/** * Copyright 2019 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // @license © 2019 Google LLC. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. const doc = document; const store = localStorage; const PREFERS_COLOR_SCHEME = 'prefers-color-scheme'; const MEDIA = 'media'; const LIGHT = 'light'; const DARK = 'dark'; const MQ_DARK = `(${PREFERS_COLOR_SCHEME}:${DARK})`; const MQ_LIGHT = `(${PREFERS_COLOR_SCHEME}:${LIGHT})`; const LINK_REL_STYLESHEET = 'link[rel=stylesheet]'; const REMEMBER = 'remember'; const LEGEND = 'legend'; const TOGGLE = 'toggle'; const SWITCH = 'switch'; const APPEARANCE = 'appearance'; const PERMANENT = 'permanent'; const MODE = 'mode'; const COLOR_SCHEME_CHANGE = 'colorschemechange'; const PERMANENT_COLOR_SCHEME = 'permanentcolorscheme'; const ALL = 'all'; const NOT_ALL = 'not all'; const NAME = 'dark-mode-toggle'; const DEFAULT_URL = 'https://googlechromelabs.github.io/dark-mode-toggle/demo/'; // See https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/common-dom-interfaces.html ↵ // #reflecting-content-attributes-in-idl-attributes. const installStringReflection = (obj, attrName, propName = attrName) => { Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, { enumerable: true, get() { const value = this.getAttribute(attrName); return value === null ? '' : value; }, set(v) { this.setAttribute(attrName, v); }, }); }; const installBoolReflection = (obj, attrName, propName = attrName) => { Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, { enumerable: true, get() { return this.hasAttribute(attrName); }, set(v) { if (v) { this.setAttribute(attrName, ''); } else { this.removeAttribute(attrName); } }, }); }; const template = doc.createElement('template'); // ⚠️ Note: this is a minified version of `src/template-contents.tpl`. // Compress the CSS with https://cssminifier.com/, then paste it here. // eslint-disable-next-line max-len template.innerHTML = `
`; export class DarkModeToggle extends HTMLElement { static get observedAttributes() { return [MODE, APPEARANCE, PERMANENT, LEGEND, LIGHT, DARK, REMEMBER]; } constructor() { super(); installStringReflection(this, MODE); installStringReflection(this, APPEARANCE); installStringReflection(this, LEGEND); installStringReflection(this, LIGHT); installStringReflection(this, DARK); installStringReflection(this, REMEMBER); installBoolReflection(this, PERMANENT); this._darkCSS = null; this._lightCSS = null; doc.addEventListener(COLOR_SCHEME_CHANGE, (event) => { this.mode = event.detail.colorScheme; this._updateRadios(); this._updateCheckbox(); }); doc.addEventListener(PERMANENT_COLOR_SCHEME, (event) => { this.permanent = event.detail.permanent; this._permanentCheckbox.checked = this.permanent; }); this._initializeDOM(); } _initializeDOM() { const shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'}); shadowRoot.appendChild(template.content.cloneNode(true)); // We need to support `media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"` (with space) // and `media="(prefers-color-scheme:dark)"` (without space) this._darkCSS = doc.querySelectorAll(`${LINK_REL_STYLESHEET}[${MEDIA}*=${PREFERS_COLOR_SCHEME}][${MEDIA}*="${DARK}"]`); this._lightCSS = doc.querySelectorAll(`${LINK_REL_STYLESHEET}[${MEDIA}*=${PREFERS_COLOR_SCHEME}][${MEDIA}*="${LIGHT}"]`); // Get DOM references. this._lightRadio = shadowRoot.querySelector('[part=lightRadio]'); this._lightLabel = shadowRoot.querySelector('[part=lightLabel]'); this._darkRadio = shadowRoot.querySelector('[part=darkRadio]'); this._darkLabel = shadowRoot.querySelector('[part=darkLabel]'); this._darkCheckbox = shadowRoot.querySelector('[part=toggleCheckbox]'); this._checkboxLabel = shadowRoot.querySelector('[part=toggleLabel]'); this._legendLabel = shadowRoot.querySelector('legend'); this._permanentAside = shadowRoot.querySelector('aside'); this._permanentCheckbox = shadowRoot.querySelector('[part=permanentCheckbox]'); this._permanentLabel = shadowRoot.querySelector('[part=permanentLabel]'); // Does the browser support native `prefers-color-scheme`? const hasNativePrefersColorScheme = matchMedia(MQ_DARK).media !