/* * librdkafka - Apache Kafka C library * * Copyright (c) 2019, Magnus Edenhill * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "testcpp.h" #include "tinycthread.h" static const std::string envname[RdKafka::CERT__CNT][RdKafka::CERT_ENC__CNT] = { /* [RdKafka::CERT_PUBLIC_KEY] = */ { "SSL_pkcs", "SSL_pub_der", "SSL_pub_pem", }, /* [RdKafka::CERT_PRIVATE_KEY] = */ { "SSL_pkcs", "SSL_priv_der", "SSL_priv_pem", }, /* [RdKafka::CERT_CA] = */ { "SSL_pkcs", "SSL_ca_der", "SSL_all_cas_pem" /* Contains multiple CA certs */, }}; static std::vector read_file(const std::string path) { std::ifstream ifs(path.c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate); if (ifs.fail()) Test::Fail("Failed to open " + path + ": " + strerror(errno)); int size = (int)ifs.tellg(); ifs.seekg(0, std::ifstream::beg); std::vector buffer; buffer.resize(size); ifs.read(buffer.data(), size); ifs.close(); return buffer; } /** * @name SslCertVerifyCb verification. * * Requires security.protocol=*SSL */ class TestVerifyCb : public RdKafka::SslCertificateVerifyCb { public: bool verify_ok; int cnt; //< Verify callbacks triggered. mtx_t lock; TestVerifyCb(bool verify_ok) : verify_ok(verify_ok), cnt(0) { mtx_init(&lock, mtx_plain); } ~TestVerifyCb() { mtx_destroy(&lock); } bool ssl_cert_verify_cb(const std::string &broker_name, int32_t broker_id, int *x509_error, int depth, const char *buf, size_t size, std::string &errstr) { mtx_lock(&lock); Test::Say(tostr() << "ssl_cert_verify_cb #" << cnt << ": broker_name=" << broker_name << ", broker_id=" << broker_id << ", x509_error=" << *x509_error << ", depth=" << depth << ", buf size=" << size << ", verify_ok=" << verify_ok << "\n"); cnt++; mtx_unlock(&lock); if (verify_ok) return true; errstr = "This test triggered a verification failure"; *x509_error = 26; /*X509_V_ERR_INVALID_PURPOSE*/ return false; } }; /** * @brief Set SSL PEM cert/key using configuration property. * * The cert/key is loadded from environment variables set up by trivup. * * @param loc_prop ssl.X.location property that will be cleared. * @param pem_prop ssl.X.pem property that will be set. * @param cert_type Certificate type. */ static void conf_location_to_pem(RdKafka::Conf *conf, std::string loc_prop, std::string pem_prop, RdKafka::CertificateType cert_type) { std::string loc; std::string errstr; if (conf->set(loc_prop, "", errstr) != RdKafka::Conf::CONF_OK) Test::Fail("Failed to reset " + loc_prop + ": " + errstr); const char *p; p = test_getenv(envname[cert_type][RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM].c_str(), NULL); if (!p) Test::Fail( "Invalid test environment: " "Missing " + envname[cert_type][RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM] + " env variable: make sure trivup is up to date"); loc = p; /* Read file */ std::ifstream ifs(loc.c_str()); std::string pem((std::istreambuf_iterator(ifs)), std::istreambuf_iterator()); Test::Say("Read env " + envname[cert_type][RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM] + "=" + loc + " from disk and changed to in-memory " + pem_prop + " string\n"); if (conf->set(pem_prop, pem, errstr) != RdKafka::Conf::CONF_OK) Test::Fail("Failed to set " + pem_prop + ": " + errstr); } /** * @brief Set SSL cert/key using set_ssl_cert() rather than * config string property \p loc_prop (which will be cleared) * * @remark Requires a bunch of SSL_.. env vars to point out where * certs are found. These are set up by trivup. */ static void conf_location_to_setter(RdKafka::Conf *conf, std::string loc_prop, RdKafka::CertificateType cert_type, RdKafka::CertificateEncoding encoding) { std::string loc; static const std::string encnames[] = { "PKCS#12", "DER", "PEM", }; /* Clear the config property (e.g., ssl.key.location) */ std::string errstr; if (conf->set(loc_prop, "", errstr) != RdKafka::Conf::CONF_OK) Test::Fail("Failed to reset " + loc_prop); const char *p; p = test_getenv(envname[cert_type][encoding].c_str(), NULL); if (!p) Test::Fail( "Invalid test environment: " "Missing " + envname[cert_type][encoding] + " env variable: make sure trivup is up to date"); loc = p; Test::Say(tostr() << "Reading " << loc_prop << " file " << loc << " as " << encnames[encoding] << " from env " << envname[cert_type][encoding] << "\n"); /* Read file */ std::ifstream ifs(loc.c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate); if (ifs.fail()) Test::Fail("Failed to open " + loc + ": " + strerror(errno)); int