@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set "MAN_SRC=%~dp0wevt_netdata_manifest.xml" set "DLL_SRC=%~dp0wevt_netdata.dll" set "DLL_DST=%SystemRoot%\System32\wevt_netdata.dll" where wevtutil >nul 2>nul if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo Error: wevtutil.exe not found in PATH. exit /b 1 ) echo. echo Uninstalling previous manifest (if any)... wevtutil um "%MAN_SRC%" echo. echo Copying %DLL_SRC% to %DLL_DST% copy /y "%DLL_SRC%" "%DLL_DST%" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo Error: Failed to copy %DLL_SRC% to %DLL_DST% exit /b 1 ) echo. echo Granting access to %DLL_DST% for Windows Event Logging... icacls "%DLL_DST%" /grant "NT SERVICE\EventLog":R if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo Error: Failed to grant access to %DLL_DST%. exit /b 1 ) echo. echo Importing the manifest... wevtutil im "%MAN_SRC%" /rf:"%DLL_DST%" /mf:"%DLL_DST%" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo Error: Failed to import the manifest. exit /b 1 ) echo. echo Verifying Netdata Publisher for Event Tracing for Windows (ETW)... wevtutil gp "Netdata" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo Error: Failed to get publisher Netdata. exit /b 1 ) echo. echo Netdata Event Tracing for Windows manifest installed successfully. exit /b 0