Global Commands --------------- BLOCK Store a block of commands to call it from a CLIENT/SERVER/BLOCK CLIENT [] Client body start, close it with END and a newline DAEMON Daemon body start, close it with END and a newline. A daemon will not join CLIENT/SERVER and could therefore be used for supervisor jobs END Close CLIENT|SERVER body EXEC Execute a shell command, attention executes will not join CLIENT/SERVER GO Starts all client in sync mode INCLUDE Load and execute defined include file, current path is taken the callers current path SERVER [:] [] Server body start, close it with END and a newline, Do load server.cert.pem and server.key.pem if found in local directory, number of concurrent servers, -1 for unlimited, : SSL, SSL2, SSL3, TLS SET = Store a value in a global variable TIMEOUT Defines global socket timeout Local Commands ------------- -__ Send to the socket with a CRLF at the end of line _- Same like __ but no CRLF at the end of line _ADD_HEADER
Add additional header to received headers to force forexample chunked encoding _BPS Send not more than defined Bytes per second close body with _END BPS _CALL Call a defined block _CERT [] Sets cert for the current ssl connection, mainly used for server cert _CHUNK Mark the end of a chunk block, all data after last _FLUSH are counted, does automatic add chunk info _CLOSE Close the current connection and set the connection state to CLOSED _DEBUG Prints to stderr for debugging reasons _DOWN Shutdown listener _EXEC Execute a shell command, _EXEC| will pipe the incoming stream on the socket in to the called shell command _EXIT [OK|FAILED] Exits with OK or FAILED default is FAILED _EXPECT . "[!]" Define what data we do or do not expect on a WAIT command. Negation with a leading '!' in the _FLUSH Flush the cached lines, the AUTO Content-Length calculation will take place here _HEADER ALLOW|FILTER
Defines allowed headers or headers to filter, default all headers are allowed and no headers are filtered. Filter only for receive mechanisme _IF "" MATCH "[!]" Test if variable do or do not match the regex, close body with _END IF, negation with a leading '!' in the , must not be empty _IGNORE_ERR This command is Depreciated, do not use it Ignores errors specified in , i.e. ".*" would ignore all errors, only .* is implemented _LOG_LEVEL Level is a number 0-4 _LOOP Do loop the body times, close body with _END LOOP _MATCH (headers|body|error) "" Define a regex with a match which should be stored in _MATCH EXEC "" _EXEC algun_comando (No documentado; aparece en los ejemplos de la página web) Hace lo mismo que _MATCH pero con la salida del comando ejecutado en _EXEC _ONLY_PRINTABLE on|off Replace all chars below 32 and above 127 with a space _OP ADD|SUB|DIV|MUL Store evaluated expression _PIPE [chunked []] Start a pipe for stream the output of EXEC to the socket stream, wiht optional chunk support _RAND Generates a number between and _RECV |POLL Receive an amount of bytes, either specified by a number or as much until socket timeout will in POLL mode _REQ [:][:] [ []] Start a request to defined host:port, with SSL support. Does only open a new connection if we are in connection state CLOSED : SSL, SSL2, SSL3, TLS:Additional tag info do support multiple connection to one target , and are optional for client/server authentication _RES Wait for a connection accept _SENDFILE Send file over http _SET = Store a value in a local variable _SH shell script line or END Embedded shell script within a tmp file, execute if END is found _SLEEP Sleep for defined amount of time _SOCKSTATE Stores connection state CLOSED or CONNECTED in the _SYNC Synchronise to the next full second _TIME Store time in variable [ms] _TIMEOUT Set socket timeout of current socket _UP Setup listener _VERIFY_PEER Gets peer cert and validate it _WAIT [] Wait for data and receive them. EXPECT and MATCH definitions will be checked here on the incoming data. Optional you could receive a specific amount of bytes _WHICH Stores the concurrency number of current thread