size = (int)ifs.tellg(); ifs.seekg(0, std::ifstream::beg); std::vector buffer; buffer.resize(size); ifs.read(buffer.data(), size); ifs.close(); if (conf->set_ssl_cert(cert_type, encoding, buffer.data(), size, errstr) != RdKafka::Conf::CONF_OK) Test::Fail(tostr() << "Failed to set " << loc_prop << " from " << loc << " as cert type " << cert_type << " with encoding " << encoding << ": " << errstr << "\n"); } typedef enum { USE_LOCATION, /* use ssl.X.location */ USE_CONF, /* use ssl.X.pem */ USE_SETTER, /* use conf->set_ssl_cert(), this supports multiple formats */ } cert_load_t; static const std::string load_names[] = { "location", "conf", "setter", }; static void do_test_verify(const int line, bool verify_ok, cert_load_t load_key, RdKafka::CertificateEncoding key_enc, cert_load_t load_pub, RdKafka::CertificateEncoding pub_enc, cert_load_t load_ca, RdKafka::CertificateEncoding ca_enc) { /* * Create any type of client */ std::string teststr = tostr() << line << ": " << "SSL cert verify: verify_ok=" << verify_ok << ", load_key=" << load_names[load_key] << ", load_pub=" << load_names[load_pub] << ", load_ca=" << load_names[load_ca]; Test::Say(_C_BLU "[ " + teststr + " ]\n" _C_CLR); RdKafka::Conf *conf; Test::conf_init(&conf, NULL, 10); std::string val; if (conf->get("ssl.key.location", val) != RdKafka::Conf::CONF_OK || val.empty()) { Test::Skip("Test requires SSL to be configured\n"); delete conf; return; } /* Get ssl.key.location, read its contents, and replace with * ssl.key.pem. Same with ssl.certificate.location -> ssl.certificate.pem. */ if (load_key == USE_CONF) conf_location_to_pem(conf, "ssl.key.location", "ssl.key.pem", RdKafka::CERT_PRIVATE_KEY); else if (load_key == USE_SETTER) conf_location_to_setter(conf, "ssl.key.location", RdKafka::CERT_PRIVATE_KEY, key_enc); if (load_pub == USE_CONF) conf_location_to_pem(conf, "ssl.certificate.location", "ssl.certificate.pem", RdKafka::CERT_PUBLIC_KEY); else if (load_pub == USE_SETTER) conf_location_to_setter(conf, "ssl.certificate.location", RdKafka::CERT_PUBLIC_KEY, pub_enc); if (load_ca == USE_CONF) conf_location_to_pem(conf, "ssl.ca.location", "ssl.ca.pem", RdKafka::CERT_CA); else if (load_ca == USE_SETTER) conf_location_to_setter(conf, "ssl.ca.location", RdKafka::CERT_CA, ca_enc); std::string errstr; conf->set("debug", "security", errstr); TestVerifyCb verifyCb(verify_ok); if (conf->set("ssl_cert_verify_cb", &verifyCb, errstr) != RdKafka::Conf::CONF_OK) Test::Fail("Failed to set verifyCb: " + errstr); RdKafka::Producer *p = RdKafka::Producer::create(conf, errstr); if (!p) Test::Fail("Failed to create producer: " + errstr); delete conf; bool run = true; for (int i = 0; run && i < 10; i++) { p->poll(1000); mtx_lock(&verifyCb.lock); if ((verify_ok && verifyCb.cnt > 0) || (!verify_ok && verifyCb.cnt > 3)) run = false; mtx_unlock(&verifyCb.lock); } mtx_lock(&verifyCb.lock); if (!verifyCb.cnt) Test::Fail("Expected at least one verifyCb invocation"); mtx_unlock(&verifyCb.lock); /* Retrieving the clusterid allows us to easily check if a * connection could be made. Match this to the expected outcome of * this test. */ std::string cluster = p->clusterid(1000); if (verify_ok == cluster.empty()) Test::Fail("Expected connection to " + (std::string)(verify_ok ? "succeed" : "fail") + ", but got clusterid '" + cluster + "'"); delete p; Test::Say(_C_GRN "[ PASSED: " + teststr + " ]\n" _C_CLR); } /** * @brief Verification that some bad combinations of calls behave as expected. * This is simply to verify #2904. */ static void do_test_bad_calls() { RdKafka::Conf *conf = RdKafka::Conf::create(RdKafka::Conf::CONF_GLOBAL); std::string errstr; if (conf->set("enable.ssl.certificate.verification", "false", errstr)) Test::Fail(errstr); if (conf->set("security.protocol", "SSL", errstr)) Test::Fail(errstr); if (conf->set("ssl.key.password", test_getenv("SSL_password", NULL), errstr)) Test::Fail(errstr); std::vector certBuffer = read_file(test_getenv( envname[RdKafka::CERT_CA][RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM].c_str(), NULL)); if (conf->set_ssl_cert(RdKafka::CERT_CA, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM, certBuffer.data(), certBuffer.size(), errstr)) Test::Fail(errstr); /* Set public-key as CA (over-writing the previous one) */ std::vector userBuffer = read_file(test_getenv( envname[RdKafka::CERT_PUBLIC_KEY][RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM].c_str(), NULL)); if (conf->set_ssl_cert(RdKafka::CERT_CA, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM, userBuffer.data(), userBuffer.size(), errstr)) Test::Fail(errstr); std::vector keyBuffer = read_file(test_getenv( envname[RdKafka::CERT_PRIVATE_KEY][RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM].c_str(), NULL)); if (conf->set_ssl_cert(RdKafka::CERT_PRIVATE_KEY, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM, keyBuffer.data(), keyBuffer.size(), errstr)) Test::Fail(errstr); // Create Kafka producer RdKafka::Producer *producer = RdKafka::Producer::create(conf, errstr); delete conf; if (producer) Test::Fail("Expected producer creation to fail"); if (errstr.find("Private key check failed") == std::string::npos) Test::Fail("Expected 'Private key check failed' error, not " + errstr); Test::Say("Producer creation failed expectedly: " + errstr + "\n"); } extern "C" { int main_0097_ssl_verify(int argc, char **argv) { if (!test_check_builtin("ssl")) { Test::Skip("Test requires SSL support\n"); return 0; } if (!test_getenv("SSL_pkcs", NULL)) { Test::Skip("Test requires SSL_* env-vars set up by trivup\n"); return 0; } do_test_bad_calls(); do_test_verify(__LINE__, true, USE_LOCATION, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM, USE_LOCATION, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM, USE_LOCATION, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM); do_test_verify(__LINE__, false, USE_LOCATION, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM, USE_LOCATION, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM, USE_LOCATION, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM); /* Verify various priv and pub key and CA input formats */ do_test_verify(__LINE__, true, USE_CONF, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM, USE_CONF, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM, USE_LOCATION, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM); do_test_verify(__LINE__, true, USE_CONF, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM, USE_CONF, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM, USE_CONF, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM); do_test_verify(__LINE__, true, USE_SETTER, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM, USE_SETTER, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM, USE_SETTER, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PKCS12); do_test_verify(__LINE__, true, USE_LOCATION, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM, USE_SETTER, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_DER, USE_SETTER, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_DER); do_test_verify(__LINE__, true, USE_LOCATION, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM, USE_SETTER, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_DER, USE_SETTER, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM); /* env: SSL_all_cas_pem */ do_test_verify(__LINE__, true, USE_LOCATION, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM, USE_SETTER, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_DER, USE_CONF, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PEM); /* env: SSL_all_cas_pem */ do_test_verify(__LINE__, true, USE_SETTER, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PKCS12, USE_SETTER, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PKCS12, USE_SETTER, RdKafka::CERT_ENC_PKCS12); return 0; } int main_0097_ssl_verify_local(int argc, char **argv) { if (!test_check_builtin("ssl")) { Test::Skip("Test requires SSL support\n"); return 0; } /* Check that creating a client with an invalid PEM string fails. */ const std::string props[] = {"ssl.ca.pem", "ssl.key.pem", "ssl.certificate.pem", ""}; for (int i = 0; props[i] != ""; i++) { RdKafka::Conf *conf = RdKafka::Conf::create(RdKafka::Conf::CONF_GLOBAL); std::string errstr; if (conf->set("security.protocol", "SSL", errstr)) Test::Fail(errstr); conf->set("debug", "security", errstr); if (conf->set(props[i], "this is \n not a \t PEM!", errstr)) Test::Fail("Setting " + props[i] + " to junk should work, " "expecting failure on client creation"); RdKafka::Producer *producer = RdKafka::Producer::create(conf, errstr); delete conf; if (producer) Test::Fail("Expected producer creation to fail with " + props[i] + " set to junk"); else Test::Say("Failed to create producer with junk " + props[i] + " (as expected): " + errstr + "\n"); } return 0; } }