/* * librdkafka - Apache Kafka C library * * Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Magnus Edenhill * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "test.h" #include "rdkafka.h" /** * Verify message timestamp behaviour on supporting brokers (>= * Issue #858 */ struct timestamp_range { int64_t min; int64_t max; }; static const struct timestamp_range invalid_timestamp = {-1, -1}; static struct timestamp_range broker_timestamp; static struct timestamp_range my_timestamp; static void prepare_timestamps(void) { struct timeval ts; rd_gettimeofday(&ts, NULL); /* broker timestamps expected to be within 600 seconds */ broker_timestamp.min = (int64_t)ts.tv_sec * 1000LLU; broker_timestamp.max = broker_timestamp.min + (600 * 1000LLU); /* client timestamps: set in the future (24 hours) * to be outside of broker timestamps */ my_timestamp.min = my_timestamp.max = (int64_t)ts.tv_sec + (24 * 3600 * 1000LLU); } /** * @brief Produce messages according to compress \p codec */ static void produce_msgs(const char *topic, int partition, uint64_t testid, int msgcnt, const char *broker_version, const char *codec) { rd_kafka_conf_t *conf; rd_kafka_t *rk; int i; char key[128], buf[100]; int msgcounter = msgcnt; test_conf_init(&conf, NULL, 0); rd_kafka_conf_set_dr_msg_cb(conf, test_dr_msg_cb); test_conf_set(conf, "compression.codec", codec); test_conf_set(conf, "broker.version.fallback", broker_version); if (!strncmp(broker_version, "0.8", 3) || !strncmp(broker_version, "0.9", 3)) { test_conf_set(conf, "api.version.request", "false"); test_conf_set(conf, "enable.idempotence", "false"); } /* Make sure to trigger a bunch of MessageSets */ test_conf_set(conf, "batch.num.messages", tsprintf("%d", msgcnt / 5)); rk = test_create_handle(RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, conf); for (i = 0; i < msgcnt; i++) { rd_kafka_resp_err_t err; test_prepare_msg(testid, partition, i, buf, sizeof(buf), key, sizeof(key)); err = rd_kafka_producev( rk, RD_KAFKA_V_TOPIC(topic), RD_KAFKA_V_VALUE(buf, sizeof(buf)), RD_KAFKA_V_KEY(key, sizeof(key)), RD_KAFKA_V_TIMESTAMP(my_timestamp.min), RD_KAFKA_V_MSGFLAGS(RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_COPY), RD_KAFKA_V_OPAQUE(&msgcounter), RD_KAFKA_V_END); if (err) TEST_FAIL("producev() failed at msg #%d/%d: %s", i, msgcnt, rd_kafka_err2str(err)); } TEST_SAY("Waiting for %d messages to be produced\n", msgcounter); while (msgcounter > 0) rd_kafka_poll(rk, 100); rd_kafka_destroy(rk); } static void consume_msgs_verify_timestamps(const char *topic, int partition, uint64_t testid, int msgcnt, const struct timestamp_range *exp_timestamp) { test_msgver_t mv; test_msgver_init(&mv, testid); test_consume_msgs_easy_mv(topic, topic, -1, testid, -1, msgcnt, NULL, &mv); test_msgver_verify0( __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, topic, &mv, TEST_MSGVER_RANGE | TEST_MSGVER_BY_MSGID | TEST_MSGVER_BY_TIMESTAMP, (struct test_mv_vs) {.msg_base = 0, .exp_cnt = msgcnt, .timestamp_min = exp_timestamp->min, .timestamp_max = exp_timestamp->max}); test_msgver_clear(&mv); } static void test_timestamps(const char *broker_tstype, const char *broker_version, const char *codec, const struct timestamp_range *exp_timestamps) { const char *topic = test_mk_topic_name(tsprintf("0052_msg_timestamps_%s_%s_%s", broker_tstype, broker_version, codec), 1); const int msgcnt = 20; uint64_t testid = test_id_generate(); if ((!strncmp(broker_version, "0.9", 3) || !strncmp(broker_version, "0.8", 3)) && !test_conf_match(NULL, "sasl.mechanisms", "GSSAPI")) { TEST_SAY(_C_YEL "Skipping %s, %s test: " "SaslHandshake not supported by broker v%s" _C_CLR "\n", broker_tstype, codec, broker_version); return; } TEST_SAY(_C_MAG "Timestamp test using %s\n", topic); test_timeout_set(30); test_kafka_topics( "--create --topic \"%s\" " "--replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 " "--config message.timestamp.type=%s", topic, broker_tstype); TEST_SAY(_C_MAG "Producing %d messages to %s\n", msgcnt, topic); produce_msgs(topic, 0, testid, msgcnt, broker_version, codec); TEST_SAY(_C_MAG "Consuming and verifying %d messages from %s " "with expected timestamps %" PRId64 "..%" PRId64 "\n", msgcnt, topic, exp_timestamps->min, exp_timestamps->max); consume_msgs_verify_timestamps(topic, 0, testid, msgcnt, exp_timestamps); } int main_0052_msg_timestamps(int argc, char **argv) { if (!test_can_create_topics(1)) return 0; if (test_needs_auth()) { TEST_SKIP("Test cluster requires authentication/SSL\n"); return 0; } /* Broker version limits the producer's feature set, * for no timestamp will be transmitted, * but for (or newer, api.version.request will be true) * the producer will set the timestamp. * In all cases we want a reasonable timestamp back. * * Explicit broker LogAppendTime setting will overwrite * any producer-provided offset. * * Using the old non-timestamp-aware protocol without * LogAppendTime will cause unset/invalid timestamps . * * Any other option should honour the producer create timestamps. */ prepare_timestamps(); test_timestamps("CreateTime", "", "none", &my_timestamp); test_timestamps("LogAppendTime", "", "none", &broker_timestamp); test_timestamps("CreateTime", "", "none", &invalid_timestamp); test_timestamps("LogAppendTime", "", "none", &broker_timestamp); #if WITH_ZLIB test_timestamps("CreateTime", "", "gzip", &my_timestamp); test_timestamps("LogAppendTime", "", "gzip", &broker_timestamp); test_timestamps("CreateTime", "", "gzip", &invalid_timestamp); test_timestamps("LogAppendTime", "", "gzip", &broker_timestamp); #endif return 0; }