# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Description: mdstat netdata python.d module # Author: l2isbad from collections import defaultdict from re import compile as re_compile from bases.FrameworkServices.SimpleService import SimpleService priority = 60000 retries = 60 update_every = 1 OPERATIONS = ('check', 'resync', 'reshape', 'recovery', 'finish', 'speed') class Service(SimpleService): def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None): SimpleService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name) self.regex = dict(disks=re_compile(r' (?P[a-zA-Z_0-9]+) : active .+\[' r'(?P[0-9]+)/' r'(?P[0-9]+)\]'), status=re_compile(r' (?P[a-zA-Z_0-9]+) : active .+ ' r'(?P[a-z]+) =[ ]{1,2}' r'(?P[0-9.]+).+finish=' r'(?P([0-9.]+))min speed=' r'(?P[0-9]+)')) def check(self): arrays = find_arrays(self._get_raw_data(), self.regex) if not arrays: self.error('Failed to read data from /proc/mdstat or there is no active arrays') return None self.order, self.definitions = create_charts(arrays.keys()) return True @staticmethod def _get_raw_data(): """ Read data from /proc/mdstat :return: str """ try: with open('/proc/mdstat', 'rt') as proc_mdstat: return proc_mdstat.readlines() or None except (OSError, IOError): return None def _get_data(self): """ Parse data from _get_raw_data() :return: dict """ raw_data = self._get_raw_data() arrays = find_arrays(raw_data, self.regex) if not arrays: return None to_netdata = dict() for array, values in arrays.items(): for key, value in values.items(): to_netdata['_'.join([array, key])] = value return to_netdata def find_arrays(raw_data, regex): if raw_data is None: return None data = defaultdict(str) counter = 1 for row in (elem.strip() for elem in raw_data): if not row: counter += 1 continue data[counter] = ' '.join([data[counter], row]) arrays = dict() for value in data.values(): match = regex['disks'].search(value) if not match: continue match = match.groupdict() array = match.pop('array') arrays[array] = match arrays[array]['health'] = int(match['total_disks']) - int(match['inuse_disks']) for operation in OPERATIONS: arrays[array][operation] = 0 match = regex['status'].search(value) if match: match = match.groupdict() if match['operation'] in OPERATIONS: arrays[array][match['operation']] = float(match['operation_status']) * 100 arrays[array]['finish'] = float(match['finish']) * 100 arrays[array]['speed'] = float(match['speed']) / 1000 * 100 return arrays or None def create_charts(arrays): order = ['mdstat_health'] definitions = dict(mdstat_health={'options': [None, 'Faulty devices in MD', 'failed disks', 'health', 'md.health', 'line'], 'lines': []}) for md in arrays: order.append(md) order.append(md + '_status') order.append(md + '_rate') definitions['mdstat_health']['lines'].append([md + '_health', md, 'absolute']) definitions[md] = {'options': [None, '%s disks stats' % md, 'disks', md, 'md.disks', 'stacked'], 'lines': [[md + '_total_disks', 'total', 'absolute'], [md + '_inuse_disks', 'inuse', 'absolute']]} definitions[md + '_status'] = {'options': [None, '%s current status' % md, 'percent', md, 'md.status', 'line'], 'lines': [[md + '_resync', 'resync', 'absolute', 1, 100], [md + '_recovery', 'recovery', 'absolute', 1, 100], [md + '_reshape', 'reshape', 'absolute', 1, 100], [md + '_check', 'check', 'absolute', 1, 100]]} definitions[md + '_rate'] = {'options': [None, '%s operation status' % md, 'rate', md, 'md.rate', 'line'], 'lines': [[md + '_finish', 'finish min', 'absolute', 1, 100], [md + '_speed', 'MB/s', 'absolute', -1, 100]]} return order, definitions