// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "systemd-internals.h" #define SYSTEMD_JOURNAL_MAX_SOURCE_LEN 64 #define VAR_LOG_JOURNAL_MAX_DEPTH 10 struct journal_directory journal_directories[MAX_JOURNAL_DIRECTORIES] = { 0 }; DICTIONARY *journal_files_registry = NULL; DICTIONARY *used_hashes_registry = NULL; static usec_t systemd_journal_session = 0; void buffer_json_journal_versions(BUFFER *wb) { buffer_json_member_add_object(wb, "versions"); { buffer_json_member_add_uint64(wb, "sources", systemd_journal_session + dictionary_version(journal_files_registry)); } buffer_json_object_close(wb); } static bool journal_sd_id128_parse(const char *in, sd_id128_t *ret) { while(isspace(*in)) in++; char uuid[33]; strncpyz(uuid, in, 32); uuid[32] = '\0'; if(strlen(uuid) == 32) { sd_id128_t read; if(sd_id128_from_string(uuid, &read) == 0) { *ret = read; return true; } } return false; } //static void journal_file_get_header_from_journalctl(const char *filename, struct journal_file *jf) { // // unfortunately, our capabilities are not inheritted by journalctl // // so, it fails to give us the information we need. // // bool read_writer = false, read_head = false, read_tail = false; // // char cmd[FILENAME_MAX * 2]; // snprintfz(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "journalctl --header --file '%s'", filename); // CLEAN_BUFFER *wb = run_command_and_get_output_to_buffer(cmd, 1024); // if(wb) { // const char *s = buffer_tostring(wb); // // const char *sequential_id_header = "Sequential Number ID:"; // const char *sequential_id_data = strcasestr(s, sequential_id_header); // if(sequential_id_data) { // sequential_id_data += strlen(sequential_id_header); // if(journal_sd_id128_parse(sequential_id_data, &jf->first_writer_id)) // read_writer = true; // } // // const char *head_sequential_number_header = "Head sequential number:"; // const char *head_sequential_number_data = strcasestr(s, head_sequential_number_header); // if(head_sequential_number_data) { // head_sequential_number_data += strlen(head_sequential_number_header); // // while(isspace(*head_sequential_number_data)) // head_sequential_number_data++; // // if(isdigit(*head_sequential_number_data)) { // jf->first_seqnum = strtoul(head_sequential_number_data, NULL, 10); // if(jf->first_seqnum) // read_head = true; // } // } // // const char *tail_sequential_number_header = "Tail sequential number:"; // const char *tail_sequential_number_data = strcasestr(s, tail_sequential_number_header); // if(tail_sequential_number_data) { // tail_sequential_number_data += strlen(tail_sequential_number_header); // // while(isspace(*tail_sequential_number_data)) // tail_sequential_number_data++; // // if(isdigit(*tail_sequential_number_data)) { // jf->last_seqnum = strtoul(tail_sequential_number_data, NULL, 10); // if(jf->last_seqnum) // read_tail = true; // } // } // // if(read_head && read_tail && jf->last_seqnum > jf->first_seqnum) // jf->messages_in_file = jf->last_seqnum - jf->first_seqnum; // } // // if(!jf->logged_journalctl_failure && (!read_head || !read_tail)) { // // nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_NOTICE, // "Failed to read %s%s%s from journalctl's output on filename '%s', using the command: %s", // read_writer?"":"writer id,", // read_head?"":"head id,", // read_tail?"":"tail id,", // filename, cmd); // // jf->logged_journalctl_failure = true; // } //} usec_t journal_file_update_annotation_boot_id(sd_journal *j, struct journal_file *jf __maybe_unused, const char *boot_id) { usec_t ut = UINT64_MAX; int r; char m[100]; size_t len = snprintfz(m, sizeof(m), "_BOOT_ID=%s", boot_id); sd_journal_flush_matches(j); r = sd_journal_add_match(j, m, len); if(r < 0) { errno = -r; internal_error(true, "JOURNAL: while looking for the first timestamp of boot_id '%s', " "sd_journal_add_match('%s') on file '%s' returned %d", boot_id, m, jf->filename, r); return UINT64_MAX; } r = sd_journal_seek_head(j); if(r < 0) { errno = -r; internal_error(true, "JOURNAL: while looking for the first timestamp of boot_id '%s', " "sd_journal_seek_head() on file '%s' returned %d", boot_id, jf->filename, r); return UINT64_MAX; } r = sd_journal_next(j); if(r < 0) { errno = -r; internal_error(true, "JOURNAL: while looking for the first timestamp of boot_id '%s', " "sd_journal_next() on file '%s' returned %d", boot_id, jf->filename, r); return UINT64_MAX; } r = sd_journal_get_realtime_usec(j, &ut); if(r < 0 || !ut || ut == UINT64_MAX) { errno = -r; internal_error(r != -EADDRNOTAVAIL, "JOURNAL: while looking for the first timestamp of boot_id '%s', " "sd_journal_get_realtime_usec() on file '%s' returned %d", boot_id, jf->filename, r); return UINT64_MAX; } if(ut && ut != UINT64_MAX) { dictionary_set(boot_ids_to_first_ut, boot_id, &ut, sizeof(ut)); return ut; } return UINT64_MAX; } static void journal_file_get_boot_id_annotations(sd_journal *j __maybe_unused, struct journal_file *jf __maybe_unused) { #ifdef HAVE_SD_JOURNAL_RESTART_FIELDS sd_journal_flush_matches(j); int r = sd_journal_query_unique(j, "_BOOT_ID"); if (r < 0) { errno = -r; internal_error(true, "JOURNAL: while querying for the unique _BOOT_ID values, " "sd_journal_query_unique() on file '%s' returned %d", jf->filename, r); errno = -r; return; } const void *data = NULL; size_t data_length; DICTIONARY *dict = dictionary_create(DICT_OPTION_SINGLE_THREADED); SD_JOURNAL_FOREACH_UNIQUE(j, data, data_length) { const char *key, *value; size_t key_length, value_length; if(!parse_journal_field(data, data_length, &key, &key_length, &value, &value_length)) continue; if(value_length != 32) continue; char buf[33]; memcpy(buf, value, 32); buf[32] = '\0'; dictionary_set(dict, buf, NULL, 0); } void *nothing; dfe_start_read(dict, nothing){ journal_file_update_annotation_boot_id(j, jf, nothing_dfe.name); } dfe_done(nothing); dictionary_destroy(dict); #endif } void journal_file_update_header(const char *filename, struct journal_file *jf) { if(jf->last_scan_header_vs_last_modified_ut == jf->file_last_modified_ut) return; fstat_cache_enable_on_thread(); const char *files[2] = { [0] = filename, [1] = NULL, }; sd_journal *j = NULL; if(sd_journal_open_files(&j, files, ND_SD_JOURNAL_OPEN_FLAGS) < 0 || !j) { netdata_log_error("JOURNAL: cannot open file '%s' to update msg_ut", filename); fstat_cache_disable_on_thread(); if(!jf->logged_failure) { netdata_log_error("cannot open journal file '%s', using file timestamps to understand time-frame.", filename); jf->logged_failure = true; } jf->msg_first_ut = 0; jf->msg_last_ut = jf->file_last_modified_ut; jf->last_scan_header_vs_last_modified_ut = jf->file_last_modified_ut; return; } usec_t first_ut = 0, last_ut = 0; uint64_t first_seqnum = 0, last_seqnum = 0; sd_id128_t first_writer_id = SD_ID128_NULL, last_writer_id = SD_ID128_NULL; if(sd_journal_seek_head(j) < 0 || sd_journal_next(j) < 0 || sd_journal_get_realtime_usec(j, &first_ut) < 0 || !first_ut) { internal_error(true, "cannot find the timestamp of the first message in '%s'", filename); first_ut = 0; } #ifdef HAVE_SD_JOURNAL_GET_SEQNUM else { if(sd_journal_get_seqnum(j, &first_seqnum, &first_writer_id) < 0 || !first_seqnum) { internal_error(true, "cannot