#include <sys/time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include "avl.h"
#include "storage_number.h"

#define NETDATA_RRD_H 1

#define UPDATE_EVERY 1
#define UPDATE_EVERY_MAX 3600
extern int rrd_update_every;

#define RRD_HISTORY_ENTRIES_MAX (86400*10)
extern int rrd_default_history_entries;

// time in seconds to delete unupdated dimensions
// set to zero to disable this feature
extern int rrd_delete_unupdated_dimensions;

#define RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX 1024


typedef long long total_number;
#define TOTAL_NUMBER_FORMAT "%lld"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// chart types

#define RRDSET_TYPE_LINE_NAME "line"
#define RRDSET_TYPE_AREA_NAME "area"
#define RRDSET_TYPE_STACKED_NAME "stacked"


int rrdset_type_id(const char *name);
const char *rrdset_type_name(int chart_type);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// memory mode



extern int rrd_memory_mode;

extern const char *rrd_memory_mode_name(int id);
extern int rrd_memory_mode_id(const char *name);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// algorithms types

#define RRDDIM_ABSOLUTE_NAME 				"absolute"
#define RRDDIM_INCREMENTAL_NAME 			"incremental"
#define RRDDIM_PCENT_OVER_DIFF_TOTAL_NAME	"percentage-of-incremental-row"
#define RRDDIM_PCENT_OVER_ROW_TOTAL_NAME	"percentage-of-absolute-row"

#define RRDDIM_ABSOLUTE					0

extern int rrddim_algorithm_id(const char *name);
extern const char *rrddim_algorithm_name(int chart_type);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// flags

#define RRDDIM_FLAG_HIDDEN 0x00000001 // this dimension will not be offered to callers
#define RRDDIM_FLAG_DONT_DETECT_RESETS_OR_OVERFLOWS 0x00000002 // do not offer RESET or OVERFLOW info to callers

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

struct rrddim {
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// binary indexing structures

	avl avl;										// the binary index - this has to be first member!

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// the dimension definition

	char id[RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX + 1];					// the id of this dimension (for internal identification)

	const char *name;								// the name of this dimension (as presented to user)
													// this is a pointer to the config structure
													// since the config always has a higher priority
													// (the user overwrites the name of the charts)

	int algorithm;									// the algorithm that is applied to add new collected values
	long multiplier;								// the multiplier of the collected values
	long divisor;									// the divider of the collected values

	int mapped;										// if set to non zero, this dimension is mapped to a file

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// members for temporary data we need for calculations

	uint32_t hash;									// a simple hash of the id, to speed up searching / indexing
													// instead of strcmp() every item in the binary index
													// we first compare the hashes

	uint32_t flags;

	char cache_filename[FILENAME_MAX+1];			// the filename we load/save from/to this set

	unsigned long counter;							// the number of times we added values to this rrdim

	int updated;									// set to 0 after each calculation, to 1 after each collected value
													// we use this to detect that a dimension is not updated

	struct timeval last_collected_time;				// when was this dimension last updated
													// this is actual date time we updated the last_collected_value

	calculated_number calculated_value;				// the current calculated value, after applying the algorithm
	calculated_number last_calculated_value;		// the last calculated value

	collected_number collected_value;				// the current value, as collected
	collected_number last_collected_value;			// the last value that was collected

	// the *_volume members are used to calculate the accuracy of the rounding done by the
	// storage number - they are printed to debug.log when debug is enabled for a set.
	calculated_number collected_volume;				// the sum of all collected values so far
	calculated_number stored_volume;				// the sum of all stored values so far

	struct rrddim *next;							// linking of dimensions within the same data set

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// members for checking the data when loading from disk

	long entries;									// how many entries this dimension has in ram
													// this is the same to the entries of the data set
													// we set it here, to check the data when we load it from disk.

	int update_every;								// every how many seconds is this updated

	unsigned long memsize;							// the memory allocated for this dimension

	char magic[sizeof(RRDDIMENSION_MAGIC) + 1];		// a string to be saved, used to identify our data file

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// the values stored in this dimension, using our floating point numbers

	storage_number values[];						// the array of values - THIS HAS TO BE THE LAST MEMBER
typedef struct rrddim RRDDIM;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

struct rrdset {
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// binary indexing structures

	avl avl;										// the index, with key the id - this has to be first!
	avl avlname;									// the index, with key the name

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// the set configuration

	char id[RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX + 1];					// id of the data set

	const char *name;								// the name of this dimension (as presented to user)
													// this is a pointer to the config structure
													// since the config always has a higher priority
													// (the user overwrites the name of the charts)

	char *type;										// the type of graph RRD_TYPE_* (a category, for determining graphing options)
	char *family;									// grouping sets under the same family
	char *context;									// the template of this data set
	char *title;									// title shown to user
	char *units;									// units of measurement

	int chart_type;

	int update_every;								// every how many seconds is this updated?

	long entries;									// total number of entries in the data set

	long current_entry;								// the entry that is currently being updated
													// it goes around in a round-robin fashion

	int enabled;

	int gap_when_lost_iterations_above;				// after how many lost iterations a gap should be stored
													// netdata will interpolate values for gaps lower than this

	long priority;

	int isdetail;									// if set, the data set should be considered as a detail of another
													// (the master data set should be the one that has the same family and is not detail)

