/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* Fluent Bit * ========== * Copyright (C) 2015-2022 The Fluent Bit Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "opensearch.h" #include "os_conf.h" struct flb_opensearch *flb_os_conf_create(struct flb_output_instance *ins, struct flb_config *config) { int len; int io_flags = 0; ssize_t ret; char *buf; const char *tmp; const char *path; #ifdef FLB_HAVE_AWS char *aws_role_arn = NULL; char *aws_external_id = NULL; char *aws_session_name = NULL; #endif struct flb_uri *uri = ins->host.uri; struct flb_uri_field *f_index = NULL; struct flb_uri_field *f_type = NULL; struct flb_upstream *upstream; struct flb_opensearch *ctx; /* Allocate context */ ctx = flb_calloc(1, sizeof(struct flb_opensearch)); if (!ctx) { flb_errno(); return NULL; } ctx->ins = ins; /* only used if the config has been set from the command line */ if (uri) { if (uri->count >= 2) { f_index = flb_uri_get(uri, 0); f_type = flb_uri_get(uri, 1); } } /* Set default network configuration */ flb_output_net_default("", 9200, ins); /* Populate context with config map defaults and incoming properties */ ret = flb_output_config_map_set(ins, (void *) ctx); if (ret == -1) { flb_plg_error(ctx->ins, "configuration error"); flb_os_conf_destroy(ctx); return NULL; } /* use TLS ? */ if (ins->use_tls == FLB_TRUE) { io_flags = FLB_IO_TLS; } else { io_flags = FLB_IO_TCP; } if (ins->host.ipv6 == FLB_TRUE) { io_flags |= FLB_IO_IPV6; } /* Prepare an upstream handler */ upstream = flb_upstream_create(config, ins->host.name, ins->host.port, io_flags, ins->tls); if (!upstream) { flb_plg_error(ctx->ins, "cannot create Upstream context"); flb_os_conf_destroy(ctx); return NULL; } ctx->u = upstream; /* Set instance flags into upstream */ flb_output_upstream_set(ctx->u, ins); /* Set manual Index and Type */ if (f_index) { ctx->index = flb_strdup(f_index->value); } else { /* Check if the index has been set in the configuration */ if (ctx->index) { /* do we have a record accessor pattern ? */ if (strchr(ctx->index, '$')) { ctx->ra_index = flb_ra_create(ctx->index, FLB_TRUE); if (!ctx->ra_index) { flb_plg_error(ctx->ins, "invalid record accessor pattern set for 'index' property"); flb_os_conf_destroy(ctx); return NULL; } } } } if (f_type) { ctx->type = flb_strdup(f_type->value); /* FIXME */ } /* HTTP Payload (response) maximum buffer size (0 == unlimited) */ if (ctx->buffer_size == -1) { ctx->buffer_size = 0; } /* Path */ path = flb_output_get_property("path", ins); if (!path) { path = ""; } /* Pipeline */ tmp = flb_output_get_property("pipeline", ins); if (tmp) { snprintf(ctx->uri, sizeof(ctx->uri) - 1, "%s/_bulk/?pipeline=%s", path, tmp); } else { snprintf(ctx->uri, sizeof(ctx->uri) - 1, "%s/_bulk", path); } if (ctx->id_key) { ctx->ra_id_key = flb_ra_create(ctx->id_key, FLB_FALSE); if (ctx->ra_id_key == NULL) { flb_plg_error(ins, "could not create record accessor for Id Key"); } if (ctx->generate_id == FLB_TRUE) { flb_plg_warn(ins, "Generate_ID is ignored when ID_key is set"); ctx->generate_id = FLB_FALSE; } } if (ctx->write_operation) { if (strcasecmp(ctx->write_operation, FLB_OS_WRITE_OP_INDEX) == 0) { ctx->action = FLB_OS_WRITE_OP_INDEX; } else if (strcasecmp(ctx->write_operation, FLB_OS_WRITE_OP_CREATE) == 0) { ctx->action = FLB_OS_WRITE_OP_CREATE; } else if (strcasecmp(ctx->write_operation, FLB_OS_WRITE_OP_UPDATE) == 0 || strcasecmp(ctx->write_operation, FLB_OS_WRITE_OP_UPSERT) == 0) { ctx->action = FLB_OS_WRITE_OP_UPDATE; } else { flb_plg_error(ins, "wrong Write_Operation (should be one of index, " "create, update, upsert)"); flb_os_conf_destroy(ctx); return NULL; } if (strcasecmp(ctx->action, FLB_OS_WRITE_OP_UPDATE) == 0 && !ctx->ra_id_key && ctx->generate_id == FLB_FALSE) { flb_plg_error(ins, "id_key or generate_id must be set when Write_Operation " "update or upsert"); flb_os_conf_destroy(ctx); return NULL; } } if (ctx->logstash_prefix_key) { if (ctx->logstash_prefix_key[0] != '$') { len = flb_sds_len(ctx->logstash_prefix_key); buf = flb_malloc(len + 2); if (!buf) { flb_errno(); flb_os_conf_destroy(ctx); return NULL; } buf[0] = '$'; memcpy(buf + 1, ctx->logstash_prefix_key, len); buf[len + 1] = '\0'; ctx->ra_prefix_key = flb_ra_create(buf, FLB_TRUE); flb_free(buf); } else { ctx->ra_prefix_key = flb_ra_create(ctx->logstash_prefix_key, FLB_TRUE); } if (!ctx->ra_prefix_key) { flb_plg_error(ins, "invalid logstash_prefix_key pattern '%s'", tmp); flb_os_conf_destroy(ctx); return NULL; } } if (ctx->compression_str) { if (strcasecmp(ctx->compression_str, "gzip") == 0) { ctx->compression = FLB_OS_COMPRESSION_GZIP; } else { ctx->compression = FLB_OS_COMPRESSION_NONE; } } else { ctx->compression = FLB_OS_COMPRESSION_NONE; } #ifdef FLB_HAVE_AWS /* AWS Auth Unsigned Headers */ ctx->aws_unsigned_headers = flb_malloc(sizeof(struct mk_list)); if (!ctx->aws_unsigned_headers) { flb_os_conf_destroy(ctx); return NULL; } flb_slist_create(ctx->aws_unsigned_headers); ret = flb_slist_add(ctx->aws_unsigned_headers, "Content-Length"); if (ret != 0) { flb_os_conf_destroy(ctx); return NULL; } /* AWS Auth */ ctx->has_aws_auth = FLB_FALSE; tmp = flb_output_get_property("aws_auth", ins); if (tmp) { if (strncasecmp(tmp, "On", 2) == 0) { ctx->has_aws_auth = FLB_TRUE; flb_debug("[out_es] Enabled AWS Auth"); /* AWS provider needs a separate TLS instance */ ctx->aws_tls = flb_tls_create(FLB_TLS_CLIENT_MODE, FLB_TRUE, ins->tls_debug, ins->tls_vhost, ins->tls_ca_path, ins->tls_ca_file, ins->tls_crt_file, ins->tls_key_file, ins->tls_key_passwd); if (!ctx->aws_tls) { flb_errno(); flb_os_conf_destroy(ctx); return NULL; } tmp = flb_output_get_property("aws_region", ins); if (!tmp) { flb_error("[out_es] aws_auth enabled but aws_region not set"); flb_os_conf_destroy(ctx); return NULL; } ctx->aws_region = (char *) tmp; tmp = flb_output_get_property("aws_sts_endpoint", ins); if (tmp) { ctx->aws_sts_endpoint = (char *) tmp; } ctx->aws_provider = flb_standard_chain_provider_create(config, ctx->aws_tls, ctx->aws_region, ctx->aws_sts_endpoint, NULL, flb_aws_client_generator(), ctx->aws_profile); if (!ctx->aws_provider) { flb_error("[out_es] Failed to create AWS Credential Provider"); flb_os_conf_destroy(ctx); return NULL; } tmp = flb_output_get_property("aws_role_arn", ins); if (tmp) { /* Use the STS Provider */ ctx->base_aws_provider = ctx->aws_provider; aws_role_arn = (char *) tmp; aws_external_id = NULL; tmp = flb_output_get_property("aws_external_id", ins); if (tmp) { aws_external_id = (char *) tmp; } aws_session_name = flb_sts_session_name(); if (!aws_session_name) { flb_error("[out_es] Failed to create aws iam role " "session name"); flb_os_conf_destroy(ctx); return NULL; } /* STS provider needs yet another separate TLS instance */ ctx->aws_sts_tls = flb_tls_create(FLB_TLS_CLIENT_MODE, FLB_TRUE, ins->tls_debug, ins->tls_vhost, ins->tls_ca_path, ins->tls_ca_file, ins->tls_crt_file, ins->tls_key_file, ins->tls_key_passwd); if (!ctx->aws_sts_tls) { flb_errno(); flb_os_conf_destroy(ctx); return NULL; } ctx->aws_provider = flb_sts_provider_create(config, ctx->aws_sts_tls, ctx-> base_aws_provider, aws_external_id, aws_role_arn, aws_session_name, ctx->aws_region, ctx->aws_sts_endpoint, NULL, flb_aws_client_generator()); /* Session name can be freed once provider is created */ flb_free(aws_session_name); if (!ctx->aws_provider) { flb_error("[out_es] Failed to create AWS STS Credential " "Provider"); flb_os_conf_destroy(ctx); return NULL; } } /* initialize credentials in sync mode */ ctx->aws_provider->provider_vtable->sync(ctx->aws_provider); ctx->aws_provider->provider_vtable->init(ctx->aws_provider); /* set back to async */ ctx->aws_provider->provider_vtable->async(ctx->aws_provider); ctx->aws_provider->provider_vtable->upstream_set(ctx->aws_provider, ctx->ins); } } #endif return ctx; } int flb_os_conf_destroy(struct flb_opensearch *ctx) { if (!ctx) { return 0; } if (ctx->u) { flb_upstream_destroy(ctx->u); } if (ctx->ra_id_key) { flb_ra_destroy(ctx->ra_id_key); ctx->ra_id_key = NULL; } #ifdef FLB_HAVE_AWS if (ctx->base_aws_provider) { flb_aws_provider_destroy(ctx->base_aws_provider); } if (ctx->aws_provider) { flb_aws_provider_destroy(ctx->aws_provider); } if (ctx->aws_tls) { flb_tls_destroy(ctx->aws_tls); } if (ctx->aws_sts_tls) { flb_tls_destroy(ctx->aws_sts_tls); } if (ctx->aws_unsigned_headers) { flb_slist_destroy(ctx->aws_unsigned_headers); flb_free(ctx->aws_unsigned_headers); } #endif if (ctx->ra_prefix_key) { flb_ra_destroy(ctx->ra_prefix_key); } if (ctx->ra_index) { flb_ra_destroy(ctx->ra_index); } flb_free(ctx); return 0; }