#include "common.h"

#define RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP           "ipv4"

int do_proc_net_snmp(int update_every, unsigned long long dt) {
    static procfile *ff = NULL;
    static int do_ip_packets = -1, do_ip_fragsout = -1, do_ip_fragsin = -1, do_ip_errors = -1,
        do_tcp_sockets = -1, do_tcp_packets = -1, do_tcp_errors = -1, do_tcp_handshake = -1,
        do_udp_packets = -1, do_udp_errors = -1;

    if(do_ip_packets == -1)     do_ip_packets       = config_get_boolean("plugin:proc:/proc/net/snmp", "ipv4 packets", 1);
    if(do_ip_fragsout == -1)    do_ip_fragsout      = config_get_boolean("plugin:proc:/proc/net/snmp", "ipv4 fragments sent", 1);
    if(do_ip_fragsin == -1)     do_ip_fragsin       = config_get_boolean("plugin:proc:/proc/net/snmp", "ipv4 fragments assembly", 1);
    if(do_ip_errors == -1)      do_ip_errors        = config_get_boolean("plugin:proc:/proc/net/snmp", "ipv4 errors", 1);
    if(do_tcp_sockets == -1)    do_tcp_sockets      = config_get_boolean("plugin:proc:/proc/net/snmp", "ipv4 TCP connections", 1);
    if(do_tcp_packets == -1)    do_tcp_packets      = config_get_boolean("plugin:proc:/proc/net/snmp", "ipv4 TCP packets", 1);
    if(do_tcp_errors == -1)     do_tcp_errors       = config_get_boolean("plugin:proc:/proc/net/snmp", "ipv4 TCP errors", 1);
    if(do_tcp_handshake == -1)  do_tcp_handshake    = config_get_boolean("plugin:proc:/proc/net/snmp", "ipv4 TCP handshake issues", 1);
    if(do_udp_packets == -1)    do_udp_packets      = config_get_boolean("plugin:proc:/proc/net/snmp", "ipv4 UDP packets", 1);
    if(do_udp_errors == -1)     do_udp_errors       = config_get_boolean("plugin:proc:/proc/net/snmp", "ipv4 UDP errors", 1);

    if(dt) {};

    if(!ff) {
        char filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
        snprintfz(filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s%s", global_host_prefix, "/proc/net/snmp");
        ff = procfile_open(config_get("plugin:proc:/proc/net/snmp", "filename to monitor", filename), " \t:", PROCFILE_FLAG_DEFAULT);
    if(!ff) return 1;

    ff = procfile_readall(ff);
    if(!ff) return 0; // we return 0, so that we will retry to open it next time

    uint32_t lines = procfile_lines(ff), l;
    uint32_t words;

    RRDSET *st;

    for(l = 0; l < lines ;l++) {
        if(strcmp(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 0), "Ip") == 0) {

            if(strcmp(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 0), "Ip") != 0) {
                error("Cannot read Ip line from /proc/net/snmp.");

            words = procfile_linewords(ff, l);
            if(words < 20) {
                error("Cannot read /proc/net/snmp Ip line. Expected 20 params, read %u.", words);

            // see also http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net/docs/mibs/ip.html
            unsigned long long Forwarding, DefaultTTL, InReceives, InHdrErrors, InAddrErrors, ForwDatagrams, InUnknownProtos, InDiscards, InDelivers,
                OutRequests, OutDiscards, OutNoRoutes, ReasmTimeout, ReasmReqds, ReasmOKs, ReasmFails, FragOKs, FragFails, FragCreates;

            Forwarding      = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 1), NULL, 10);
            DefaultTTL      = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 2), NULL, 10);
            InReceives      = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 3), NULL, 10);
            InHdrErrors     = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 4), NULL, 10);
            InAddrErrors    = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 5), NULL, 10);
            ForwDatagrams   = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 6), NULL, 10);
            InUnknownProtos = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 7), NULL, 10);
            InDiscards      = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 8), NULL, 10);
            InDelivers      = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 9), NULL, 10);
            OutRequests     = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 10), NULL, 10);
            OutDiscards     = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 11), NULL, 10);
            OutNoRoutes     = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 12), NULL, 10);
            ReasmTimeout    = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 13), NULL, 10);
            ReasmReqds      = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 14), NULL, 10);
            ReasmOKs        = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 15), NULL, 10);
            ReasmFails      = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 16), NULL, 10);
            FragOKs         = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 17), NULL, 10);
            FragFails       = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 18), NULL, 10);
            FragCreates     = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 19), NULL, 10);

            // these are not counters
            if(Forwarding) {};      // is forwarding enabled?
            if(DefaultTTL) {};      // the default ttl on packets
            if(ReasmTimeout) {};    // Reassembly timeout

            // this counter is not used
            if(InDelivers) {};      // total number of packets delivered to IP user-protocols