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// members for temporary data we need for calculations

	int mapped;										// if set to 1, this is memory mapped

	int debug;

	char *cache_dir;								// the directory to store dimensions
	char cache_filename[FILENAME_MAX+1];			// the filename to store this set

	pthread_rwlock_t rwlock;

	unsigned long counter;							// the number of times we added values to this rrd
	unsigned long counter_done;						// the number of times we added values to this rrd

	uint32_t hash;									// a simple hash on the id, to speed up searching
													// we first compare hashes, and only if the hashes are equal we do string comparisons

	uint32_t hash_name;								// a simple hash on the name

	unsigned long long usec_since_last_update;		// the time in microseconds since the last collection of data

	struct timeval last_updated;					// when this data set was last updated (updated every time the rrd_stats_done() function)
	struct timeval last_collected_time;				// when did this data set last collected values

	total_number collected_total;					// used internally to calculate percentages
	total_number last_collected_total;				// used internally to calculate percentages

	struct rrdset *next;							// linking of rrdsets

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// members for checking the data when loading from disk

	unsigned long memsize;							// how much mem we have allocated for this (without dimensions)

	char magic[sizeof(RRDSET_MAGIC) + 1];			// our magic

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// the dimensions

	avl_tree dimensions_index;						// the root of the dimensions index
	RRDDIM *dimensions;								// the actual data for every dimension
typedef struct rrdset RRDSET;

extern RRDSET *rrdset_root;
extern pthread_rwlock_t rrdset_root_rwlock;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RRD SET functions

extern char *rrdset_strncpy_name(char *to, const char *from, int length);
extern void rrdset_set_name(RRDSET *st, const char *name);

extern char *rrdset_cache_dir(const char *id);

extern void rrdset_reset(RRDSET *st);

extern RRDSET *rrdset_create(const char *type
		, const char *id
		, const char *name
		, const char *family
		, const char *context
		, const char *title
		, const char *units
		, long priority
		, int update_every
		, int chart_type);

extern void rrdset_free_all(void);
extern void rrdset_save_all(void);

extern RRDSET *rrdset_find(const char *id);
extern RRDSET *rrdset_find_bytype(const char *type, const char *id);
extern RRDSET *rrdset_find_byname(const char *name);

extern void rrdset_next_usec(RRDSET *st, unsigned long long microseconds);
extern void rrdset_next(RRDSET *st);
extern void rrdset_next_plugins(RRDSET *st);

extern unsigned long long rrdset_done(RRDSET *st);

// get the total duration in seconds of the round robin database
#define rrdset_duration(st) ((time_t)( (((st)->counter >= ((unsigned long)(st)->entries))?(unsigned long)(st)->entries:(st)->counter) * (st)->update_every ))

// get the timestamp of the last entry in the round robin database
#define rrdset_last_entry_t(st) ((time_t)(((st)->last_updated.tv_sec)))

// get the timestamp of first entry in the round robin database
#define rrdset_first_entry_t(st) ((time_t)(rrdset_last_entry_t(st) - rrdset_duration(st)))

// get the last slot updated in the round robin database
#define rrdset_last_slot(st) ((unsigned long)(((st)->current_entry == 0) ? (st)->entries - 1 : (st)->current_entry - 1))

// get the first / oldest slot updated in the round robin database
#define rrdset_first_slot(st) ((unsigned long)( (((st)->counter >= ((unsigned long)(st)->entries)) ? (unsigned long)( ((unsigned long)(st)->current_entry > 0) ? ((unsigned long)(st)->current_entry) : ((unsigned long)(st)->entries) ) - 1 : 0) ))

// get the slot of the round robin database, for the given timestamp (t)
// it always returns a valid slot, although may not be for the time requested if the time is outside the round robin database
#define rrdset_time2slot(st, t) ( \
		(  (time_t)(t) >= rrdset_last_entry_t(st))  ? ( rrdset_last_slot(st) ) : \
		( ((time_t)(t) <= rrdset_first_entry_t(st)) ?   rrdset_first_slot(st) : \
		( (rrdset_last_slot(st) >= (unsigned long)((rrdset_last_entry_t(st) - (time_t)(t)) / (unsigned long)((st)->update_every)) ) ? \
		  (rrdset_last_slot(st) -  (unsigned long)((rrdset_last_entry_t(st) - (time_t)(t)) / (unsigned long)((st)->update_every)) ) : \
		  (rrdset_last_slot(st) -  (unsigned long)((rrdset_last_entry_t(st) - (time_t)(t)) / (unsigned long)((st)->update_every)) + (unsigned long)(st)->entries ) \

// get the timestamp of a specific slot in the round robin database
#define rrdset_slot2time(st, slot) ( rrdset_last_entry_t(st) - \
		((unsigned long)(st)->update_every * ( \
				( (unsigned long)(slot) > rrdset_last_slot(st)) ? \
				( (rrdset_last_slot(st) - (unsigned long)(slot) + (unsigned long)(st)->entries) ) : \
				( (rrdset_last_slot(st) - (unsigned long)(slot)) )) \

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RRD DIMENSION functions

extern RRDDIM *rrddim_add(RRDSET *st, const char *id, const char *name, long multiplier, long divisor, int algorithm);

extern void rrddim_set_name(RRDSET *st, RRDDIM *rd, const char *name);
extern void rrddim_free(RRDSET *st, RRDDIM *rd);

extern RRDDIM *rrddim_find(RRDSET *st, const char *id);

extern int rrddim_hide(RRDSET *st, const char *id);
extern int rrddim_unhide(RRDSET *st, const char *id);

extern collected_number rrddim_set_by_pointer(RRDSET *st, RRDDIM *rd, collected_number value);
extern collected_number rrddim_set(RRDSET *st, const char *id, collected_number value);

#endif /* NETDATA_RRD_H */