// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #define NETDATA_RRD_INTERNALS #include "rrdcollector-internals.h" #include "rrdfunctions-internals.h" #include "rrdfunctions-inflight.h" struct rrd_function_inflight { bool used; RRDHOST *host; nd_uuid_t transaction_uuid; const char *transaction; const char *cmd; const char *sanitized_cmd; const char *source; size_t sanitized_cmd_length; int timeout; bool cancelled; usec_t stop_monotonic_ut; HTTP_ACCESS user_access; BUFFER *payload; const DICTIONARY_ITEM *host_function_acquired; // the collector // we acquire this structure at the beginning, // and we release it at the end struct rrd_host_function *rdcf; struct { BUFFER *wb; // in async mode, // the function to call to send the result back rrd_function_result_callback_t cb; void *data; } result; struct { // to be called in sync mode // while the function is running // to check if the function has been canceled rrd_function_is_cancelled_cb_t cb; void *data; } is_cancelled; struct { // to be registered by the function itself // used to signal the function to cancel rrd_function_cancel_cb_t cb; void *data; } canceller; struct { // callback to receive progress reports from function rrd_function_progress_cb_t cb; void *data; } progress; struct { // to be registered by the function itself // used to send progress requests to function rrd_function_progresser_cb_t cb; void *data; } progresser; }; static DICTIONARY *rrd_functions_inflight_requests = NULL; static void rrd_function_cancel_inflight(struct rrd_function_inflight *r); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void rrd_functions_inflight_cleanup(struct rrd_function_inflight *r) { buffer_free(r->payload); freez((void *)r->transaction); freez((void *)r->cmd); freez((void *)r->sanitized_cmd); freez((void *)r->source); r->payload = NULL; r->transaction = NULL; r->cmd = NULL; r->sanitized_cmd = NULL; } static void rrd_functions_inflight_delete_cb(const DICTIONARY_ITEM *item __maybe_unused, void *value, void *data __maybe_unused) { struct rrd_function_inflight *r = value; // internal_error(true, "FUNCTIONS: transaction '%s' finished", r->transaction); rrd_functions_inflight_cleanup(r); dictionary_acquired_item_release(r->host->functions, r->host_function_acquired); } void rrd_functions_inflight_init(void) { if(rrd_functions_inflight_requests) return; rrd_functions_inflight_requests = dictionary_create_advanced(DICT_OPTION_DONT_OVERWRITE_VALUE | DICT_OPTION_FIXED_SIZE, NULL, sizeof(struct rrd_function_inflight)); dictionary_register_delete_callback(rrd_functions_inflight_requests, rrd_functions_inflight_delete_cb, NULL); } void rrd_functions_inflight_destroy(void) { if(!rrd_functions_inflight_requests) return; dictionary_destroy(rrd_functions_inflight_requests); rrd_functions_inflight_requests = NULL; } static void rrd_inflight_async_function_register_canceller_cb(void *register_canceller_cb_data, rrd_function_cancel_cb_t canceller_cb, void *canceller_cb_data) { struct rrd_function_inflight *r = register_canceller_cb_data; r->canceller.cb = canceller_cb; r->canceller.data = canceller_cb_data; } static void rrd_inflight_async_function_register_progresser_cb(void *register_progresser_cb_data, rrd_function_progresser_cb_t progresser_cb, void *progresser_cb_data) { struct rrd_function_inflight *r = register_progresser_cb_data; r->progresser.cb = progresser_cb; r->progresser.data = progresser_cb_data; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // waiting for async function completion struct rrd_function_call_wait { RRDHOST *host; const DICTIONARY_ITEM *host_function_acquired; char *transaction; bool free_with_signal; bool data_are_ready; netdata_mutex_t mutex; pthread_cond_t cond; int code; }; static void rrd_inflight_function_cleanup(RRDHOST *host __maybe_unused, const char *transaction) { dictionary_del(rrd_functions_inflight_requests, transaction); dictionary_garbage_collect(rrd_functions_inflight_requests); } static