            // --------------------------------------------------------------------

            if(do_ip_packets) {
                st = rrdset_find(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP ".packets");
                if(!st) {
                    st = rrdset_create(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP, "packets", NULL, "packets", NULL, "IPv4 Packets", "packets/s", 3000, update_every, RRDSET_TYPE_LINE);

                    rrddim_add(st, "received", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                    rrddim_add(st, "sent", NULL, -1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                    rrddim_add(st, "forwarded", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                else rrdset_next(st);

                rrddim_set(st, "sent", OutRequests);
                rrddim_set(st, "received", InReceives);
                rrddim_set(st, "forwarded", ForwDatagrams);

            // --------------------------------------------------------------------

            if(do_ip_fragsout) {
                st = rrdset_find(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP ".fragsout");
                if(!st) {
                    st = rrdset_create(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP, "fragsout", NULL, "fragments", NULL, "IPv4 Fragments Sent", "packets/s", 3010, update_every, RRDSET_TYPE_LINE);
                    st->isdetail = 1;

                    rrddim_add(st, "ok", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                    rrddim_add(st, "failed", NULL, -1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                    rrddim_add(st, "all", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                else rrdset_next(st);

                rrddim_set(st, "ok", FragOKs);
                rrddim_set(st, "failed", FragFails);
                rrddim_set(st, "all", FragCreates);

            // --------------------------------------------------------------------

            if(do_ip_fragsin) {
                st = rrdset_find(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP ".fragsin");
                if(!st) {
                    st = rrdset_create(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP, "fragsin", NULL, "fragments", NULL, "IPv4 Fragments Reassembly", "packets/s", 3011, update_every, RRDSET_TYPE_LINE);
                    st->isdetail = 1;

                    rrddim_add(st, "ok", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                    rrddim_add(st, "failed", NULL, -1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                    rrddim_add(st, "all", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                else rrdset_next(st);

                rrddim_set(st, "ok", ReasmOKs);
                rrddim_set(st, "failed", ReasmFails);
                rrddim_set(st, "all", ReasmReqds);

            // --------------------------------------------------------------------

            if(do_ip_errors) {
                st = rrdset_find(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP ".errors");
                if(!st) {
                    st = rrdset_create(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP, "errors", NULL, "errors", NULL, "IPv4 Errors", "packets/s", 3002, update_every, RRDSET_TYPE_LINE);
                    st->isdetail = 1;

                    rrddim_add(st, "InDiscards", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                    rrddim_add(st, "OutDiscards", NULL, -1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);

                    rrddim_add(st, "InHdrErrors", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                    rrddim_add(st, "InAddrErrors", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                    rrddim_add(st, "InUnknownProtos", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);

                    rrddim_add(st, "OutNoRoutes", NULL, -1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                else rrdset_next(st);

                rrddim_set(st, "InDiscards", InDiscards);
                rrddim_set(st, "OutDiscards", OutDiscards);
                rrddim_set(st, "InHdrErrors", InHdrErrors);
                rrddim_set(st, "InAddrErrors", InAddrErrors);
                rrddim_set(st, "InUnknownProtos", InUnknownProtos);
                rrddim_set(st, "OutNoRoutes", OutNoRoutes);
        else if(strcmp(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 0), "Tcp") == 0) {

            if(strcmp(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 0), "Tcp") != 0) {
                error("Cannot read Tcp line from /proc/net/snmp.");

            words = procfile_linewords(ff, l);
            if(words < 15) {
                error("Cannot read /proc/net/snmp Tcp line. Expected 15 params, read %u.", words);

            unsigned long long RtoAlgorithm, RtoMin, RtoMax, MaxConn, ActiveOpens, PassiveOpens, AttemptFails, EstabResets,
                CurrEstab, InSegs, OutSegs, RetransSegs, InErrs, OutRsts;

            RtoAlgorithm    = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 1), NULL, 10);
            RtoMin          = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 2), NULL, 10);
            RtoMax          = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 3), NULL, 10);
            MaxConn         = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 4), NULL, 10);
            ActiveOpens     = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 5), NULL, 10);
            PassiveOpens    = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 6), NULL, 10);
            AttemptFails    = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 7), NULL, 10);
            EstabResets     = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 8), NULL, 10);
            CurrEstab       = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 9), NULL, 10);
            InSegs          = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 10), NULL, 10);
            OutSegs         = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 11), NULL, 10);
            RetransSegs     = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 12), NULL, 10);
            InErrs          = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 13), NULL, 10);
            OutRsts         = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 14), NULL, 10);

            // these are not counters
            if(RtoAlgorithm) {};
            if(RtoMin) {};
            if(RtoMax) {};
            if(MaxConn) {};