== NOT_ALL; // Listen to `prefers-color-scheme` changes. if (hasNativePrefersColorScheme) { matchMedia(MQ_DARK).addListener(({matches}) => { this.mode = matches ? DARK : LIGHT; this._dispatchEvent(COLOR_SCHEME_CHANGE, {colorScheme: this.mode}); }); } // Set initial state, giving preference to a remembered value, then the // native value (if supported), and eventually defaulting to a light // experience. const rememberedValue = store.getItem(NAME); if (rememberedValue && [DARK, LIGHT].includes(rememberedValue)) { this.mode = rememberedValue; this._permanentCheckbox.checked = true; this.permanent = true; } else if (hasNativePrefersColorScheme) { this.mode = matchMedia(MQ_LIGHT).matches ? LIGHT : DARK; } if (!this.mode) { this.mode = LIGHT; } if (this.permanent && !rememberedValue) { store.setItem(NAME, this.mode); } // Default to toggle appearance. if (!this.appearance) { this.appearance = TOGGLE; } // Update the appearance to either of toggle or switch. this._updateAppearance(); // Update the radios this._updateRadios(); // Make the checkbox reflect the state of the radios this._updateCheckbox(); // Synchronize the behavior of the radio and the checkbox. [this._lightRadio, this._darkRadio].forEach((input) => { input.addEventListener('change', () => { this.mode = this._lightRadio.checked ? LIGHT : DARK; this._updateCheckbox(); this._dispatchEvent(COLOR_SCHEME_CHANGE, {colorScheme: this.mode}); }); }); this._darkCheckbox.addEventListener('change', () => { this.mode = this._darkCheckbox.checked ? DARK : LIGHT; this._updateRadios(); this._dispatchEvent(COLOR_SCHEME_CHANGE, {colorScheme: this.mode}); }); // Make remembering the last mode optional this._permanentCheckbox.addEventListener('change', () => { this.permanent = this._permanentCheckbox.checked; this._dispatchEvent(PERMANENT_COLOR_SCHEME, { permanent: this.permanent, }); }); // Finally update the mode and let the world know what's going on this._updateMode(); this._dispatchEvent(COLOR_SCHEME_CHANGE, {colorScheme: this.mode}); this._dispatchEvent(PERMANENT_COLOR_SCHEME, { permanent: this.permanent, }); } attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) { if (name === MODE) { if (![LIGHT, DARK].includes(newValue)) { throw new RangeError(`Allowed values: "${LIGHT}" and "${DARK}".`); } // Only show the dialog programmatically on devices not capable of hover // and only if there is a label if (matchMedia('(hover:none)').matches && this.remember) { this._showPermanentAside(); } if (this.permanent) { store.setItem(NAME, this.mode); } this._updateRadios(); this._updateCheckbox(); this._updateMode(); } else if (name === APPEARANCE) { if (![TOGGLE, SWITCH].includes(newValue)) { throw new RangeError(`Allowed values: "${TOGGLE}" and "${SWITCH}".`); } this._updateAppearance(); } else if (name === PERMANENT) { if (this.permanent) { store.setItem(NAME, this.mode); } else { store.removeItem(NAME); } this._permanentCheckbox.checked = this.permanent; } else if (name === LEGEND) { this._legendLabel.textContent = newValue; } else if (name === REMEMBER) { this._permanentLabel.textContent = newValue; } else if (name === LIGHT) { this._lightLabel.textContent = newValue; if (this.mode === LIGHT) { this._checkboxLabel.textContent = newValue; } } else if (name === DARK) { this._darkLabel.textContent = newValue; if (this.mode === DARK) { this._checkboxLabel.textContent = newValue; } } } _dispatchEvent(type, value) { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(type, { bubbles: true, composed: true, detail: value, })); } _updateAppearance() { // Hide or show the light-related affordances dependent on the appearance, // which can be "switch" or "toggle". const appearAsToggle = this.appearance === TOGGLE; this._lightRadio.hidden = appearAsToggle; this._lightLabel.hidden = appearAsToggle; this._darkRadio.hidden = appearAsToggle; this._darkLabel.hidden = appearAsToggle; this._darkCheckbox.hidden = !appearAsToggle; this._checkboxLabel.hidden = !appearAsToggle; } _updateRadios() { if (this.mode === LIGHT) { this._lightRadio.checked = true; } else { this._darkRadio.checked = true; } } _updateCheckbox() { if (this.mode === LIGHT) { this._checkboxLabel.style.setProperty(`--${NAME}-checkbox-icon`, `var(--${NAME}-light-icon,url("${DEFAULT_URL}moon.png"))`); this._checkboxLabel.textContent = this.light; if (!this.light) { this._checkboxLabel.ariaLabel = DARK; } this._darkCheckbox.checked = false; } else { this._checkboxLabel.style.setProperty(`--${NAME}-checkbox-icon`, `var(--${NAME}-dark-icon,url("${DEFAULT_URL}sun.png"))`); this._checkboxLabel.textContent = this.dark; if (!this.dark) { this._checkboxLabel.ariaLabel = LIGHT; } this._darkCheckbox.checked = true; } } _updateMode() { if (this.mode === LIGHT) { this._lightCSS.forEach((link) => { link.media = ALL; link.disabled = false; }); this._darkCSS.forEach((link) => { link.media = NOT_ALL; link.disabled = true; }); } else { this._darkCSS.forEach((link) => { link.media = ALL; link.disabled = false; }); this._lightCSS.forEach((link) => { link.media = NOT_ALL; link.disabled = true; }); } } _showPermanentAside() { this._permanentAside.style.visibility = 'visible'; setTimeout(() => { this._permanentAside.style.visibility = 'hidden'; }, 3000); } } customElements.define(NAME, DarkModeToggle);