void rrd_function_call_wait_free(struct rrd_function_call_wait *tmp) { rrd_inflight_function_cleanup(tmp->host, tmp->transaction); freez(tmp->transaction); pthread_cond_destroy(&tmp->cond); netdata_mutex_destroy(&tmp->mutex); freez(tmp); } static void rrd_async_function_signal_when_ready(BUFFER *temp_wb __maybe_unused, int code, void *callback_data) { struct rrd_function_call_wait *tmp = callback_data; bool we_should_free = false; netdata_mutex_lock(&tmp->mutex); // since we got the mutex, // the waiting thread is either in pthread_cond_timedwait() // or gave up and left. tmp->code = code; tmp->data_are_ready = true; if(tmp->free_with_signal) we_should_free = true; pthread_cond_signal(&tmp->cond); netdata_mutex_unlock(&tmp->mutex); if(we_should_free) { buffer_free(temp_wb); rrd_function_call_wait_free(tmp); } } static void rrd_inflight_async_function_nowait_finished(BUFFER *wb, int code, void *data) { struct rrd_function_inflight *r = data; if(r->result.cb) r->result.cb(wb, code, r->result.data); rrd_inflight_function_cleanup(r->host, r->transaction); } static bool rrd_inflight_async_function_is_cancelled(void *data) { struct rrd_function_inflight *r = data; return __atomic_load_n(&r->cancelled, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); } static inline int rrd_call_function_async_and_dont_wait(struct rrd_function_inflight *r) { struct rrd_function_execute rfe = { .transaction = &r->transaction_uuid, .function = r->sanitized_cmd, .payload = r->payload, .user_access = r->user_access, .source = r->source, .stop_monotonic_ut = &r->stop_monotonic_ut, .result = { .wb = r->result.wb, .cb = rrd_inflight_async_function_nowait_finished, .data = r, }, .progress = { .cb = r->progress.cb, .data = r->progress.data, }, .is_cancelled = { .cb = rrd_inflight_async_function_is_cancelled, .data = r, }, .register_canceller = { .cb = rrd_inflight_async_function_register_canceller_cb, .data = r, }, .register_progresser = { .cb = rrd_inflight_async_function_register_progresser_cb, .data = r, }, }; int code = r->rdcf->execute_cb(&rfe, r->rdcf->execute_cb_data); return code; } static int rrd_call_function_async_and_wait(struct rrd_function_inflight *r) { struct rrd_function_call_wait *tmp = mallocz(sizeof(struct rrd_function_call_wait)); tmp->free_with_signal = false; tmp->data_are_ready = false; tmp->host = r->host; tmp->host_function_acquired = r->host_function_acquired; tmp->transaction = strdupz(r->transaction); netdata_mutex_init(&tmp->mutex); pthread_cond_init(&tmp->cond, NULL); // we need a temporary BUFFER, because we may time out and the caller supplied one may vanish, // so we create a new one we guarantee will survive until the collector finishes... bool we_should_free = false; BUFFER *temp_wb = buffer_create(1024, &netdata_buffers_statistics.buffers_functions); // we need it because we may give up on it temp_wb->content_type = r->result.wb->content_type; struct rrd_function_execute rfe = { .transaction = &r->transaction_uuid, .function = r->sanitized_cmd, .payload = r->payload, .user_access = r->user_access, .source = r->source, .stop_monotonic_ut = &r->stop_monotonic_ut, .result = { .wb = temp_wb, // we overwrite the result callbacks, // so that we can clean up the allocations made .cb = rrd_async_function_signal_when_ready, .data = tmp, }, .progress = { .cb = r->progress.cb, .data = r->progress.data, }, .is_cancelled = { .cb = rrd_inflight_async_function_is_cancelled, .data = r, }, .register_canceller = { .cb = rrd_inflight_async_function_register_canceller_cb, .data = r, }, .register_progresser = { .cb = rrd_inflight_async_function_register_progresser_cb, .data = r, }, }; int code = r->rdcf->execute_cb(&rfe, r->rdcf->execute_cb_data); // this has to happen after we execute the callback // because if an async call is responded in sync mode, there will be a deadlock. netdata_mutex_lock(&tmp->mutex); if (code == HTTP_RESP_OK || tmp->data_are_ready) { bool