find the first seqnums of the first message in '%s'", filename); first_seqnum = 0; memset(&first_writer_id, 0, sizeof(first_writer_id)); } } #endif if(sd_journal_seek_tail(j) < 0 || sd_journal_previous(j) < 0 || sd_journal_get_realtime_usec(j, &last_ut) < 0 || !last_ut) { internal_error(true, "cannot find the timestamp of the last message in '%s'", filename); last_ut = jf->file_last_modified_ut; } #ifdef HAVE_SD_JOURNAL_GET_SEQNUM else { if(sd_journal_get_seqnum(j, &last_seqnum, &last_writer_id) < 0 || !last_seqnum) { internal_error(true, "cannot find the last seqnums of the first message in '%s'", filename); last_seqnum = 0; memset(&last_writer_id, 0, sizeof(last_writer_id)); } } #endif if(first_ut > last_ut) { internal_error(true, "timestamps are flipped in file '%s'", filename); usec_t t = first_ut; first_ut = last_ut; last_ut = t; } if(!first_seqnum || !first_ut) { // extract these from the filename - if possible const char *at = strchr(filename, '@'); if(at) { const char *dash_seqnum = strchr(at + 1, '-'); if(dash_seqnum) { const char *dash_first_msg_ut = strchr(dash_seqnum + 1, '-'); if(dash_first_msg_ut) { const char *dot_journal = strstr(dash_first_msg_ut + 1, ".journal"); if(dot_journal) { if(dash_seqnum - at - 1 == 32 && dash_first_msg_ut - dash_seqnum - 1 == 16 && dot_journal - dash_first_msg_ut - 1 == 16) { sd_id128_t writer; if(journal_sd_id128_parse(at + 1, &writer)) { char *endptr = NULL; uint64_t seqnum = strtoul(dash_seqnum + 1, &endptr, 16); if(endptr == dash_first_msg_ut) { uint64_t ts = strtoul(dash_first_msg_ut + 1, &endptr, 16); if(endptr == dot_journal) { first_seqnum = seqnum; first_writer_id = writer; first_ut = ts; } } } } } } } } } jf->first_seqnum = first_seqnum; jf->last_seqnum = last_seqnum; jf->first_writer_id = first_writer_id; jf->last_writer_id = last_writer_id; jf->msg_first_ut = first_ut; jf->msg_last_ut = last_ut; if(!jf->msg_last_ut) jf->msg_last_ut = jf->file_last_modified_ut; if(last_seqnum > first_seqnum) { if(!sd_id128_equal(first_writer_id, last_writer_id)) { jf->messages_in_file = 0; nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_NOTICE, "The writers of the first and the last message in file '%s' differ." , filename); } else jf->messages_in_file = last_seqnum - first_seqnum + 1; } else jf->messages_in_file = 0; // if(!jf->messages_in_file) // journal_file_get_header_from_journalctl(filename, jf); journal_file_get_boot_id_annotations(j, jf); sd_journal_close(j); fstat_cache_disable_on_thread(); jf->last_scan_header_vs_last_modified_ut = jf->file_last_modified_ut; nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_DEBUG, "Journal file header updated '%s'", jf->filename); } static STRING *string_strdupz_source(const char *s, const char *e, size_t max_len, const char *prefix) { char buf[max_len]; size_t len; char *dst = buf; if(prefix) { len = strlen(prefix); memcpy(buf, prefix, len); dst = &buf[len]; max_len -= len; } len = e - s; if(len >= max_len) len = max_len - 1; memcpy(dst, s, len); dst[len] = '\0'; buf[max_len - 1] = '\0'; for(size_t i = 0; buf[i] ;i++) if(!isalnum(buf[i]) && buf[i] != '-' && buf[i] != '.' && buf[i] != ':') buf[i] = '_'; return string_strdupz(buf); } static void files_registry_insert_cb(const DICTIONARY_ITEM *item, void *value, void *data __maybe_unused) { struct journal_file *jf = value; jf->filename = dictionary_acquired_item_name(item); jf->filename_len = strlen(jf->filename); jf->source_type = SDJF_ALL; // based on the filename // decide the source to show to the user const char *s = strrchr(jf->filename, '/'); if(s) { if(strstr(jf->filename, "/remote/")) { jf->source_type |= SDJF_REMOTE_ALL; if(strncmp(s, "/remote-", 8) == 0) { s = &s[8]; // skip "/remote-" char *e = strchr(s, '@'); if(!e) e = strstr(s, ".journal"); if(e) { const char *d = s; for(; d < e && (isdigit(*d) || *d == '.' || *d == ':') ; d++) ; if(d == e) { // a valid IP address char ip[e - s + 1]; memcpy(ip, s, e - s); ip[e - s] = '\0'; char buf[SYSTEMD_JOURNAL_MAX_SOURCE_LEN]; if(ip_to_hostname(ip, buf, sizeof(buf))) jf->source = string_strdupz_source(buf, &buf[strlen(buf)], SYSTEMD_JOURNAL_MAX_SOURCE_LEN, "remote-"); else { internal_error(true, "Cannot find the hostname for IP '%s'", ip); jf->source = string_strdupz_source(s, e, SYSTEMD_JOURNAL_MAX_SOURCE_LEN, "remote-"); } } else jf->source = string_strdupz_source(s, e, SYSTEMD_JOURNAL_MAX_SOURCE_LEN, "remote-"); } } } else { jf->source_type |= SDJF_LOCAL_ALL; const char *t = s - 1; while(t >= jf->filename && *t != '.' && *t != '/') t--; if(t >= jf->filename && *t == '.') { jf->source_type |= SDJF_LOCAL_NAMESPACE; jf->source = string_strdupz_source(t + 1, s, SYSTEMD_JOURNAL_MAX_SOURCE_LEN, "namespace-"); } else if(strncmp(s, "/system", 7) == 0) jf->source_type |= SDJF_LOCAL_SYSTEM; else if(strncmp(s, "/user", 5) == 0) jf->source_type |= SDJF_LOCAL_USER; else jf->source_type |= SDJF_LOCAL_OTHER; } } else jf->source_type |= SDJF_LOCAL_ALL | SDJF_LOCAL_OTHER; jf->msg_last_ut = jf->file_last_modified_ut; nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_DEBUG, "Journal file added to the journal files registry: '%s'", jf->filename); } static bool files_registry_conflict_cb(const DICTIONARY_ITEM *item __maybe_unused, void *old_value, void *new_value, void *data __maybe_unused) { struct journal_file *jf = old_value; struct journal_file *njf = new_value; if(njf->last_scan_monotonic_ut > jf->last_scan_monotonic_ut) jf->last_scan_monotonic_ut = njf->last_scan_monotonic_ut; if(njf->file_last_modified_ut > jf->file_last_modified_ut) { jf->file_last_modified_ut = njf->file_last_modified_ut; jf->size = njf->size; jf->msg_last_ut = jf->file_last_modified_ut; nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_DEBUG, "Journal file updated to the journal files registry '%s'", jf->filename); } return false; } struct journal_file_source { usec_t first_ut; usec_t last_ut; size_t count; uint64_t size; }; static void human_readable_size_ib(uint64_t size, char *dst, size_t dst_len) { if(size > 1024ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) snprintfz(dst, dst_len, "%0.2f TiB", (double)size / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0); else if(size > 1024ULL * 1024 * 1024) snprintfz(dst, dst_len, "%0.2f GiB", (double)size / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0); else if(size > 1024ULL * 1024) snprintfz(dst, dst_len, "%0.2f MiB", (double)size / 1024.0 / 1024.0); else if(size > 1024ULL) snprintfz(dst, dst_len, "%0.2f KiB", (double)size / 1024.0); else snprintfz(dst, dst_len, "%"PRIu64" B", size); } #define print_duration(dst, dst_len, pos, remaining, duration, one, many, printed) do { \ if((remaining) > (duration)) { \ uint64_t _count = (remaining) / (duration); \ uint64_t _rem = (remaining) - (_count * (duration)); \ (pos) += snprintfz(&(dst)[pos], (dst_len) - (pos), "%s%s%"PRIu64" %s", (printed) ? ", " : "", _rem ? "" : "and ", _count, _count > 1 ? (many) : (one)); \ (remaining) = _rem; \ (printed) = true; \ } \ } while(0) static void human_readable_duration_s(time_t duration_s, char *dst, size_t dst_len) { if(duration_s < 0) duration_s = -duration_s; size_t pos = 