# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Description: varnish netdata python.d module # Author: l2isbad from base import SimpleService from re import compile from os import access as is_executable, X_OK from subprocess import Popen, PIPE # default module values (can be overridden per job in `config`) # update_every = 2 priority = 60000 retries = 60 ORDER = ['session', 'hit_rate', 'chit_rate', 'expunge', 'threads', 'backend_health', 'memory_usage', 'bad', 'uptime'] CHARTS = {'backend_health': {'lines': [['backend_conn', 'conn', 'incremental', 1, 1], ['backend_unhealthy', 'unhealthy', 'incremental', 1, 1], ['backend_busy', 'busy', 'incremental', 1, 1], ['backend_fail', 'fail', 'incremental', 1, 1], ['backend_reuse', 'reuse', 'incremental', 1, 1], ['backend_recycle', 'resycle', 'incremental', 1, 1], ['backend_toolate', 'toolate', 'incremental', 1, 1], ['backend_retry', 'retry', 'incremental', 1, 1], ['backend_req', 'req', 'incremental', 1, 1]], 'options': [None, 'Backend health', 'connections', 'Backend health', 'varnish.backend_traf', 'line']}, 'bad': {'lines': [['sess_drop_b', None, 'incremental', 1, 1], ['backend_unhealthy_b', None, 'incremental', 1, 1], ['fetch_failed', None, 'incremental', 1, 1], ['backend_busy_b', None, 'incremental', 1, 1], ['threads_failed_b', None, 'incremental', 1, 1], ['threads_limited_b', None, 'incremental', 1, 1], ['threads_destroyed_b', None, 'incremental', 1, 1], ['thread_queue_len_b', 'queue_len', 'absolute', 1, 1], ['losthdr_b', None, 'incremental', 1, 1], ['esi_errors_b', None, 'incremental', 1, 1], ['esi_warnings_b', None, 'incremental', 1, 1], ['sess_fail_b', None, 'incremental', 1, 1], ['sc_pipe_overflow_b', None, 'incremental', 1, 1], ['sess_pipe_overflow_b', None, 'incremental', 1, 1]], 'options': [None, 'Misbehavior', 'problems', 'Problems summary', 'varnish.bad', 'line']}, 'expunge': {'lines': [['n_expired', 'expired', 'incremental', 1, 1], ['n_lru_nuked', 'lru_nuked', 'incremental', 1, 1]], 'options': [None, 'Object expunging', 'objects', 'Cache performance', 'varnish.expunge', 'line']}, 'hit_rate': {'lines': [['cache_hit_perc', 'hit', 'absolute', 1, 100], ['cache_miss_perc', 'miss', 'absolute', 1, 100], ['cache_hitpass_perc', 'hitpass', 'absolute', 1, 100]], 'options': [None, 'All history hit rate ratio','percent', 'Cache performance', 'varnish.hit_rate', 'stacked']}, 'chit_rate': {'lines': [['cache_hit_cperc', 'hit', 'absolute', 1, 100], ['cache_miss_cperc', 'miss', 'absolute', 1, 100], ['cache_hitpass_cperc', 'hitpass', 'absolute', 1, 100]], 'options': [None, 'Current poll hit rate ratio','percent', 'Cache performance', 'varnish.chit_rate', 'stacked']}, 'memory_usage': {'lines': [['s0.g_space', 'available', 'absolute', 1, 1048576], ['s0.g_bytes', 'allocated', 'absolute', -1, 1048576]], 'options': [None, 'Memory usage', 'megabytes', 'Memory usage', 'varnish.memory_usage', 'stacked']}, 'session': {'lines': [['sess_conn', 'sess_conn', 'incremental', 1, 1], ['client_req', 'client_requests', 'incremental', 1, 1], ['client_conn', 'client_conn', 'incremental', 1, 1], ['client_drop', 'client_drop', 'incremental', 1, 1], ['sess_dropped', 'sess_dropped', 'incremental', 1, 1]], 'options': [None, 'Sessions', 'units', 'Client metrics', 'varnish.session', 'line']}, 'threads': {'lines': [['threads', None, 'absolute', 1, 1], ['threads_created', 'created', 'incremental', 1, 1], ['threads_failed', 'failed', 'incremental', 1, 1], ['threads_limited', 'limited', 'incremental', 1, 1], ['thread_queue_len', 'queue_len', 'incremental', 1, 1], ['sess_queued', 'sess_queued', 'incremental', 1, 1]], 'options': [None, 'Thread status', 'threads', 'Thread-related metrics', 'varnish.threads', 'line']}, 'uptime': {'lines': [['uptime', None, 'absolute', 1, 1]], 'options': [None, 'Varnish uptime', 'seconds', 'Uptime', 'varnish.uptime', 'line']} } DIRECTORIES = ['/bin/', '/usr/bin/', '/sbin/', '/usr/sbin/'] class Service(SimpleService): def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None): SimpleService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name) try: self.varnish = [''.join([directory, 'varnishstat']) for directory in DIRECTORIES if is_executable(''.join([directory, 'varnishstat']), X_OK)][0] except IndexError: self.varnish = False self.rgx_all = compile(r'([A-Z]+\.)?([\d\w_.]+)\s+(\d+)') # Could be # VBE.boot.super_backend.pipe_hdrbyte (new) # or # VBE.default2(,,81).bereq_bodybytes (old) # Regex result: [('super_backend', 'beresp_hdrbytes', '0'), ('super_backend', 'beresp_bodybytes', '0')] self.rgx_bck = (compile(r'VBE.([\d\w_.]+)\(.*?\).(beresp[\w_]+)\s+(\d+)'), compile(r'VBE\.[\d\w-]+\.([\w\d_]+).