            // --------------------------------------------------------------------

            // see http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net/docs/mibs/tcp.html
            if(do_tcp_sockets) {
                st = rrdset_find(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP ".tcpsock");
                if(!st) {
                    st = rrdset_create(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP, "tcpsock", NULL, "tcp", NULL, "IPv4 TCP Connections", "active connections", 2500, update_every, RRDSET_TYPE_LINE);

                    rrddim_add(st, "connections", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_ABSOLUTE);
                else rrdset_next(st);

                rrddim_set(st, "connections", CurrEstab);

            // --------------------------------------------------------------------

            if(do_tcp_packets) {
                st = rrdset_find(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP ".tcppackets");
                if(!st) {
                    st = rrdset_create(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP, "tcppackets", NULL, "tcp", NULL, "IPv4 TCP Packets", "packets/s", 2600, update_every, RRDSET_TYPE_LINE);

                    rrddim_add(st, "received", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                    rrddim_add(st, "sent", NULL, -1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                else rrdset_next(st);

                rrddim_set(st, "received", InSegs);
                rrddim_set(st, "sent", OutSegs);

            // --------------------------------------------------------------------

            if(do_tcp_errors) {
                st = rrdset_find(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP ".tcperrors");
                if(!st) {
                    st = rrdset_create(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP, "tcperrors", NULL, "tcp", NULL, "IPv4 TCP Errors", "packets/s", 2700, update_every, RRDSET_TYPE_LINE);
                    st->isdetail = 1;

                    rrddim_add(st, "InErrs", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                    rrddim_add(st, "RetransSegs", NULL, -1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                else rrdset_next(st);

                rrddim_set(st, "InErrs", InErrs);
                rrddim_set(st, "RetransSegs", RetransSegs);

            // --------------------------------------------------------------------

            if(do_tcp_handshake) {
                st = rrdset_find(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP ".tcphandshake");
                if(!st) {
                    st = rrdset_create(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP, "tcphandshake", NULL, "tcp", NULL, "IPv4 TCP Handshake Issues", "events/s", 2900, update_every, RRDSET_TYPE_LINE);
                    st->isdetail = 1;

                    rrddim_add(st, "EstabResets", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                    rrddim_add(st, "OutRsts", NULL, -1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                    rrddim_add(st, "ActiveOpens", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                    rrddim_add(st, "PassiveOpens", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                    rrddim_add(st, "AttemptFails", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                else rrdset_next(st);

                rrddim_set(st, "EstabResets", EstabResets);
                rrddim_set(st, "OutRsts", OutRsts);
                rrddim_set(st, "ActiveOpens", ActiveOpens);
                rrddim_set(st, "PassiveOpens", PassiveOpens);
                rrddim_set(st, "AttemptFails", AttemptFails);
        else if(strcmp(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 0), "Udp") == 0) {

            if(strcmp(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 0), "Udp") != 0) {
                error("Cannot read Udp line from /proc/net/snmp.");

            words = procfile_linewords(ff, l);
            if(words < 7) {
                error("Cannot read /proc/net/snmp Udp line. Expected 7 params, read %u.", words);

            unsigned long long InDatagrams, NoPorts, InErrors, OutDatagrams, RcvbufErrors, SndbufErrors;

            InDatagrams     = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 1), NULL, 10);
            NoPorts         = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 2), NULL, 10);
            InErrors        = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 3), NULL, 10);
            OutDatagrams    = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 4), NULL, 10);
            RcvbufErrors    = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 5), NULL, 10);
            SndbufErrors    = strtoull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 6), NULL, 10);

            // --------------------------------------------------------------------

            // see http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net/docs/mibs/udp.html
            if(do_udp_packets) {
                st = rrdset_find(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP ".udppackets");
                if(!st) {
                    st = rrdset_create(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP, "udppackets", NULL, "udp", NULL, "IPv4 UDP Packets", "packets/s", 2601, update_every, RRDSET_TYPE_LINE);

                    rrddim_add(st, "received", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                    rrddim_add(st, "sent", NULL, -1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                else rrdset_next(st);

                rrddim_set(st, "received", InDatagrams);
                rrddim_set(st, "sent", OutDatagrams);

            // --------------------------------------------------------------------

            if(do_udp_errors) {
                st = rrdset_find(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP ".udperrors");
                if(!st) {
                    st = rrdset_create(RRD_TYPE_NET_SNMP, "udperrors", NULL, "udp", NULL, "IPv4 UDP Errors", "events/s", 2701, update_every, RRDSET_TYPE_LINE);
                    st->isdetail = 1;

                    rrddim_add(st, "RcvbufErrors", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                    rrddim_add(st, "SndbufErrors", NULL, -1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                    rrddim_add(st, "InErrors", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                    rrddim_add(st, "NoPorts", NULL, 1, 1, RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL);
                else rrdset_next(st);

                rrddim_set(st, "InErrors", InErrors);
                rrddim_set(st, "NoPorts", NoPorts);
                rrddim_set(st, "RcvbufErrors", RcvbufErrors);
                rrddim_set(st, "SndbufErrors", SndbufErrors);

    return 0;