// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "log2journal.h" #define JSON_ERROR_LINE_MAX 1024 #define JSON_KEY_MAX 1024 #define JSON_DEPTH_MAX 100 struct log_json_state { LOG_JOB *jb; const char *line; uint32_t pos; uint32_t depth; char *stack[JSON_DEPTH_MAX]; char key[JSON_KEY_MAX]; char msg[JSON_ERROR_LINE_MAX]; }; static inline bool json_parse_object(LOG_JSON_STATE *js); static inline bool json_parse_array(LOG_JSON_STATE *js); #define json_current_pos(js) &(js)->line[(js)->pos] #define json_consume_char(js) ++(js)->pos static inline void json_process_key_value(LOG_JSON_STATE *js, const char *value, size_t len) { log_job_send_extracted_key_value(js->jb, js->key, value, len); } static inline void json_skip_spaces(LOG_JSON_STATE *js) { const char *s = json_current_pos(js); const char *start = s; while(isspace(*s)) s++; js->pos += s - start; } static inline bool json_expect_char_after_white_space(LOG_JSON_STATE *js, const char *expected) { json_skip_spaces(js); const char *s = json_current_pos(js); for(const char *e = expected; *e ;e++) { if (*s == *e) return true; } snprintf(js->msg, sizeof(js->msg), "JSON PARSER: character '%c' is not one of the expected characters (%s), at pos %u", *s ? *s : '?', expected, js->pos); return false; } static inline bool json_parse_null(LOG_JSON_STATE *js) { const char *s = json_current_pos(js); if (strncmp(s, "null", 4) == 0) { json_process_key_value(js, "null", 4); js->pos += 4; return true; } else { snprintf(js->msg, sizeof(js->msg), "JSON PARSER: expected 'null', found '%.4s' at position %u", s, js->pos); return false; } } static inline bool json_parse_true(LOG_JSON_STATE *js) { const char *s = json_current_pos(js); if (strncmp(s, "true", 4) == 0) { json_process_key_value(js, "true", 4); js->pos += 4; return true; } else { snprintf(js->msg, sizeof(js->msg), "JSON PARSER: expected 'true', found '%.4s' at position %u", s, js->pos); return false; } } static inline bool json_parse_false(LOG_JSON_STATE *js) { const char *s = json_current_pos(js); if (strncmp(s, "false", 5) == 0) { json_process_key_value(js, "false", 5); js->pos += 5; return true; } else { snprintf(js->msg, sizeof(js->msg), "JSON PARSER: expected 'false', found '%.4s' at position %u", s, js->pos); return false; } } static inline bool json_parse_number(LOG_JSON_STATE *js) { static __thread char value[8192]; value[0] = '\0'; char *d = value; const char *s = json_current_pos(js); size_t remaining = sizeof(value) - 1; // Reserve space for null terminator // Optional minus sign if (*s == '-') { *d++ = *s++; remaining--; } // Digits before decimal point while (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') { if (remaining < 2) { snprintf(js->msg, sizeof(js->msg), "JSON PARSER: truncated number value at position %u", js->pos); return false; } *d++ = *s++; remaining--; } // Decimal point and fractional part if (*s == '.') { *d++ = *s++; remaining--; while (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') { if (remaining < 2) { snprintf(js->msg, sizeof(js->msg), "JSON PARSER: truncated fractional part at position %u", js->pos); return false; } *d++ = *s++; remaining--; } } // Exponent part if (*s == 'e' || *s == 'E') { *d++ = *s++; remaining--; // Optional sign in exponent if (*s == '+' || *s == '-') { *d++ = *s++; remaining--; } while (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') { if (remaining < 2) { snprintf(js->msg, sizeof(js->msg), "JSON PARSER: truncated exponent at position %u", js->pos); return false; } *d++ = *s++; remaining--; } } *d = '\0'; js->pos += d - value; if (d > value) { json_process_key_value(js, value, d - value); return true; } else { snprintf(js->msg, sizeof(js->msg), "JSON PARSER: invalid number format at position %u", js->pos); return false; } } static inline bool encode_utf8(unsigned codepoint, char **d, size_t *remaining) { if (codepoint <= 0x7F) { // 1-byte sequence if (*remaining < 2) return false; // +1 for the null *(*d)++ = (char)codepoint; (*remaining)--; } else if (codepoint <= 0x7FF) { // 2-byte sequence if (*remaining < 3) return false; // +1 for the null *(*d)++ = (char)(0xC0 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x1F)); *(*d)++ = (char)(0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3F)); (*remaining) -= 2; } else if (codepoint <= 0xFFFF) { // 3-byte sequence if (*remaining < 4) return false; // +1 for the null *(*d)++ = (char)(0xE0 | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0x0F)); *(*d)++ = (char)(0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F)); *(*d)++ = (char)(0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3F)); (*remaining) -= 3; } else if (codepoint <= 0x10FFFF) { // 4-byte sequence if (*remaining < 5) return false; // +1 for the null *(*d)++ = (char)(0xF0 | ((codepoint >> 18) & 0x07)); *(*d)++ = (char)(0x80 | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0x3F)); *(*d)++ = (char)(0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F)); *(*d)++ = (char)(0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3F)); (*remaining) -= 4; } else // Invalid code point return false; return true; } size_t parse_surrogate(const char *s, char *d, size_t *remaining) { if (s[0] != '\\' || (s[1] != 'u' && s[1] != 'U')) { return 0; // Not a valid Unicode escape sequence } char hex[9] = {0}; // Buffer for the hexadecimal value unsigned codepoint; if (s[1] == 'u') { // Handle \uXXXX if (!isxdigit(s[2]) || !isxdigit(s[3]) || !isxdigit(s[4]) || !isxdigit(s[5])) { return 0; // Not a valid \uXXXX sequence } hex[0] = s[2]; hex[1] = s[3]; hex[2] = s[4]; hex[3] = s[5]; codepoint = (unsigned)strtoul(hex, NULL, 16); if (codepoint >= 0xD800 && codepoint <= 0xDBFF) { // Possible start of surrogate pair if (s[6] == '\\' && s[7] == 'u' && isxdigit(s[8]) && isxdigit(s[9]) && isxdigit(s[10]) && isxdigit(s[11])) { // Valid low surrogate unsigned low_surrogate = strtoul(&s[8], NULL, 16); if (low_surrogate < 0xDC00 || low_surrogate > 0xDFFF) { return 0; // Invalid low surrogate } codepoint = 0x10000 + ((codepoint - 0xD800) << 10) + (low_surrogate - 0xDC00); return encode_utf8(codepoint, &d, remaining) ? 12 : 0; // \uXXXX\uXXXX } } // Single \uXXXX return encode_utf8(codepoint, &d, remaining) ? 6 : 0; } else { // Handle \UXXXXXXXX for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) { if (!isxdigit(s[i])) { return 0; // Not a valid \UXXXXXXXX sequence } hex[i - 2] = s[i]; } codepoint = (unsigned)strtoul(hex, NULL, 16); return encode_utf8(codepoint, &d, remaining) ? 10 : 0; // \UXXXXXXXX } } static inline void copy_newline(LOG_JSON_STATE *js __maybe_unused, char **d, size_t *remaining) { if(*remaining > 3) { *(*d)++ = '\\'; *(*d)++ = 'n'; (*remaining) -= 2; } } static inline void copy_tab(LOG_JSON_STATE *js __maybe_unused, char **d, size_t *remaining) { if(*remaining > 3) { *(*d)++ = '\\'; *(*d)++ = 't'; (*remaining) -= 2; } } static inline bool json_parse_string(LOG_JSON_STATE *js) { static __thread char value[JOURNAL_MAX_VALUE_LEN]; if(!json_expect_char_after_white_space(js, "\"")) return false; json_consume_char(js); value[0] = '\0'; char *d = value; const char *s = json_current_pos(js); size_t remaining = sizeof(value); while (*s && *s != '"') { char c; if (*s == '\\') { s++; switch (*s) { case 'n': copy_newline(js, &d, &remaining); s++; continue; case 't': copy_tab(js, &d, &remaining); s++; continue; case 'f': case 'b': case 'r': c = ' '; s++; break; case 'u': { size_t old_remaining = remaining; size_t consumed = parse_surrogate(s - 1, d, &remaining); if (consumed > 0) { s += consumed - 1; // -1 because we already incremented s after '\\' d += old_remaining - remaining; continue; } else { *d++ = '\\'; remaining--; c = *s++; } } break; default: c = *s++; break; } } else c = *s++; if(remaining < 2) { snprintf(js->msg, sizeof(js->msg), "JSON PARSER: truncated string value at position %u", js->pos); return false; } else { *d++ = c; remaining--; } } *d = '\0'; js->pos += s - json_current_pos(js); if(!json_expect_char_after_white_space(js, "\"")) return false; json_consume_char(js); if(d > value) json_process_key_value(js, value, d - value); return true; } static inline bool json_parse_key_and_push(LOG_JSON_STATE *js) { if (!json_expect_char_after_white_space(js, "\"")) return false; if(js->depth >= JSON_DEPTH_MAX - 1) { snprintf(js->msg, sizeof(js->msg), "JSON PARSER: object too deep, at position %u", js->pos); return false; } json_consume_char(js); char *d = js->stack[js->depth]; if(js->depth) *d++ = '_'; size_t remaining = sizeof(js->key) - (d - js->key); const char *s = json_current_pos(js); char last_c = '\0'; while(*s && *s != '\"') { char c; if (*s == '\\') { s++; c = (char)((*s == 'u') ? '_' : journal_key_characters_map[(unsigned char)*s]); s += (*s == 'u') ? 