(beresp[\w_]+)\s+(\d+)')) self.cache_prev = list() def check(self): # Cant start without 'varnishstat' command if not self.varnish: self.error('\'varnishstat\' command was not found in %s or not executable by netdata' % DIRECTORIES) return False # If command is present and we can execute it we need to make sure.. # 1. STDOUT is not empty reply = self._get_raw_data() if not reply: self.error('No output from \'varnishstat\' (not enough privileges?)') return False # 2. Output is parsable (list is not empty after regex findall) is_parsable = self.rgx_all.findall(reply) if not is_parsable: self.error('Cant parse output...') return False # We need to find the right regex for backend parse self.backend_list = self.rgx_bck[0].findall(reply)[::2] if self.backend_list: self.rgx_bck = self.rgx_bck[0] else: self.backend_list = self.rgx_bck[1].findall(reply)[::2] self.rgx_bck = self.rgx_bck[1] # We are about to start! self.create_charts() self.info('Plugin was started successfully') return True def _get_raw_data(self): try: reply = Popen([self.varnish, '-1'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=False) except OSError: return None raw_data = reply.communicate()[0] if not raw_data: return None return raw_data def _get_data(self): """ Format data received from shell command :return: dict """ raw_data = self._get_raw_data() data_all = self.rgx_all.findall(raw_data) data_backend = self.rgx_bck.findall(raw_data) if not data_all: return None # 1. ALL data from 'varnishstat -1'. t - type(MAIN, MEMPOOL etc) to_netdata = {k: int(v) for t, k, v in data_all} # 2. ADD backend statistics to_netdata.update({'_'.join([n, k]): int(v) for n, k, v in data_backend}) # 3. ADD additional keys to dict # 3.1 Cache hit/miss/hitpass OVERALL in percent cache_summary = sum([to_netdata.get('cache_hit', 0), to_netdata.get('cache_miss', 0), to_netdata.get('cache_hitpass', 0)]) to_netdata['cache_hit_perc'] = find_percent(to_netdata.get('cache_hit', 0), cache_summary, 10000) to_netdata['cache_miss_perc'] = find_percent(to_netdata.get('cache_miss', 0), cache_summary, 10000) to_netdata['cache_hitpass_perc'] = find_percent(to_netdata.get('cache_hitpass', 0), cache_summary, 10000) # 3.2 Cache hit/miss/hitpass CURRENT in percent if self.cache_prev: cache_summary = sum([to_netdata.get('cache_hit', 0), to_netdata.get('cache_miss', 0), to_netdata.get('cache_hitpass', 0)]) - sum(self.cache_prev) to_netdata['cache_hit_cperc'] = find_percent(to_netdata.get('cache_hit', 0) - self.cache_prev[0], cache_summary, 10000) to_netdata['cache_miss_cperc'] = find_percent(to_netdata.get('cache_miss', 0) - self.cache_prev[1], cache_summary, 10000) to_netdata['cache_hitpass_cperc'] = find_percent(to_netdata.get('cache_hitpass', 0) - self.cache_prev[2], cache_summary, 10000) else: to_netdata['cache_hit_cperc'] = 0 to_netdata['cache_miss_cperc'] = 0 to_netdata['cache_hitpass_cperc'] = 0 self.cache_prev = [to_netdata.get('cache_hit', 0), to_netdata.get('cache_miss', 0), to_netdata.get('cache_hitpass', 0)] # 3.3 Problems summary chart for elem in ['backend_busy', 'backend_unhealthy', 'esi_errors', 'esi_warnings', 'losthdr', 'sess_drop', 'sc_pipe_overflow', 'sess_fail', 'sess_pipe_overflow', 'threads_destroyed', 'threads_failed', 'threads_limited', 'thread_queue_len']: if to_netdata.get(elem) is not None: to_netdata[''.join([elem, '_b'])] = to_netdata.get(elem) # Ready steady go! return to_netdata def create_charts(self): # If 'all_charts' is true...ALL charts are displayed. If no only default + 'extra_charts' #if self.configuration.get('all_charts'): # self.order = EXTRA_ORDER #else: # try: # extra_charts = list(filter(lambda chart: chart in EXTRA_ORDER, self.extra_charts.split())) # except (AttributeError, NameError, ValueError): # self.error('Extra charts disabled.') # extra_charts = [] self.order = ORDER[:] #self.order.extend(extra_charts) # Create static charts #self.definitions = {chart: values for chart, values in CHARTS.items() if chart in self.order} self.definitions = CHARTS # Create dynamic backend charts if self.backend_list: for backend in self.backend_list: self.order.insert(0, ''.join([backend[0], '_resp_stats'])) self.definitions.update({''.join([backend[0], '_resp_stats']): { 'options': [None, '%s response statistics' % backend[0].capitalize(), "kilobit/s", 'Backend response', 'varnish.backend', 'area'], 'lines': [[''.join([backend[0], '_beresp_hdrbytes']), 'header', 'incremental', 8, 1000], [''.join([backend[0], '_beresp_bodybytes']), 'body', 'incremental', -8, 1000]]}}) def find_percent(value1, value2, multiply): # If value2 is 0 return 0 if not value2: return 0 else: return round(float(value1) / float(value2) * multiply)