language: cpp compiler: - gcc addons: hosts: - - before_install: # upgrade g++ and libstdc++ to build nghttp2 - sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test - sudo apt-add-repository --yes ppa:smspillaz/cmake-2.8.12 - sudo apt-get --yes update - sudo apt-get install --yes cmake cmake-data g++-4.8 libstdc++-4.8-dev php5-cgi wget - if [ "$CXX" = "g++" ]; then export CXX="g++-4.8"; fi - $CXX --version # for speed, pre-install deps installed in `before_script` section as ubuntu packages - sudo apt-get install -qq cpanminus libipc-signal-perl liblist-moreutils-perl libwww-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl zlib1g-dev before_script: # install libuv >= 1.0.0 (optionally required for building / testing libh2o) - curl -L | tar xzf - - (cd libuv-1.0.0 && ./ && ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && sudo make install) # install perl modules (mandatory for testing) - misc/ Net::EmptyPort - misc/ Scope::Guard - misc/ Plack - misc/ FCGI - misc/ - misc/ Starlet - misc/ JSON - misc/ Path::Tiny - misc/ Test::Exception # install the `ab` command (a.k.a. ApacheBench; optionally required for running some of the tests) - sudo apt-get install -qq apache2-utils # install nghttp2 with `--enable-app` (optionally required for running HTTP/2 tests) - sudo apt-get install -qq libev-dev - curl -L | tar xzf - - (cd nghttp2-1.4.0 && ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-threads --enable-app && make && sudo make install) - curl -L | tar xzf - - (cd curl-7.50.0 && ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-nghttp2 --disable-shared && make && sudo make install) script: - cmake -DWITH_MRUBY=ON . - make all - make check - sudo make check-as-root