cancelled = false; int rc = 0; while (rc == 0 && !cancelled && !tmp->data_are_ready) { usec_t now_mono_ut = now_monotonic_usec(); usec_t stop_mono_ut = __atomic_load_n(&r->stop_monotonic_ut, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) + RRDFUNCTIONS_TIMEOUT_EXTENSION_UT; if(now_mono_ut > stop_mono_ut) { rc = ETIMEDOUT; break; } // wait for 10ms, and loop again... struct timespec tp; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tp); tp.tv_nsec += 10 * NSEC_PER_MSEC; if(tp.tv_nsec > (long)(1 * NSEC_PER_SEC)) { tp.tv_sec++; tp.tv_nsec -= 1 * NSEC_PER_SEC; } // the mutex is unlocked within pthread_cond_timedwait() rc = pthread_cond_timedwait(&tmp->cond, &tmp->mutex, &tp); // the mutex is again ours if(rc == ETIMEDOUT) { // 10ms have passed rc = 0; if (!tmp->data_are_ready && r->is_cancelled.cb && r->is_cancelled.cb(r->is_cancelled.data)) { // internal_error(true, "FUNCTIONS: transaction '%s' is cancelled while waiting for response", // r->transaction); cancelled = true; rrd_function_cancel_inflight(r); break; } } } if (tmp->data_are_ready) { // we have a response buffer_contents_replace(r->result.wb, buffer_tostring(temp_wb), buffer_strlen(temp_wb)); r->result.wb->content_type = temp_wb->content_type; r->result.wb->expires = temp_wb->expires; if(r->result.wb->expires) buffer_cacheable(r->result.wb); else buffer_no_cacheable(r->result.wb); code = tmp->code; tmp->free_with_signal = false; we_should_free = true; } else if (rc == ETIMEDOUT || cancelled) { // timeout // we will go away and let the callback free the structure if(cancelled) code = rrd_call_function_error(r->result.wb, "Request cancelled", HTTP_RESP_CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUEST); else code = rrd_call_function_error(r->result.wb, "Timeout while waiting for a response from the collector.", HTTP_RESP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT); tmp->free_with_signal = true; we_should_free = false; } else { code = rrd_call_function_error( r->result.wb, "Internal error while communicating with the collector", HTTP_RESP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); tmp->free_with_signal = true; we_should_free = false; } } else { // the response is not ok, and we don't have the data tmp->free_with_signal = true; we_should_free = false; } netdata_mutex_unlock(&tmp->mutex); if (we_should_free) { rrd_function_call_wait_free(tmp); buffer_free(temp_wb); } return code; } static inline int rrd_call_function_async(struct rrd_function_inflight *r, bool wait) { if(wait) return rrd_call_function_async_and_wait(r); else return rrd_call_function_async_and_dont_wait(r); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int rrd_function_run(RRDHOST *host, BUFFER *result_wb, int timeout_s, HTTP_ACCESS user_access, const char *cmd, bool wait, const char *transaction, rrd_function_result_callback_t result_cb, void *result_cb_data, rrd_function_progress_cb_t progress_cb, void *progress_cb_data, rrd_function_is_cancelled_cb_t is_cancelled_cb, void *is_cancelled_cb_data, BUFFER *payload, const char *source) { int code; char sanitized_cmd[PLUGINSD_LINE_MAX + 1]; const DICTIONARY_ITEM *host_function_acquired = NULL; char sanitized_source[(source ? strlen(source) : 0) + 1]; rrd_functions_sanitize(sanitized_source, source ? source : "", sizeof(sanitized_source)); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // check for the host if(!host) { code = HTTP_RESP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; rrd_call_function_error(result_wb, "no host given for running the function", code); if(result_cb) result_cb(result_wb, code, result_cb_data); return code; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // find the function size_t sanitized_cmd_length = rrd_functions_sanitize(sanitized_cmd, cmd, sizeof(sanitized_cmd)); code = rrd_functions_find_by_name(host, result_wb, sanitized_cmd, sanitized_cmd_length, &host_function_acquired); if(code != HTTP_RESP_OK) { if(result_cb) result_cb(result_wb, code, result_cb_data); return code; } struct rrd_host_function *rdcf = dictionary_acquired_item_value(host_function_acquired); if(!http_access_user_has_enough_access_level_for_endpoint(user_access, rdcf->access)) { if(!aclk_connected) code = rrd_call_function_error(result_wb, "This Netdata must be connected to Netdata Cloud for Single-Sign-On (SSO) " "access this feature. Claim this Netdata to Netdata Cloud to enable access.", HTTP_ACCESS_PERMISSION_DENIED_HTTP_CODE(user_access)); else if((rdcf->access & HTTP_ACCESS_SIGNED_ID) && !