0; dst[0] = 0 ; bool printed = false; print_duration(dst, dst_len, pos, duration_s, 86400 * 365, "year", "years", printed); print_duration(dst, dst_len, pos, duration_s, 86400 * 30, "month", "months", printed); print_duration(dst, dst_len, pos, duration_s, 86400 * 1, "day", "days", printed); print_duration(dst, dst_len, pos, duration_s, 3600 * 1, "hour", "hours", printed); print_duration(dst, dst_len, pos, duration_s, 60 * 1, "min", "mins", printed); print_duration(dst, dst_len, pos, duration_s, 1, "sec", "secs", printed); } static int journal_file_to_json_array_cb(const DICTIONARY_ITEM *item, void *entry, void *data) { struct journal_file_source *jfs = entry; BUFFER *wb = data; const char *name = dictionary_acquired_item_name(item); buffer_json_add_array_item_object(wb); { char size_for_humans[100]; human_readable_size_ib(jfs->size, size_for_humans, sizeof(size_for_humans)); char duration_for_humans[1024]; human_readable_duration_s((time_t)((jfs->last_ut - jfs->first_ut) / USEC_PER_SEC), duration_for_humans, sizeof(duration_for_humans)); char info[1024]; snprintfz(info, sizeof(info), "%zu files, with a total size of %s, covering %s", jfs->count, size_for_humans, duration_for_humans); buffer_json_member_add_string(wb, "id", name); buffer_json_member_add_string(wb, "name", name); buffer_json_member_add_string(wb, "pill", size_for_humans); buffer_json_member_add_string(wb, "info", info); } buffer_json_object_close(wb); // options object return 1; } static bool journal_file_merge_sizes(const DICTIONARY_ITEM *item __maybe_unused, void *old_value, void *new_value , void *data __maybe_unused) { struct journal_file_source *jfs = old_value, *njfs = new_value; jfs->count += njfs->count; jfs->size += njfs->size; if(njfs->first_ut && njfs->first_ut < jfs->first_ut) jfs->first_ut = njfs->first_ut; if(njfs->last_ut && njfs->last_ut > jfs->last_ut) jfs->last_ut = njfs->last_ut; return false; } void available_journal_file_sources_to_json_array(BUFFER *wb) { DICTIONARY *dict = dictionary_create(DICT_OPTION_SINGLE_THREADED|DICT_OPTION_NAME_LINK_DONT_CLONE|DICT_OPTION_DONT_OVERWRITE_VALUE); dictionary_register_conflict_callback(dict, journal_file_merge_sizes, NULL); struct journal_file_source t = { 0 }; struct journal_file *jf; dfe_start_read(journal_files_registry, jf) { t.first_ut = jf->msg_first_ut; t.last_ut = jf->msg_last_ut; t.count = 1; t.size = jf->size; dictionary_set(dict, SDJF_SOURCE_ALL_NAME, &t, sizeof(t)); if(jf->source_type & SDJF_LOCAL_ALL) dictionary_set(dict, SDJF_SOURCE_LOCAL_NAME, &t, sizeof(t)); if(jf->source_type & SDJF_LOCAL_SYSTEM) dictionary_set(dict, SDJF_SOURCE_LOCAL_SYSTEM_NAME, &t, sizeof(t)); if(jf->source_type & SDJF_LOCAL_USER) dictionary_set(dict, SDJF_SOURCE_LOCAL_USERS_NAME, &t, sizeof(t)); if(jf->source_type & SDJF_LOCAL_OTHER) dictionary_set(dict, SDJF_SOURCE_LOCAL_OTHER_NAME, &t, sizeof(t)); if(jf->source_type & SDJF_LOCAL_NAMESPACE) dictionary_set(dict, SDJF_SOURCE_NAMESPACES_NAME, &t, sizeof(t)); if(jf->source_type & SDJF_REMOTE_ALL) dictionary_set(dict, SDJF_SOURCE_REMOTES_NAME, &t, sizeof(t)); if(jf->source) dictionary_set(dict, string2str(jf->source), &t, sizeof(t)); } dfe_done(jf); dictionary_sorted_walkthrough_read(dict, journal_file_to_json_array_cb, wb); dictionary_destroy(dict); } static void files_registry_delete_cb(const DICTIONARY_ITEM *item, void *value, void *data __maybe_unused) { struct journal_file *jf = value; (void)jf; const char *filename = dictionary_acquired_item_name(item); (void)filename; internal_error(true, "removed journal file '%s'", filename); string_freez(jf->source); } void