/* * librdkafka - Apache Kafka C library * * Copyright (c) 2012-2018, Magnus Edenhill * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include "testcpp.h" #if WITH_RAPIDJSON #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif static const char *stats_schema_path = "../src/statistics_schema.json"; #if WITH_RAPIDJSON /** * @brief Statistics schema validator */ class TestSchemaValidator { public: TestSchemaValidator() { } TestSchemaValidator(const std::string schema_path) { /* Read schema from file */ schema_path_ = schema_path; std::ifstream f(schema_path.c_str()); if (!f.is_open()) Test::Fail(tostr() << "Failed to open schema " << schema_path << ": " << strerror(errno)); std::string schema_str((std::istreambuf_iterator(f)), (std::istreambuf_iterator())); /* Parse schema */ sd_ = new rapidjson::Document(); if (sd_->Parse(schema_str.c_str()).HasParseError()) Test::Fail(tostr() << "Failed to parse statistics schema: " << rapidjson::GetParseError_En(sd_->GetParseError()) << " at " << sd_->GetErrorOffset()); schema_ = new rapidjson::SchemaDocument(*sd_); validator_ = new rapidjson::SchemaValidator(*schema_); } ~TestSchemaValidator() { if (sd_) delete sd_; if (schema_) delete schema_; if (validator_) delete validator_; } void validate(const std::string &json_doc) { /* Parse JSON to validate */ rapidjson::Document d; if (d.Parse(json_doc.c_str()).HasParseError()) Test::Fail(tostr() << "Failed to parse stats JSON: " << rapidjson::GetParseError_En(d.GetParseError()) << " at " << d.GetErrorOffset()); /* Validate using schema */ if (!d.Accept(*validator_)) { rapidjson::StringBuffer sb; validator_->GetInvalidSchemaPointer().StringifyUriFragment(sb); Test::Say(tostr() << "Schema: " << sb.GetString() << "\n"); Test::Say(tostr() << "Invalid keyword: " << validator_->GetInvalidSchemaKeyword() << "\n"); sb.Clear(); validator_->GetInvalidDocumentPointer().StringifyUriFragment(sb); Test::Say(tostr() << "Invalid document: " << sb.GetString() << "\n"); sb.Clear(); Test::Fail(tostr() << "JSON validation using schema " << schema_path_ << " failed"); } Test::Say(3, "JSON document validated using schema " + schema_path_ + "\n"); } private: std::string schema_path_; rapidjson::Document *sd_; rapidjson::SchemaDocument *schema_; rapidjson::SchemaValidator *validator_; }; #else /* Dummy validator doing nothing when RapidJSON is unavailable */ class TestSchemaValidator { public: TestSchemaValidator() { } TestSchemaValidator(const std::string schema_path) { } ~TestSchemaValidator() { } void validate(const std::string &json_doc) { } }; #endif class myEventCb : public RdKafka::EventCb { public: myEventCb(const std::string schema_path) : validator_(TestSchemaValidator(schema_path)) { stats_cnt = 0; } int stats_cnt; std::string last; /**< Last stats document */ void event_cb(RdKafka::Event &event) { switch (event.type()) { case RdKafka::Event::EVENT_STATS: if (!(stats_cnt % 10)) Test::Say(tostr() << "Stats (#" << stats_cnt << "): " << event.str() << "\n"); if (event.str().length() > 20) stats_cnt += 1; validator_.validate(event.str()); last = event.str(); break; default: break; } } private: TestSchemaValidator validator_; }; /** * @brief Verify that stats are emitted according to statistics.interval.ms */ void test_stats_timing() { RdKafka::Conf *conf = RdKafka::Conf::create(RdKafka::Conf::CONF_GLOBAL); myEventCb my_event = myEventCb(stats_schema_path); std::string errstr; if (conf->set("statistics.interval.ms", "100", errstr) != RdKafka::Conf::CONF_OK) Test::Fail(errstr); if (conf->set("event_cb", &my_event, errstr) != RdKafka::Conf::CONF_OK) Test::Fail(errstr); RdKafka::Producer *p = RdKafka::Producer::create(conf, errstr); if (!p) Test::Fail("Failed to create Producer: " + errstr); delete conf; int64_t t_start = test_clock(); while (my_event.stats_cnt < 12) p->poll(1000); int elapsed = (int)((test_clock() - t_start) / 1000); const int expected_time = 1200; Test::Say(tostr() << my_event.stats_cnt << " (expected 12) stats callbacks received in " << elapsed << "ms (expected " << expected_time << "ms +-25%)\n"); if (elapsed < expected_time * 0.75 || elapsed > expected_time * 1.25) { /* We can't rely on CIs giving our test job enough CPU to finish * in time, so don't error out even if the time is outside the window */ if (test_on_ci) Test::Say(tostr() << "WARNING: Elapsed time " << elapsed << "ms outside +-25% window (" << expected_time << "ms), cnt " << my_event.stats_cnt); else Test::Fail(tostr() << "Elapsed time " << elapsed << "ms outside +-25% window (" << expected_time << "ms), cnt " << my_event.stats_cnt); } delete p; } #if WITH_RAPIDJSON /** * @brief Expected partition stats */ struct exp_part_stats { std::string topic; /**< Topic */ int32_t part; /**< Partition id */ int msgcnt; /**< Expected message count */ int msgsize; /**< Expected per message size. * This includes both key and value lengths */ /* Calculated */ int64_t totsize; /**< Message size sum */ }; /** * @brief Verify end-to-end producer and consumer stats. */ static void verify_e2e_stats(const std::string &prod_stats, const std::string &cons_stats, struct exp_part_stats *exp_parts, int partcnt) { /** * Parse JSON stats * These documents are already validated in the Event callback. */ rapidjson::Document p; if (p.Parse(prod_stats.c_str()) .HasParseError()) Test::Fail(tostr() << "Failed to parse producer stats JSON: " << rapidjson::GetParseError_En(p.GetParseError()) << " at " << p.GetErrorOffset()); rapidjson::Document c; if (c.Parse(cons_stats.c_str()) .HasParseError()) Test::Fail(tostr() << "Failed to parse consumer stats JSON: " << rapidjson::GetParseError_En(c.GetParseError()) << " at " << c.GetErrorOffset()); assert(p.HasMember("name")); assert(c.HasMember("name")); assert(p.HasMember("type")); assert(c.HasMember("type")); Test::Say(tostr() << "Verifying stats from Producer " << p["name"].GetString() << " and Consumer " << c["name"].GetString() << "\n"); assert(!strcmp(p["type"].GetString(), "producer")); assert(!strcmp(c["type"].GetString(), "consumer")); int64_t exp_tot_txmsgs = 0; int64_t exp_tot_txmsg_bytes = 0; int64_t exp_tot_rxmsgs = 0; int64_t exp_tot_rxmsg_bytes = 0; for (int part = 0; part < partcnt; part++) { /* * Find partition stats. */ /* Construct the partition path. */ char path[256]; rd_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/topics/%s/partitions/%d", exp_parts[part].topic.c_str(), exp_parts[part].part); Test::Say(tostr() << "Looking up partition " << exp_parts[part].part << " with path " << path << "\n"); /* Even though GetValueByPointer() takes a "char[]" it can only be used * with perfectly sized char buffers or string literals since it * does not respect NUL terminators. * So instead convert the path to a Pointer.*/ rapidjson::Pointer jpath((const char *)path); rapidjson::Value *pp = rapidjson::GetValueByPointer(p, jpath); if (!pp) Test::Fail(tostr() << "Producer: could not find " << path << " in " << prod_stats << "\n"); rapidjson::Value *cp = rapidjson::GetValueByPointer(c, jpath); if (!pp) Test::Fail(tostr() << "Consumer: could not find " << path << " in " << cons_stats << "\n"); assert(pp->HasMember("partition")); assert(pp->HasMember("txmsgs")); assert(pp->HasMember("txbytes")); assert(cp->HasMember("partition")); assert(cp->HasMember("rxmsgs")); assert(cp->HasMember("rxbytes")); Test::Say(tostr() << "partition: " << (*pp)["partition"].GetInt() << "\n"); int64_t txmsgs = (*pp)["txmsgs"].GetInt(); int64_t txbytes = (*pp)["txbytes"].GetInt(); int64_t rxmsgs = (*cp)["rxmsgs"].GetInt(); int64_t rxbytes = (*cp)["rxbytes"].GetInt(); exp_tot_txmsgs += txmsgs; exp_tot_txmsg_bytes += txbytes; exp_tot_rxmsgs += rxmsgs; exp_tot_rxmsg_bytes += rxbytes; Test::Say(tostr() << "Producer partition: " << (*pp)["partition"].GetInt() << ": " << "txmsgs: " << txmsgs << " vs " << exp_parts[part].msgcnt << ", " << "txbytes: " << txbytes << " vs " << exp_parts[part].totsize << "\n"); Test::Say(tostr() << "Consumer partition: " << (*cp)["partition"].GetInt() << ": " << "rxmsgs: " << rxmsgs << " vs " << exp_parts[part].msgcnt << ", " << "rxbytes: " << rxbytes << " vs " << exp_parts[part].totsize << "\n"); } /* Check top-level total stats */ assert(p.HasMember("txmsgs")); assert(p.HasMember("txmsg_bytes")); assert(p.HasMember("rxmsgs")); assert(p.HasMember("rxmsg_bytes")); int64_t tot_txmsgs = p["txmsgs"].GetInt(); int64_t tot_txmsg_bytes = p["txmsg_bytes"].GetInt(); int64_t tot_rxmsgs = c["rxmsgs"].GetInt(); int64_t tot_rxmsg_bytes = c["rxmsg_bytes"].GetInt(); Test::Say(tostr() << "Producer total: " << "txmsgs: " << tot_txmsgs << " vs " << exp_tot_txmsgs << ", " << "txbytes: " << tot_txmsg_bytes << " vs " << exp_tot_txmsg_bytes << "\n"); Test::Say(tostr() << "Consumer total: " << "rxmsgs: " << tot_rxmsgs << " vs " << exp_tot_rxmsgs << ", " << "rxbytes: " << tot_rxmsg_bytes << " vs " << exp_tot_rxmsg_bytes << "\n"); } /** * @brief Verify stats JSON structure and individual metric fields. * * To capture as much verifiable data as possible we run a full * producer - consumer end to end test and verify that counters * and states are emitted accordingly. * * Requires RapidJSON (for parsing the stats). */ static void test_stats() { std::string errstr; RdKafka::Conf *conf; myEventCb producer_event(stats_schema_path); myEventCb consumer_event(stats_schema_path); std::string topic = Test::mk_topic_name("0053_stats", 1); const int partcnt = 2; int msgcnt = (test_quick ? 10 : 100) * partcnt; const int msgsize = 6 * 1024; /* * Common config for producer and consumer */ Test::conf_init(&conf, NULL, 60); if (conf->set("statistics.interval.ms", "1000", errstr) != RdKafka::Conf::CONF_OK) Test::Fail(errstr); /* * Create Producer */ if (conf->set("event_cb", &producer_event, errstr) != RdKafka::Conf::CONF_OK) Test::Fail(errstr); RdKafka::Producer *p = RdKafka::Producer::create(conf, errstr); if (!p) Test::Fail("Failed to create Producer: " + errstr); /* * Create Consumer */ conf->set("group.id", topic, errstr); conf->set("auto.offset.reset", "earliest", errstr); conf->set("enable.partition.eof", "false", errstr); if (conf->set("event_cb", &consumer_event, errstr) != RdKafka::Conf::CONF_OK) Test::Fail(errstr); RdKafka::KafkaConsumer *c = RdKafka::KafkaConsumer::create(conf, errstr); if (!c) Test::Fail("Failed to create KafkaConsumer: " + errstr); delete conf; /* * Set up consumer assignment (but assign after producing * since there will be no topics now) and expected partitions * for later verification. */ std::vector toppars; struct exp_part_stats exp_parts[partcnt] = {}; for (int32_t part = 0; part < (int32_t)partcnt; part++) { toppars.push_back(RdKafka::TopicPartition::create( topic, part, RdKafka::Topic::OFFSET_BEGINNING)); exp_parts[part].topic = topic; exp_parts[part].part = part; exp_parts[part].msgcnt = msgcnt / partcnt; exp_parts[part].msgsize = msgsize; exp_parts[part].totsize = 0; } /* * Produce messages */ uint64_t testid = test_id_generate(); char key[256]; char *buf = (char *)malloc(msgsize); for (int32_t part = 0; part < (int32_t)partcnt; part++) { for (int i = 0; i < msgcnt / partcnt; i++) { test_prepare_msg(testid, part, i, buf, msgsize, key, sizeof(key)); RdKafka::ErrorCode err = p->produce(topic, part, RdKafka::Producer::RK_MSG_COPY, buf, msgsize, key, sizeof(key), -1, NULL); if (err) Test::Fail("Produce failed: " + RdKafka::err2str(err)); exp_parts[part].totsize += msgsize + sizeof(key); p->poll(0); } } free(buf); Test::Say("Waiting for final message delivery\n"); /* Wait for delivery */ p->flush(15 * 1000); /* * Start consuming partitions */ c->assign(toppars); RdKafka::TopicPartition::destroy(toppars); /* * Consume the messages */ int recvcnt = 0; Test::Say(tostr() << "Consuming " << msgcnt << " messages\n"); while (recvcnt < msgcnt) { RdKafka::Message *msg = c->consume(-1); if (msg->err()) Test::Fail("Consume failed: " + msg->errstr()); int msgid; TestMessageVerify(testid, -1, &msgid, msg); recvcnt++; delete msg; } /* * Producer: * Wait for one last stats emit when all messages have been delivered. */ int prev_cnt = producer_event.stats_cnt; while (prev_cnt == producer_event.stats_cnt) { Test::Say("Waiting for final producer stats event\n"); p->poll(100); } /* * Consumer: * Wait for a one last stats emit when all messages have been received, * since previous stats may have been enqueued but not served we * skip the first 2. */ prev_cnt = consumer_event.stats_cnt; while (prev_cnt + 2 >= consumer_event.stats_cnt) { Test::Say(tostr() << "Waiting for final consumer stats event: " << consumer_event.stats_cnt << "\n"); c->poll(100); } verify_e2e_stats(producer_event.last, consumer_event.last, exp_parts, partcnt); c->close(); delete p; delete c; } #endif extern "C" { int main_0053_stats_timing(int argc, char **argv) { test_stats_timing(); return 0; } int main_0053_stats(int argc, char **argv) { #if WITH_RAPIDJSON test_stats(); #else Test::Skip("RapidJSON >=1.1.0 not available\n"); #endif return 0; } }