(user_access & HTTP_ACCESS_SIGNED_ID)) code = rrd_call_function_error(result_wb, "You need to be authenticated via Netdata Cloud Single-Sign-On (SSO) " "to access this feature. Sign-in on this dashboard, " "or access your Netdata via https://app.netdata.cloud.", HTTP_ACCESS_PERMISSION_DENIED_HTTP_CODE(user_access)); else if((rdcf->access & HTTP_ACCESS_SAME_SPACE) && !(user_access & HTTP_ACCESS_SAME_SPACE)) code = rrd_call_function_error(result_wb, "You need to login to the Netdata Cloud space this agent is claimed to, " "to access this feature.", HTTP_ACCESS_PERMISSION_DENIED_HTTP_CODE(user_access)); else if((rdcf->access & HTTP_ACCESS_COMMERCIAL_SPACE) && !(user_access & HTTP_ACCESS_COMMERCIAL_SPACE)) code = rrd_call_function_error(result_wb, "This feature is only available for commercial users and supporters " "of Netdata. To use it, please upgrade your space. " "Thank you for supporting Netdata.", HTTP_ACCESS_PERMISSION_DENIED_HTTP_CODE(user_access)); else { HTTP_ACCESS missing_access = (~user_access) & rdcf->access; char perms_str[1024]; http_access2txt(perms_str, sizeof(perms_str), ", ", missing_access); char msg[2048]; snprintfz(msg, sizeof(msg), "This feature requires additional permissions: %s.", perms_str); code = rrd_call_function_error(result_wb, msg, HTTP_ACCESS_PERMISSION_DENIED_HTTP_CODE(user_access)); } dictionary_acquired_item_release(host->functions, host_function_acquired); if(result_cb) result_cb(result_wb, code, result_cb_data); return code; } if(timeout_s <= 0) timeout_s = rdcf->timeout; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // validate and parse the transaction, or generate a new transaction id char uuid_str[UUID_COMPACT_STR_LEN]; nd_uuid_t uuid; if(!transaction || !*transaction || uuid_parse_flexi(transaction, uuid) != 0) uuid_generate_random(uuid); uuid_unparse_lower_compact(uuid, uuid_str); transaction = uuid_str; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // the function can only be executed in async mode // put the function into the inflight requests struct rrd_function_inflight t = { .used = false, .host = host, .cmd = strdupz(cmd), .sanitized_cmd = strdupz(sanitized_cmd), .sanitized_cmd_length = sanitized_cmd_length, .transaction = strdupz(transaction), .user_access = user_access, .source = strdupz(sanitized_source), .payload = buffer_dup(payload), .timeout = timeout_s, .cancelled = false, .stop_monotonic_ut = now_monotonic_usec() + timeout_s * USEC_PER_SEC, .host_function_acquired = host_function_acquired, .rdcf = rdcf, .result = { .wb = result_wb, .cb = result_cb, .data = result_cb_data, }, .is_cancelled = { .cb = is_cancelled_cb, .data = is_cancelled_cb_data, }, .progress = { .cb = progress_cb, .data = progress_cb_data, }, }; uuid_copy(t.transaction_uuid, uuid); struct rrd_function_inflight *r = dictionary_set(rrd_functions_inflight_requests, transaction, &t, sizeof(t)); if(r->used) { nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_NOTICE, "FUNCTIONS: duplicate transaction '%s', function: '%s'", t.transaction, t.cmd); code = rrd_call_function_error(result_wb, "duplicate transaction", HTTP_RESP_BAD_REQUEST); rrd_functions_inflight_cleanup(&t); dictionary_acquired_item_release(r->host->functions, t.host_function_acquired); if(result_cb) result_cb(result_wb, code, result_cb_data); return code; } r->used = true; // internal_error(true, "FUNCTIONS: transaction '%s' started", r->transaction); if(r->rdcf->sync) { // the caller has to wait struct rrd_function_execute rfe = { .transaction = &r->transaction_uuid, .function = r->sanitized_cmd, .payload = r->payload, .user_access = r->user_access, .source = r->source, .stop_monotonic_ut = &r->stop_monotonic_ut, .result = { .wb = r->result.wb, // we overwrite the result callbacks, // so that we can clean up the allocations made .cb = r->result.cb, .data = r->result.data, }, .progress = { .cb = r->progress.cb, .data = r->progress.data, }, .is_cancelled = { .cb = r->is_cancelled.cb, .data = r->is_cancelled.data, }, .register_canceller = { .cb = NULL, .data = NULL, }, .register_progresser = { .cb = NULL, .data = NULL, }, }; code = r->rdcf->execute_cb(&rfe, r->rdcf->execute_cb_data); rrd_inflight_function_cleanup(host, r->transaction); return code; } return rrd_call_function_async(r, wait); } bool rrd_function_has_this_original_result_callback(nd_uuid_t *transaction, rrd_function_result_callback_t cb) { bool ret = false; char str[UUID_COMPACT_STR_LEN]; uuid_unparse_lower_compact(*transaction, str); const DICTIONARY_ITEM *item = dictionary_get_and_acquire_item(rrd_functions_inflight_requests, str); if(item) { struct rrd_function_inflight *r = dictionary_acquired_item_value(item); if(r->result.cb == cb) ret = true; dictionary_acquired_item_release(rrd_functions_inflight_requests, item); } return ret; } static void rrd_function_cancel_inflight(struct rrd_function_inflight *r) { if(!r) return; bool cancelled = __atomic_load_n(&r->cancelled, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); if(cancelled) { nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "FUNCTIONS: received a CANCEL request for transaction '%s', but it is already cancelled.", r->transaction); return; } __atomic_store_n(&r->cancelled, true, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); if(!rrd_collector_dispatcher_acquire(r->rdcf->collector)) { nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "FUNCTIONS: received a CANCEL request for transaction '%s', but the collector is not running.", r->transaction); return; } if(r->canceller.cb) r->canceller.cb(r->canceller.data); rrd_collector_dispatcher_release(r->rdcf->collector); } void rrd_function_cancel(const char *transaction) { // internal_error(true, "FUNCTIONS: request to cancel transaction '%s'", transaction); const DICTIONARY_ITEM *item = dictionary_get_and_acquire_item(rrd_functions_inflight_requests, transaction); if(!item) { nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "FUNCTIONS: received a CANCEL request for transaction '%s', but the transaction is not running.", transaction); return; } struct rrd_function_inflight *r = dictionary_acquired_item_value(item); rrd_function_cancel_inflight(r); dictionary_acquired_item_release(rrd_functions_inflight_requests, item); } void rrd_function_progress(const char *transaction) { const DICTIONARY_ITEM *item = dictionary_get_and_acquire_item(rrd_functions_inflight_requests, transaction); if(!item) { nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "FUNCTIONS: received a PROGRESS request for transaction '%s', but the transaction is not running.", transaction); return; } struct rrd_function_inflight *r = dictionary_acquired_item_value(item); if(!rrd_collector_dispatcher_acquire(r->rdcf->collector)) { nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "FUNCTIONS: received a PROGRESS request for transaction '%s', but the collector is not running.", transaction); goto cleanup; } functions_stop_monotonic_update_on_progress(&r->stop_monotonic_ut); if(r->progresser.cb) r->progresser.cb(r->progresser.data); rrd_collector_dispatcher_release(r->rdcf->collector); cleanup: dictionary_acquired_item_release(rrd_functions_inflight_requests, item); } void rrd_function_call_progresser(nd_uuid_t *transaction) { char str[UUID_COMPACT_STR_LEN]; uuid_unparse_lower_compact(*transaction, str); rrd_function_progress(str); }