/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* Fluent Bit * ========== * Copyright (C) 2015-2022 The Fluent Bit Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kinesis.h" #include "kinesis_api.h" static struct flb_aws_header content_type_header = { .key = "Content-Type", .key_len = 12, .val = "application/x-amz-json-1.1", .val_len = 26, }; static int cb_kinesis_init(struct flb_output_instance *ins, struct flb_config *config, void *data) { const char *tmp; char *session_name = NULL; struct flb_kinesis *ctx = NULL; int ret; (void) config; (void) data; ctx = flb_calloc(1, sizeof(struct flb_kinesis)); if (!ctx) { flb_errno(); return -1; } ctx->ins = ins; /* Populate context with config map defaults and incoming properties */ ret = flb_output_config_map_set(ins, (void *) ctx); if (ret == -1) { flb_plg_error(ctx->ins, "configuration error"); goto error; } tmp = flb_output_get_property("stream", ins); if (tmp) { ctx->stream_name = tmp; } else { flb_plg_error(ctx->ins, "'stream' is a required field"); goto error; } tmp = flb_output_get_property("time_key", ins); if (tmp) { ctx->time_key = tmp; } tmp = flb_output_get_property("time_key_format", ins); if (tmp) { ctx->time_key_format = tmp; } else { ctx->time_key_format = DEFAULT_TIME_KEY_FORMAT; } tmp = flb_output_get_property("log_key", ins); if (tmp) { ctx->log_key = tmp; } if (ctx->log_key && ctx->time_key) { flb_plg_error(ctx->ins, "'time_key' and 'log_key' can not be used together"); goto error; } tmp = flb_output_get_property("endpoint", ins); if (tmp) { ctx->custom_endpoint = FLB_TRUE; ctx->endpoint = removeProtocol((char *) tmp, "https://"); } else { ctx->custom_endpoint = FLB_FALSE; } tmp = flb_output_get_property("sts_endpoint", ins); if (tmp) { ctx->sts_endpoint = (char *) tmp; } tmp = flb_output_get_property("log_key", ins); if (tmp) { ctx->log_key = tmp; } tmp = flb_output_get_property("region", ins); if (tmp) { ctx->region = tmp; } else { flb_plg_error(ctx->ins, "'region' is a required field"); goto error; } tmp = flb_output_get_property("role_arn", ins); if (tmp) { ctx->role_arn = tmp; } /* one tls instance for provider, one for cw client */ ctx->cred_tls = flb_tls_create(FLB_TLS_CLIENT_MODE, FLB_TRUE, ins->tls_debug, ins->tls_vhost, ins->tls_ca_path, ins->tls_ca_file, ins->tls_crt_file, ins->tls_key_file, ins->tls_key_passwd); if (!ctx->cred_tls) { flb_plg_error(ctx->ins, "Failed to create tls context"); goto error; } ctx->client_tls = flb_tls_create(FLB_TLS_CLIENT_MODE, FLB_TRUE, ins->tls_debug, ins->tls_vhost, ins->tls_ca_path, ins->tls_ca_file, ins->tls_crt_file, ins->tls_key_file, ins->tls_key_passwd); if (!ctx->client_tls) { flb_plg_error(ctx->ins, "Failed to create tls context"); goto error; } ctx->aws_provider = flb_standard_chain_provider_create(config, ctx->cred_tls, (char *) ctx->region, ctx->sts_endpoint, NULL, flb_aws_client_generator(), ctx->profile); if (!ctx->aws_provider) { flb_plg_error(ctx->ins, "Failed to create AWS Credential Provider"); goto error; } ctx->uuid = flb_sts_session_name(); if (!ctx->uuid) { flb_plg_error(ctx->ins, "Failed to generate plugin instance UUID"); goto error; } if(ctx->role_arn) { /* set up sts assume role provider */ session_name = flb_sts_session_name(); if (!session_name) { flb_plg_error(ctx->ins, "Failed to generate random STS session name"); goto error; } /* STS provider needs yet another separate TLS instance */ ctx->sts_tls = flb_tls_create(FLB_TLS_CLIENT_MODE, FLB_TRUE, ins->tls_debug, ins->tls_vhost, ins->tls_ca_path, ins->tls_ca_file, ins->tls_crt_file, ins->tls_key_file, ins->tls_key_passwd); if (!ctx->sts_tls) { flb_errno(); goto error; } ctx->base_aws_provider = ctx->aws_provider; ctx->aws_provider = flb_sts_provider_create(config, ctx->sts_tls, ctx->base_aws_provider, (char *) ctx->external_id, (char *) ctx->role_arn, session_name, (char *) ctx->region, ctx->sts_endpoint, NULL, flb_aws_client_generator()); if (!ctx->aws_provider) { flb_plg_error(ctx->ins, "Failed to create AWS STS Credential Provider"); goto error; } /* session name can freed after provider is created */ flb_free(session_name); session_name = NULL; } /* initialize credentials and set to sync mode */ ctx->aws_provider->provider_vtable->sync(ctx->aws_provider); ctx->aws_provider->provider_vtable->init(ctx->aws_provider); ctx->aws_provider->provider_vtable->upstream_set(ctx->aws_provider, ctx->ins); if (ctx->endpoint == NULL) { ctx->endpoint = flb_aws_endpoint("kinesis", (char *) ctx->region); if (!ctx->endpoint) { goto error; } } struct flb_aws_client_generator *generator = flb_aws_client_generator(); ctx->kinesis_client = generator->create(); if (!ctx->kinesis_client) { goto error; } ctx->kinesis_client->name = "kinesis_client"; ctx->kinesis_client->has_auth = FLB_TRUE; ctx->kinesis_client->provider = ctx->aws_provider; ctx->kinesis_client->region = (char *) ctx->region; ctx->kinesis_client->retry_requests = ctx->retry_requests; ctx->kinesis_client->service = "kinesis"; ctx->kinesis_client->port = 443; ctx->kinesis_client->flags = 0; ctx->kinesis_client->proxy = NULL; ctx->kinesis_client->static_headers = &content_type_header; ctx->kinesis_client->static_headers_len = 1; struct flb_upstream *upstream = flb_upstream_create(config, ctx->endpoint, 443, FLB_IO_TLS, ctx->client_tls); if (!upstream) { flb_plg_error(ctx->ins, "Connection initialization error"); goto error; } ctx->kinesis_client->upstream = upstream; flb_output_upstream_set(upstream, ctx->ins); ctx->kinesis_client->host = ctx->endpoint; /* Export context */ flb_output_set_context(ins, ctx); return 0; error: flb_free(session_name); flb_plg_error(ctx->ins, "Initialization failed"); flb_kinesis_ctx_destroy(ctx); return -1; } static struct flush *new_flush_buffer(const char *tag, int tag_len) { struct flush *buf; buf = flb_calloc(1, sizeof(struct flush)); if (!buf) { flb_errno(); return NULL; } buf->tmp_buf = flb_malloc(sizeof(char) * PUT_RECORDS_PAYLOAD_SIZE); if (!buf->tmp_buf) { flb_errno(); kinesis_flush_destroy(buf); return NULL; } buf->tmp_buf_size = PUT_RECORDS_PAYLOAD_SIZE; buf->events = flb_malloc(sizeof(struct kinesis_event) * MAX_EVENTS_PER_PUT); if (!buf->events) { flb_errno(); kinesis_flush_destroy(buf); return NULL; } buf->events_capacity = MAX_EVENTS_PER_PUT; buf->tag = tag; buf->tag_len = tag_len; return buf; } static void cb_kinesis_flush(struct flb_event_chunk *event_chunk, struct flb_output_flush *out_flush, struct flb_input_instance *i_ins, void *out_context, struct flb_config *config) { struct flb_kinesis *ctx = out_context; int ret; struct flush *buf; (void) i_ins; (void) config; buf = new_flush_buffer(event_chunk->tag, flb_sds_len(event_chunk->tag)); if (!buf) { flb_plg_error(ctx->ins, "Failed to construct flush buffer"); FLB_OUTPUT_RETURN(FLB_RETRY); } ret = process_and_send_to_kinesis(ctx, buf, event_chunk->data, event_chunk->size); if (ret < 0) { flb_plg_error(ctx->ins, "Failed to send records to kinesis"); kinesis_flush_destroy(buf); FLB_OUTPUT_RETURN(FLB_RETRY); } flb_plg_debug(ctx->ins, "Processed %d records, sent %d to %s", buf->records_processed, buf->records_sent, ctx->stream_name); kinesis_flush_destroy(buf); FLB_OUTPUT_RETURN(FLB_OK); } void flb_kinesis_ctx_destroy(struct