Monkey HTTP Daemon - ChangeLog ============================== v0.9.2 (2008/01/16): - Translations: New translation of Monkey+PHP to polish language and a funny 1337!, thanks to Sugarush! - Bug fix: negative memory allocation when a request doesn't contain a '?' string. Thanks to Daniel Hope for discover this problem and submit a patch! v0.9.1 (2004/04/13): - BUG FIXES: Thanks to Rob and Tavis of gentoo security team for report it. A bug found causes a DoS when it's requested a file with 0 bytes of lenght and another one that was found on cgi.c where exist the possibility to run any code we wished before the connection be closed. v0.9.0 (2004/10/28): - Some internal changes. - Fixed bug in if_modified_since feature. - POST_TIMEOUT value changed to value 10 to fix a problem found with lagged connections (thanks to Federico Fuga). - A little Virtualhost bug has been fixed. - Fixed limit of max persistent connections for virtualhosts. - Persistent connection now works with directory nagivation. - Fixed GetDir problem with special vhost configurations. - Fixed 'close connection on dir request without / '. - Memory leak fixes :) . v0.8.5 (2004/08/28): - Now monkey works on NetBSD (Matthew Gream) - Fixed a lot of memory leaks, thanks to Matthew Gream. v0.8.4-2 (2004/06/10) : - A bug found on users home feature has been fixed (oops!). v0.8.4 (2004/06/10) : - Length of client IP now it's checked, are not allowed anormal IP strings (thanks to BSD Chile team for report possible bugs). v0.8.4-RC2 (2004/06/08) : - Fixed bug found on get_real_string() (thanks to Luigi for report this bug). - Header and footer files now are hidden to dir listing. - SymLink, Max_IP and Timeout initial values are been added to configuration (src/config.c). - Fixed check path of Addscript var on src/config.c. v0.8.4-RC1 (2004/06/03) : - New Binary size: 44.8KB (compiled with gcc-3.3)!!!. - Better memory management!!!. - A lot of snprintf and sprintf has been replaced. - A lot of internal changes, now all headers are sent to the same time (same buffer), now response from server to client it's a little more faster. Ah, now you can test monkey with Apache Benchmark without problems. - New translation of Monkey+PHP to portuguess has been added. - New mutex has been added to thread_counter var (mutex_thread_counter). - Glibc needs __USE_XOPEN to be defined in order to add a prototype for strptime (src/utils.c) - Fixed 'if' warning produced by src/deny.c. v0.8.3 (2004/05/28) : - Added Check for Symbolic links (allow/deny). - Added French translation (thanks to Dominique Voillemot). - Fixed Cache comparison check. - Fixed header date time of file, now server send time in GMT. v0.8.2 (2004/02/10) : - Fixed 'server signature' overwrite address. - Fixed DoS bug caused by get_real_string() (function rewrited). - Fixed bad timeout response when a persistent connection have a timeout. v0.8.1 (2004/01/14) : - Little corrections in system to set limit of connections from same IP address. - Fixed response 301 with a little delay in response to HTTP/1.1 request. v0.8.0 (2003/10/18) : - Added a new feature to limit maximum of clients from same IP address connected to server. - New translation of Monkey+PHP document to Russian, thanks to Toto. - Fixed little problem with files with length = 0, persistent connection now in this case are closed. - Now make clean don't remove bin/banana file. v0.7.2 (2003/09/09) : - Added a new feature to show information by directories, are two new variables in monkey.conf:header_file and footer_file. This allow define a special file to be showed when a full directory is shown. - CGI support has been optimized. Post method is more faster. v0.7.1 (2003/05/30) : - Little bugs has been fixed in resume and virtualhost supports. - pthread_mutex_* functions has been added. - strtok() has been replaced with strtok_r(). - Some english translation has been fixed. - Bug fixed in free_request(). v0.7.0 (2003/05/11) : - Resume support has been added. - Added MySQL module. This allow you register the log entries in a MySQL database (UNDER DEVELOPMENT!, just for test it). - New variable 'Include' in monkey.conf has been added, this allow you include another files in main configuration (Implemented by Rodrigo Mayorga). - Some little problems reading config files has fixed (thanks to Olatunji Oluwabukunmi). - Added new functions to validate malloc(), free() and strdup(). - Deny_Check() now check query string. - Added validation to return value of pipe(). - Include directory has been moved into src/. - Memory leaks has been fixed. - Codes cleanup. v0.6.3 (2003/04/07) : - New variable 'VirtualForceGetDir' in VirtualHost section, this variable force to show full directory information. - Some header files has been included (T). - Bug searching path component in cgi_alias() has been fixed. Thanks to 'T' for report this problem. - Code cleanup. - Persistent connection support has been fixed. - License updates. v0.6.2 (2003/03/24) : - Post_Method() security fixes: Request with post buffer more long than MAX_REQUEST_BODY would cause the server to fail, denying service to other (Matthew Murphy). - Post_Method() security fixes: Request without 'Content-Type' header make crash monkey (Eduardo). - Added http_status.h file (JCI). v0.6.1 (2002/12/31) : - ISO 8859-15 character table has been added to chars.c. - Header files has been added for every module. - New variable in monkey.conf 'HideVersion', allow hide the version of the WebServer to clients. - Information about Server Protocol has been added. - Fixed a little problem when are checked access permission of files , 'Forbidden' header now is sent in all cases, cgi.c and request.c files has been modified. v0.6.0 (2002/12/28) : - Hexa URI request support has been added. - include/chars.h file has been added. - New way to control subprocess (process.c). - Optimized chunked transfer encoding. v0.5.2 (2002/12/02) : - Makefile now work with $CC and $STRIP environment vars. - If some script fail now server report an 'Internal Server Error' to client. - '505 Internal Server Error' header has been fixed. - AddScript function has been fixed. Now check if path of binary files is an valid regular file. - A little problem with extensions of files has been fixed. - MAX_REQUEST_URI size has been increased. (Glenn Neidermeier) - Referer header has been added. - Some little bugs located into add_log_pid() and remove_log_pid() functions from logfile.c file has been fixed. v0.5.1 (2002/10/29) : - Chunked transfer coding has been added. - Removed uninstall option from Makefile . - Virtualhost configuration has been changed. - Overflow in User_main has been fixed. - cgi_send() has been rewritten. - Post method: some security fixes. v0.5.0 (2002/09/22) : - Persistent connections counter fixed. - Monkey+PHP document updates. - Changelog and home page has been translated into english. - New document HowToWorks.txt has been added. - New variable ServerName was added to monkey.conf. - Timeout now works from begin to the end of request. - Cookie support was added. - Configure script now checks if pthread lib exist. - Post_Method() fixes. v0.4.2 (2002/09/16) : - Modificacion en configure script -> src/Makefile. - Traduccion de monkey+php al Ingles (Davidlhor Bueso). - Pequeños cambios en request.c y cgi.c . - Cambios en la verificacion de metodos. v0.4.1-1 (2002/09/03) : - Correcion en falla de seguridad en Set_Page_Default(). v0.4.1 (2002/09/03) : - Modificaciones en configure script. - No registro de errores en archivo de log corregido. - Agregado Banana script para controlar monkey. - Eliminacion de la opcion '-m stop'. - Correccion en opcion -c sin argumento. - Denegacion de conexion persistente a clientes HTTP/1.0. v0.4.0 (2002/06/15) : - Correcciones en soporte CGI para VirtualHost. - Nuevo soporte para conexiones persistentes. - Nueva variable de configuracion "MaxClients". - Actualizaciones en script configure. - Pequena correccion en mimetype.c . - Implementado soporte basico de multithreading. - Reestructuracion de variables. v0.1.1 (2001/06/05) : - Nueva variable Indexfile en monkey.conf - Optimizacion de codigo (redundancias) v0.1 (2001/05/30) : - Nuevo archivo de configuracion monkey.conf - Implementado Content-Lenght - Reconocimiento e implementacion de MimeTypes - Correccion de Get Method - Negacion a Methods no implementados - Resstructuracion de directorios raiz v0.0.5 (2001/05/17) : - Primera version