Monkey Plugins ============== Plugins are extra features which modifies the Monkey behavior, all of them are shared libraries which are loaded on runtime. Each plugin is loaded per configuration instruction and it will work on a defined stage or event depending of it's type. Please review the file API.txt for more details MK_PLUGIN_STAGE_10: Server has not yet entered in the server loop, no listeners yet available --------------------------------------------------------------------- Return Values > MK_PLUGIN_STAGE_20: Accepted connection has not been assigned to worker thread ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Return Values > * MK_PLUGIN_RET_CLOSE_CONX: The connection must be closed. MK_PLUGIN_STAGE_30: HTTP Request received ----------------------------------------- Return Values > * MK_PLUGIN_RET_CLOSE_CONX: The connection must be closed. MK_PLUGIN_STAGE_40: Object Handler ----------------------------------------- Extra functions > * _mk_plugin_stage_40_loop(): if _mk_plugin_stage_40() has returned MK_PLUGIN_RET_CONTINUE, the server will wait for an event and call _mk_plugin_stage_40() until it returns MK_PLUGIN_RET_END. Return Values > * MK_PLUGIN_RET_END * MK_PLUGIN_RET_CONTINUE Return Values > * MK_PLUGIN_RET_NOT_ME: Plugin will not handle this request. * MK_PLUGIN_RET_END: Plugin has taken some action and has finished the work, the handler will no take the request again. * MK_PLUGIN_RET_CONTINUE:: Plugin has taken some action and will continue in the next loop. MK_PLUGIN_STAGE_50: Request ended ----------------------------------------- MK_PLUGIN_STAGE_60: The Connection has been closed --------------------------------------------------