flb_kinesis *ctx) { if (ctx != NULL) { if (ctx->base_aws_provider) { flb_aws_provider_destroy(ctx->base_aws_provider); } if (ctx->aws_provider) { flb_aws_provider_destroy(ctx->aws_provider); } if (ctx->cred_tls) { flb_tls_destroy(ctx->cred_tls); } if (ctx->sts_tls) { flb_tls_destroy(ctx->sts_tls); } if (ctx->client_tls) { flb_tls_destroy(ctx->client_tls); } if (ctx->kinesis_client) { flb_aws_client_destroy(ctx->kinesis_client); } if (ctx->custom_endpoint == FLB_FALSE) { flb_free(ctx->endpoint); } if (ctx->uuid) { flb_free(ctx->uuid); } flb_free(ctx); } } static int cb_kinesis_exit(void *data, struct flb_config *config) { struct flb_kinesis *ctx = data; flb_kinesis_ctx_destroy(ctx); return 0; } /* Configuration properties map */ static struct flb_config_map config_map[] = { { FLB_CONFIG_MAP_STR, "region", NULL, 0, FLB_TRUE, offsetof(struct flb_kinesis, region), "The AWS region of your kinesis stream" }, { FLB_CONFIG_MAP_STR, "stream", NULL, 0, FLB_TRUE, offsetof(struct flb_kinesis, stream_name), "Kinesis stream name" }, { FLB_CONFIG_MAP_STR, "time_key", NULL, 0, FLB_TRUE, offsetof(struct flb_kinesis, time_key), "Add the timestamp to the record under this key. By default the timestamp " "from Fluent Bit will not be added to records sent to Kinesis." }, { FLB_CONFIG_MAP_STR, "time_key_format", NULL, 0, FLB_TRUE, offsetof(struct flb_kinesis, time_key_format), "strftime compliant format string for the timestamp; for example, " "the default is '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'. This option is used with time_key. " }, { FLB_CONFIG_MAP_STR, "role_arn", NULL, 0, FLB_TRUE, offsetof(struct flb_kinesis, role_arn), "ARN of an IAM role to assume (ex. for cross account access)." }, { FLB_CONFIG_MAP_STR, "endpoint", NULL, 0, FLB_FALSE, 0, "Specify a custom endpoint for the Kinesis API" }, { FLB_CONFIG_MAP_STR, "sts_endpoint", NULL, 0, FLB_TRUE, offsetof(struct flb_kinesis, sts_endpoint), "Custom endpoint for the STS API." }, { FLB_CONFIG_MAP_STR, "external_id", NULL, 0, FLB_TRUE, offsetof(struct flb_kinesis, external_id), "Specify an external ID for the STS API, can be used with the role_arn parameter if your role " "requires an external ID." }, { FLB_CONFIG_MAP_STR, "log_key", NULL, 0, FLB_TRUE, offsetof(struct flb_kinesis, log_key), "By default, the whole log record will be sent to Kinesis. " "If you specify a key name with this option, then only the value of " "that key will be sent to Kinesis. For example, if you are using " "the Fluentd Docker log driver, you can specify `log_key log` and only " "the log message will be sent to Kinesis." }, { FLB_CONFIG_MAP_BOOL, "auto_retry_requests", "true", 0, FLB_TRUE, offsetof(struct flb_kinesis, retry_requests), "Immediately retry failed requests to AWS services once. This option " "does not affect the normal Fluent Bit retry mechanism with backoff. " "Instead, it enables an immediate retry with no delay for networking " "errors, which may help improve throughput when there are transient/random " "networking issues." }, { FLB_CONFIG_MAP_STR, "profile", NULL, 0, FLB_TRUE, offsetof(struct flb_kinesis, profile), "AWS Profile name. AWS Profiles can be configured with AWS CLI and are usually stored in " "$HOME/.aws/ directory." }, /* EOF */ {0} }; /* Plugin registration */ struct flb_output_plugin out_kinesis_streams_plugin = { .name = "kinesis_streams", .description = "Send logs to Amazon Kinesis Streams", .cb_init = cb_kinesis_init, .cb_flush = cb_kinesis_flush, .cb_exit = cb_kinesis_exit, .workers = 1, .flags = 0, /* Configuration */ .config_map = config_map, };