5 : 1; } else c = journal_key_characters_map[(unsigned char)*s++]; if(c == '_' && last_c == '_') continue; else { if(remaining < 2) { snprintf(js->msg, sizeof(js->msg), "JSON PARSER: key buffer full - keys are too long, at position %u", js->pos); return false; } *d++ = c; remaining--; } last_c = c; } *d = '\0'; js->pos += s - json_current_pos(js); if (!json_expect_char_after_white_space(js, "\"")) return false; json_consume_char(js); js->stack[++js->depth] = d; return true; } static inline bool json_key_pop(LOG_JSON_STATE *js) { if(js->depth <= 0) { snprintf(js->msg, sizeof(js->msg), "JSON PARSER: cannot pop a key at depth %u, at position %u", js->depth, js->pos); return false; } char *k = js->stack[js->depth--]; *k = '\0'; return true; } static inline bool json_parse_value(LOG_JSON_STATE *js) { if(!json_expect_char_after_white_space(js, "-.0123456789tfn\"{[")) return false; const char *s = json_current_pos(js); switch(*s) { case '-': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': return json_parse_number(js); case 't': return json_parse_true(js); case 'f': return json_parse_false(js); case 'n': return json_parse_null(js); case '"': return json_parse_string(js); case '{': return json_parse_object(js); case '[': return json_parse_array(js); } snprintf(js->msg, sizeof(js->msg), "JSON PARSER: unexpected character at position %u", js->pos); return false; } static inline bool json_key_index_and_push(LOG_JSON_STATE *js, size_t index) { char *d = js->stack[js->depth]; if(js->depth > 0) { *d++ = '_'; } // Convert index to string manually char temp[32]; char *t = temp + sizeof(temp) - 1; // Start at the end of the buffer *t = '\0'; do { *--t = (char)((index % 10) + '0'); index /= 10; } while (index > 0); size_t remaining = sizeof(js->key) - (d - js->key); // Append the index to the key while (*t) { if(remaining < 2) { snprintf(js->msg, sizeof(js->msg), "JSON PARSER: key buffer full - keys are too long, at position %u", js->pos); return false; } *d++ = *t++; remaining--; } *d = '\0'; // Null-terminate the key js->stack[++js->depth] = d; return true; } static inline bool json_parse_array(LOG_JSON_STATE *js) { if(!json_expect_char_after_white_space(js, "[")) return false; json_consume_char(js); size_t index = 0; do { if(!json_key_index_and_push(js, index)) return false; if(!json_parse_value(js)) return false; json_key_pop(js); if(!json_expect_char_after_white_space(js, ",]")) return false; const char *s = json_current_pos(js); json_consume_char(js); if(*s == ',') { index++; continue; } else // } break; } while(true); return true; } static inline bool json_parse_object(LOG_JSON_STATE *js) { if(!json_expect_char_after_white_space(js, "{")) return false; json_consume_char(js); do { if (!json_expect_char_after_white_space(js, "\"")) return false; if(!json_parse_key_and_push(js)) return false; if(!json_expect_char_after_white_space(js, ":")) return false; json_consume_char(js); if(!json_parse_value(js)) return false; json_key_pop(js); if(!json_expect_char_after_white_space(js, ",}")) return false; const char *s = json_current_pos(js); json_consume_char(js); if(*s == ',') continue; else // } break; } while(true); return true; } LOG_JSON_STATE *json_parser_create(LOG_JOB *jb) { LOG_JSON_STATE *js = mallocz(sizeof(LOG_JSON_STATE)); memset(js, 0, sizeof(LOG_JSON_STATE)); js->jb = jb; if(jb->prefix) copy_to_buffer(js->key, sizeof(js->key), js->jb->prefix, strlen(js->jb->prefix)); js->stack[0] = &js->key[strlen(js->key)]; return js; } void json_parser_destroy(LOG_JSON_STATE *js) { if(js) freez(js); } const char *json_parser_error(LOG_JSON_STATE *js) { return js->msg; } bool json_parse_document(LOG_JSON_STATE *js, const char *txt) { js->line = txt; js->pos = 0; js->msg[0] = '\0'; js->stack[0][0] = '\0'; js->depth = 0; if(!json_parse_object(js)) return false; json_skip_spaces(js); const char *s = json_current_pos(js); if(*s) { snprintf(js->msg, sizeof(js->msg), "JSON PARSER: excess characters found after document is finished, at position %u", js->pos); return false; } return true; } void json_test(void) { LOG_JOB jb = { .prefix = "NIGNX_" }; LOG_JSON_STATE *json = json_parser_create(&jb); json_parse_document(json, "{\"value\":\"\\u\\u039A\\u03B1\\u03BB\\u03B7\\u03BC\\u03AD\\u03C1\\u03B1\"}"); json_parser_destroy(json); }