// The contents of this file are in the public domain. See LICENSE_FOR_EXAMPLE_PROGRAMS.txt /* This is an example illustrating the use of the xml_parser component in the dlib C++ Library. This example simply reads in an xml file and prints the parsing events to the screen. */ #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace dlib; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class doc_handler : public document_handler { /* As the parser runs it generates events when it encounters tags and data in an XML file. To be able to receive these events all you have to do is make a class that inherits from dlib::document_handler and implements its virtual methods. Then you simply associate an instance of your class with the xml_parser. So this class is a simple example document handler that just prints all the events to the screen. */ public: virtual void start_document ( ) { cout << "parsing begins" << endl; } virtual void end_document ( ) { cout << "Parsing done" << endl; } virtual void start_element ( const unsigned long line_number, const std::string& name, const dlib::attribute_list& atts ) { cout << "on line " << line_number << " we hit the <" << name << "> tag" << endl; // print all the tag's attributes atts.reset(); while (atts.move_next()) { cout << "\tattribute: " << atts.element().key() << " = " << atts.element().value() << endl; } } virtual void end_element ( const unsigned long line_number, const std::string& name ) { cout << "on line " << line_number << " we hit the closing tag " << endl; } virtual void characters ( const std::string& data ) { cout << "Got some data between tags and it is:\n" << data << endl; } virtual void processing_instruction ( const unsigned long line_number, const std::string& target, const std::string& data ) { cout << "on line " << line_number << " we hit a processing instruction with a target of '" << target << "' and data '" << data << "'" << endl; } }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { // Check if the user entered an argument to this application. if (argc != 2) { cout << "Please enter an xml file to parse on the command line" << endl; return 1; } doc_handler dh; // Now run the parser and tell it to call our doc_handler for each of the parsing // events. parse_xml(argv[1], dh); } catch (std::exception& e) { cout << e.what() << endl; } }