journal_directory_scan_recursively(DICTIONARY *files, DICTIONARY *dirs, const char *dirname, int depth) { static const char *ext = ".journal"; static const ssize_t ext_len = sizeof(".journal") - 1; if (depth > VAR_LOG_JOURNAL_MAX_DEPTH) return; DIR *dir; struct dirent *entry; char full_path[FILENAME_MAX]; // Open the directory. if ((dir = opendir(dirname)) == NULL) { if(errno != ENOENT && errno != ENOTDIR) netdata_log_error("Cannot opendir() '%s'", dirname); return; } bool existing = false; bool *found = dictionary_set(dirs, dirname, &existing, sizeof(existing)); if(*found) return; *found = true; // Read each entry in the directory. while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") == 0) continue; ssize_t len = snprintfz(full_path, sizeof(full_path), "%s/%s", dirname, entry->d_name); if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR) { journal_directory_scan_recursively(files, dirs, full_path, depth++); } else if (entry->d_type == DT_REG && len > ext_len && strcmp(full_path + len - ext_len, ext) == 0) { if(files) dictionary_set(files, full_path, NULL, 0); send_newline_and_flush(&stdout_mutex); } else if (entry->d_type == DT_LNK) { struct stat info; if (stat(full_path, &info) == -1) continue; if (S_ISDIR(info.st_mode)) { // The symbolic link points to a directory char resolved_path[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; if (realpath(full_path, resolved_path) != NULL) { journal_directory_scan_recursively(files, dirs, resolved_path, depth++); } } else if(S_ISREG(info.st_mode) && len > ext_len && strcmp(full_path + len - ext_len, ext) == 0) { if(files) dictionary_set(files, full_path, NULL, 0); send_newline_and_flush(&stdout_mutex); } } } closedir(dir); } static size_t journal_files_scans = 0; bool journal_files_completed_once(void) { return journal_files_scans > 0; } int filenames_compar(const void *a, const void *b) { const char *p1 = *(const char **)a; const char *p2 = *(const char **)b; const char *at1 = strchr(p1, '@'); const char *at2 = strchr(p2, '@'); if(!at1 && at2) return -1; if(at1 && !at2) return 1; if(!at1 && !at2) return strcmp(p1, p2); const char *dash1 = strrchr(at1, '-'); const char *dash2 = strrchr(at2, '-'); if(!dash1 || !dash2) return strcmp(p1, p2); uint64_t ts1 = strtoul(dash1 + 1, NULL, 16); uint64_t ts2 = strtoul(dash2 + 1, NULL, 16); if(ts1 > ts2) return -1; if(ts1 < ts2) return 1; return -strcmp(p1, p2); } void journal_files_registry_update(void) { static SPINLOCK spinlock = NETDATA_SPINLOCK_INITIALIZER; if(spinlock_trylock(&spinlock)) { usec_t scan_monotonic_ut = now_monotonic_usec(); DICTIONARY *files = dictionary_create(DICT_OPTION_SINGLE_THREADED | DICT_OPTION_DONT_OVERWRITE_VALUE); DICTIONARY *dirs = dictionary_create(DICT_OPTION_SINGLE_THREADED|DICT_OPTION_DONT_OVERWRITE_VALUE); for(unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_JOURNAL_DIRECTORIES; i++) { if(!journal_directories[i].path) break; journal_directory_scan_recursively(files, dirs, string2str(journal_directories[i].path), 0); } const char **array = mallocz(sizeof(const char *) * dictionary_entries(files)); size_t used = 0; void *x; dfe_start_read(files, x) { if(used >= dictionary_entries(files)) continue; array[used++] = x_dfe.name; } dfe_done(x); qsort(array, used, sizeof(const char *), filenames_compar); for(size_t i = 0; i < used ;i++) { const char *full_path = array[i]; struct stat info; if (stat(full_path, &info) == -1) continue; struct journal_file t = { .file_last_modified_ut = info.st_mtim.tv_sec * USEC_PER_SEC + info.st_mtim.tv_nsec / NSEC_PER_USEC, .last_scan_monotonic_ut = scan_monotonic_ut, .size = info.st_size, .max_journal_vs_realtime_delta_ut = JOURNAL_VS_REALTIME_DELTA_DEFAULT_UT, }; struct journal_file *jf = dictionary_set(journal_files_registry, full_path, &t, sizeof(t)); journal_file_update_header(jf->filename, jf); } freez(array); dictionary_destroy(files); dictionary_destroy(dirs); struct journal_file *jf; dfe_start_write(journal_files_registry, jf){ if(jf->last_scan_monotonic_ut < scan_monotonic_ut) dictionary_del(journal_files_registry, jf_dfe.name); } dfe_done(jf); journal_files_scans++; spinlock_unlock(&spinlock); internal_error(true, "Journal library scan completed in %.3f ms", (double)(now_monotonic_usec() - scan_monotonic_ut) / (double)USEC_PER_MS); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int journal_file_dict_items_backward_compar(const void *a, const void *b) { const DICTIONARY_ITEM **ad = (const DICTIONARY_ITEM **)a, **bd = (const DICTIONARY_ITEM **)b; struct journal_file *jfa = dictionary_acquired_item_value(*ad); struct journal_file *jfb = dictionary_acquired_item_value(*bd); // compare the last message timestamps if(jfa->msg_last_ut < jfb->msg_last_ut) return 1; if(jfa->msg_last_ut > jfb->msg_last_ut) return -1; // compare the file last modification timestamps if(jfa->file_last_modified_ut < jfb->file_last_modified_ut) return 1; if(jfa->file_last_modified_ut > jfb->file_last_modified_ut) return -1; // compare the first message timestamps if(jfa->msg_first_ut < jfb->msg_first_ut) return 1; if(jfa->msg_first_ut > jfb->msg_first_ut) return -1; return 0; } int journal_file_dict_items_forward_compar(const void *a, const void *b) { return -journal_file_dict_items_backward_compar(a, b); } static bool boot_id_conflict_cb(const DICTIONARY_ITEM *item __maybe_unused, void *old_value, void *new_value, void *data __maybe_unused) { usec_t *old_usec = old_value; usec_t *new_usec = new_value; if(*new_usec < *old_usec) { *old_usec = *new_usec; return true; } return false; } void journal_init_files_and_directories(void) { unsigned d = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // setup the journal directories journal_directories[d++].path = string_strdupz("/run/log/journal"); journal_directories[d++].path = string_strdupz("/var/log/journal"); if(*netdata_configured_host_prefix) { char path[PATH_MAX]; snprintfz(path, sizeof(path), "%s/var/log/journal", netdata_configured_host_prefix); journal_directories[d++].path = string_strdupz(path); snprintfz(path, sizeof(path), "%s/run/log/journal", netdata_configured_host_prefix); journal_directories[d++].path = string_strdupz(path); } // terminate the list journal_directories[d].path = NULL; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // initialize the used hashes files registry used_hashes_registry = dictionary_create(DICT_OPTION_DONT_OVERWRITE_VALUE); systemd_journal_session = (now_realtime_usec() / USEC_PER_SEC) * USEC_PER_SEC; journal_files_registry = dictionary_create_advanced( DICT_OPTION_DONT_OVERWRITE_VALUE | DICT_OPTION_FIXED_SIZE, NULL, sizeof(struct journal_file)); dictionary_register_insert_callback(journal_files_registry, files_registry_insert_cb, NULL); dictionary_register_delete_callback(journal_files_registry, files_registry_delete_cb, NULL); dictionary_register_conflict_callback(journal_files_registry, files_registry_conflict_cb, NULL); boot_ids_to_first_ut = dictionary_create_advanced( DICT_OPTION_DONT_OVERWRITE_VALUE | DICT_OPTION_FIXED_SIZE, NULL, sizeof(usec_t)); dictionary_register_conflict_callback(boot_ids_to_first_ut, boot_id_conflict_cb, NULL); }