pattern else None self.status_codes_accepted = self.configuration.get('status_accepted', [200]) self.follow_redirect = self.configuration.get('redirect', True) self.order = ORDER self.definitions = CHARTS def _get_data(self): """ Format data received from http request :return: dict """ data = dict() data[HTTP_SUCCESS] = 0 data[HTTP_BAD_CONTENT] = 0 data[HTTP_BAD_STATUS] = 0 data[HTTP_TIMEOUT] = 0 data[HTTP_NO_CONNECTION] = 0 url = self.url try: start = time() status, content = self._get_raw_data_with_status(retries=1 if self.follow_redirect else False, redirect=self.follow_redirect) diff = time() - start data[HTTP_RESPONSE_TIME] = max(round(diff * 10000), 0) self.debug('Url: {url}. Host responded with status code {code} in {diff} s'.format( url=url, code=status, diff=diff )) self.process_response(content, data, status) except urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError as error: self.debug("Connection failed: {url}. Error: {error}".format(url=url, error=error)) data[HTTP_NO_CONNECTION] = 1 except (urllib3.exceptions.TimeoutError, urllib3.exceptions.PoolError) as error: self.debug("Connection timed out: {url}. Error: {error}".format(url=url, error=error)) data[HTTP_TIMEOUT] = 1 except urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError as error: self.debug("Connection failed: {url}. Error: {error}".format(url=url, error=error)) data[HTTP_NO_CONNECTION] = 1 except (TypeError, AttributeError) as error: self.error('Url: {url}. Error: {error}'.format(url=url, error=error)) return None return data def process_response(self, content, data, status): data[HTTP_RESPONSE_LENGTH] = len(content) self.debug('Content: \n\n{content}\n'.format(content=content)) if status in self.status_codes_accepted: if self.regex and self.regex.search(content) is None: self.debug("No match for regex '{regex}' found".format(regex=self.regex.pattern)) data[HTTP_BAD_CONTENT] = 1 else: data[HTTP_SUCCESS] = 1 else: data[HTTP_BAD_STATUS] = 1